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牛津上海版(三起)小升初模拟测试英语试卷(六)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . The little child sat a basket the front of the bike. ( )Aon; inBon; onCin; in2 . I like beef. Its. ( ) AdeliciousBsweetCyellow3 . 选出下列单词中不同类的一项:( )AkilometreBprettyCfamousDpleased4 . 选出发音不同的单词(_)1. A. street B. read C. meat D. head(_)2. A. class B. ask C. bag D. father(_)3. A. line B. like C. film D. five(_)4. A. brother B. dog C. not D. pop(_)5. A. truck B. bus C. sugar D. umbrella5 . Where_ the garden? ( )AisBareCdo6 . 选出下列汉语的正确翻译1. 你来自哪里? ( )AWhere are you from?B. Where is he from? CNice to meet youD. Whats your name?2. 今天我们这儿来了一位新朋友. ( )A. We have a new friend today.B. We have an old friend today.C. Nice to meet youD. Whats your name?3. 很高兴遇见你. ( )A. Nice to meet youB. Whats your name?C. We have a new friend today.D. We have an old friend today.4. 妇女节. ( )A. Teachers DayB. Womens Day C. Happy Woman Day D. Happy Women Day5. 妇女节快乐! ( )A. Happy Womans DayB. Happy Womens DayC. Happy Woman DayD. Happy Women Day7 . _ wants to buy a gift for _ mother.( )AHe; heBHe; hisCShe; she8 . Amy, pass _the fork, please. ( )AIBmeChis9 . What did you see _?( )AnowBevery dayCjust now10 . - What are you ? ( )- I am cleaning the room.AdoingBdoCdoes11 . -Do you have a pen? ( )-No, I.AdoBdontChave二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Li Jia. I live in Beijing. I like doing different things in different seasons. In spring, it is warm and windy. I can fly kites when it is windy. Sometimes I go hiking(去远足)with my parents. Summer is sunny and hot. So I can go swimming every day. It make me healthy and strong. Autumn is a harvest season. I like it because I can eat delicious fruit in this season. Winter is cold and snowy. When it snows,everything is white. I can play with snow, make a snowman and skate(滑冰).So I like winter best.12 . How many seasons are there in a year? ( )A. Three B. Four C. Five.13 . Li Jia can fly kites when its_ ( )A. sunny B. snowy C. windy14 . Sometimes Li Jia and her parents go hiking in _ ( )A. Winter B. spring C. summer15 . Li Jia often _ in summer. ( )A. goes swimming B. goes on a picnic C. eats ice cream16 . Li Jia likes _best. ( )A. Spring B. Autumn C. winter三、完形填空完形填空Welcome to the C_ Day! You can do many t_here. Look at_people. Theyre very active. This is Chen jie. Shes_pictures. Mike_watching insects. Amy is reading a story book. Wu Yifan is playing chess_a man. Whos the man? Hes Mr.Black, Wu Yifans math teacher. Hes a smart man. John and Sarah_taking pictures. Wheres Bai Ling? Look! Shes _there. Shes writing_report on the Childrens Day. Her sister is singing and playing_piano.17 . AhildrenBhildrensChild18 . AhingsBhingC/19 . AtheyBtheirCthese20 . AdrawingBdrawCdrawn21 . AamBisCare22 . AforBofCwith23 . AamBisCare24 . AoverBonCat25 . AaBanC/26 . AinBtheC/四、填空题27 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My grandmother _ (bring) a new pet to me yesterday.2. It was _(rain) in the morning.3. My father brought us some _(drink).4. Li Hai and I _ (fly) kites in the park yesterday.5. We _ (see) some butterflies(蝴蝶) flying in the flowers just now.6. In the afternoon, there are black _ (cloud) in the sky.7. Li Mei _ (go) to school by bike yesterday.8. Mark, its time _ (go) to bed?9. My sister also likes eating _ (dumpling).10. Look! They are flying kites _ (high) in the sky.五、排序题28 . 给下列句子排序。(_)Look at my clock. What time is it?(_)Its 4: 20. Its time for PE class.(_)Its 11:05. Its time for English class.(_)Its 8: 00. Its time to go to school. (_)Its time for lunch.(_)Its 9:45. Its time for Chinese class.(_)Its 8: 30. Its time for math class.29 . 把下列句子排成通顺的小对话。( ) Look, this is Mount Tai.( ) Whats this,Daming?( ) Yes, it is. Its very beautiful.( ) Its a book about Shandong.( ) And its very famous,too.( ) I hope to visit it.六、任务型阅读30 . 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合写“T”,否则写“F”。Miss Green is our English teacher . She is old but looks young . She isnt tall but thin . She has two big eyes , a little mouth and long yellow hair . She is strict and very kind . She likes sport . We like her very much .( ) (1)Miss Green is a math teacher .( ) (2)Miss Green is short and thin .( ) (3)Miss Green has long black hair .( ) (4)Miss Green is strict and kind .( ) (5)They like Miss Green very much .七、选内容补全对话31 . 选择合适的句子,补全对话。AWas there a supermarket before?BYes, but there was only one before. CYes, there was a small lake. DYes, and there are more buildings now. EOh! It is beautiful.A: Look at these pictures of our new city. B: 1. _A: Yes. There are more parks now. B: Were there any lakes before?A: 2. _B: Look! Here are two hospitals. A: 3. _B: 4. _A: Yes, there was. But the new one is much bigger. B: Are there more houses in the city?A: 5. _八、连词成句连词成句我最棒。(只写序号)32 . Itlongsois(!)_33 . here childrenCome(,)(.)_34 . your shortMake arms(.)_35 . eyesIthasbig(.)_36 . smallnoseItahas(.)_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、排序题1、2、六、任务型阅读1、七、选内容补全对话1、八、连词成句1、


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