牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Good habits专题练习: 单项选择1

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牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Good habits专题练习: 单项选择1_第1页
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牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Good habits专题练习: 单项选择1_第3页
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牛津译林版六年级下册Unit 2 Good habits专题练习: 单项选择1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Lets go to the theatre and _. ( )Asee a filmBwatch a videoCsee a play2 . 当你向别人问路时,但别人不知道时,你应该说:AThank you all the same.BIm sorry.CDont thank you.3 . 选出与其他两项发音不同的选项。(10分)( )(1)A.haveBmapCmake( )(2)A.drink Bmight Cpink( )(3)A.soon BfoodClook( )(4)A.nowBknowCslow( )(5)A.hearBbearCear( )(6)A.lotBnoseCpost( )(7)A.this Bthank Cmother( )(8)A.fluBuniversity Cmusic( )(9)A.letBsevenCPeter( )(10)A.headBmeatCeat4 . Mike doesnt play sports. He only _ them on TV.AseeBwatchesClooks atDFind5 . Listen! The baby _ in the next room. ( )AcryingBcriesCis crying6 . Dont run too in the street. Its dangerous(危险的). ( )AcarefullyBfastChappyDquick7 . Sarah went to the park _. ( )AtodayBnext dayCyesterday8 . Judy and Lily _ good at _.Aare; singingBare; singCis; singingDis; sing9 . Goalongthestreetandyoucanseeahospital_theleft. ( )AonBinCat10 . My key is on the floor. Can you for me? ( )Sure.Apick it upBpick up itCpick them upDpick up them11 . I get up _ six _ every morning. ( )Aat; onBon; inCat; /12 . Our school is very beautiful. ( )Really? _?AWhere is the first floorBWhat happenedCCan you show me around13 . -When_ Tom going to Beijing? ( )-Next Wednesday.AamBisCare14 . They _ all nice. ( )AinBisCare15 . 选出翻译正确的句子【小题1】祝你生日快乐!( )AHappy to you birthday!BTo your birthday happy!CHappy birthday to you!【小题2】今天晚上我将开生日聚会。( )ATonight I have birthday party.BI will have a birthday party tonight.CI birthday party tonight.【小题3】我的爸爸、妈妈和姐姐都会来。( )AMy father, mother and sister will come.BMy mother, father and sister come.CMy father and mother and sister come.【小题4】你来参加我的生日聚会吗?( )AYou will come to my birthday party.BWill you come to my birthday party?CYou come to my birthday party.16 . ( ) I have apple. apple is on the table.Aa, An Bthe, TheCan, The17 . He with his mother _ going shopping. AisBareCbeDam18 . Her father was bornthe same dayher mother.AinwithBatasConas19 . In summer hean ice cream every day.AeatingBeatsCeat20 . Listen and choose. (听录音选单词。)10%(1)( ) A.tail B.tall C.talk D.take(2)( ) A.watch B.wash C.wear D.wish(3)( ) A.30 cm B.13cm C.33cm D.31cm(4)( ) A.fly B.flew C.friend D.flown(5)( ) A.angry B.bored C.hooray D.happy21 . Miss White _ on a farm. ( )AworksBworkCworking22 . Mr Smith_swimming every weekend. But he_do it last week. ( )Agoes; didntBgoes to; didntCwent; didnt23 . 选出划线部分读音不同的单词。【小题1】AbabyBtakeCdayDcat【小题2】AflyBwhyCyellowDsky【小题3】AknowBhowCcowDnow【小题4】AhereBcheerCwhereDthere【小题5】AmumBuseCbutDbus24 . We can buy a computer in the _.Abook shopBelectrical shopCtoy shopDsports shop25 . You always do your homework late at night. Thats a_ habit.AgoodBwellCbad26 . Whens _ birthday? ( )Its today.AMikesBheChes27 . Its time_ music class. Lets sing and dance.AtoBforCtoo28 . Marys parents are very poor. She _ goes to school by bus and _ walk to school. ( )Anever; alwaysBalways; neverCsometimes; neverDusually; always29 . R_nAaBuCeDi30 . Thanks _ your present.AofBfromCforDto31 . I _my grandparents yesterday.AvisitBvisitsCvisited32 . He likes_. He usually _ stories at weekends. ( )Areading; readBread; readsCreading; readsDreads; reading33 . Whats the book _?( )AofBfromCabout34 . Did he _his mum yesterday?( )AcalledBcallingCcall35 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AbigBveryCgood36 . There is _ fruit and some vegetables in a big shop. ( )Aa fewBa littleCmanyDa lot37 . 找出不同类的单词。( )1. A. late B. early C. ship( )2. A. badB. pick C. good( )3. A. bite B. bookC. reach( )4. A. fromB. sleep C. wake( )5. A. strong B. weakC .run38 . Im very glad _ you.AseeBto seeCseeingDto seeing39 . There is a big windowthe wall.AonBunderCin40 . _ she went to the Great Wall. ( )ANext monthBTomorrowCLast summer41 . What did you do last weekend? ( )I some gifts for my friend.AhaveBbuyCbought42 . Four girls and a boy _ a computer in our class.Ahave got Bhas got Care43 . Alice often _ us _.( )Ateach; danceBteach; to danceCteaches; to dance44 . What are you going to dotomorrow?( )A今晚B明天C昨天45 . What_Amy_last weekend? ( )Adid, doBdo, doCdoes, do46 . _ is my dad. ( )AIBHeCShe47 . - Did you _ your holiday? ( )- Yes, I did.AenjoyBenjoysCenjoyedDenjoying48 . Does Tom like _ football? ( )AplayBplaysCplaying49 . What did you do there? ( )_AI rode a horse.BI want to go fishing.CI take lots of pictures.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、

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