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沪教版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(二十)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1. (15分) (2015七上宁波期中) 完形填空My name is Bill Clark. There are four people 1my family. I 2a sister but I dont have a brother. This is my 3. The computer is 4the desk. Books and tapes 5on the bookcase. 6is my schoolbag? Oh, 7is on my bed. My sisters room isnt 8. Her books are everywhere. Look! Here is a photo 9my family. My sister looks 10in her white jacket. We are all very happy.(1)A . at B . in C . on D . of (2)A . meet B . see C . have D . know (3)A . room B . school C . classroom D . picture (4)A . at B . on C . of D . with (5)A . is B . do C . have D . are (6)A . Who B . What C . How D . Where (7)A . it B . he C . they D . she (8)A . fun B . same C . tidy D . boring (9)A . of B . with C . to D . for (10)A . difficult B . well C . nice D . easy 二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)2. (15分) 完形填空Everyone has his dream. 1do I .In ten years, I think I will be a reporter. Ill live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai and 2in love with it last year. I think its a really beautiful city. 3 a reporter, I think Ill meet lots of interesting 4.I think Ill live in5apartment with my best friends, because I dont like living6. I will have pets. I cant have 7pets now because my mother hates them and our apartment is too small. So in ten years, Ill have many different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot. Ill probably go skating and swimming8. During the week, Ill look smart, and probably will9a suit. On weekends, Ill dress more casually. Thats my dream. Ill work 10to make it come true.(1)A . Neither B . So C . Nor D . either (2)A . were B . are C . fall D . fell (3)A . As B . For C . Like D . Because (4)A . men B . women C . people D . mans (5)A . an B . a C . the D . one (6)A . alone B . together C . lone D . lonely (7)A . some B . no C . any D . none (8)A . all day B . every day C . everyday D . anyday (9)A . dress B . wear C . put on D . dress (10)A . hardly B . freely C . hard D . free 三、 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3. (10分) (2019九上长春月考) 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。 Alice was a student in a secondary school. The school was on the other side of the street from my house. Every day. I watched her play basketball after school from my house. She played very well, much better than any other of her classmates. And she never stopped. She practised over and over again, sometimes until it was very dark. One day, I asked her, why do you practise so hard? You are playing very well.Thats because I want to play in the city basketball team, she looked at me and said proudly. But Im still not good enough. I must work hard. I was moved by her great courage. Another day, I saw her crying on the grass, instead of playing basketball. I walked across the street and sat down by her side. Why are you crying, girl? I asked.The coach of the city basketball team told me that I couldnt go on playing basketball because I was too short.But some days later, I saw her playing basketball again, practising even harder than before. I was curious(好奇的) and asked her the reason. My father told me if my dream is big enough, nothing can stop me. I was moved again.(1) Alices school was not far away from the writers home. (2) The writer was touched when he heard what Alice said in the third paragraph. (3) From the passage we know Alice was a hard-working girl. (4) Alices father told her that she was too short to go on playing basketball. (5) Alice might give up playing basketball according to the last paragraph. 4. (10分) (2019八下天台期末) 阅读理解 The film Forever Enthralled was directed by the director(导演)Chen Kaige, and famous stars acted in it, such asZhang Ziyi and Chen Hong. This film shows Mei Lanfangs life. Mei, a master of Beijing opera, grew up in a family of Beijing opera performers. He began to perform on the stage(舞台)in 1904 when he was 10 years old. He learnt his acting skills and played female roles and became highly good at singing, dancing and acting. He turned himself into a performer of almost all types of the Dan female roles.In July 1937, the Japanese army occupied(占领) Beijing. The officer of the army told Mei to perform for them and promised to give him a lot of money. Mei refused to do so, and from then on, he gave up performing on stage during the war. This made him poor until the war ended in 1945.After 1949, he made the Dan have an important place in Beijing opera through many years of hard working. In his 50-year stage life, he used new acting skills and made lots of good operas. So he became the symbol of Beijing opera.(1) The movie Forever Enthralled shows the life of_ . A . a famous actressB . a film directorC . an unknown film starD . a master of Beijing opera(2) During the war, Mei refused to appear on stage because he _. A . had a lot of other things to doB . did not like to perform Beijing operaC . had enough money to live a good lifeD . hated performing for the Japanese army(3) How does the writer mainly introduce Meis life in the passage? A . By presenting several facts.B . By discussing a point of view.C . By using a timeline of events.D . By listing a group of examples.5. (10分) 根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。BRunning is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smoking, and not taking enough exercise. Doctors tell us, Eat and drink less, dont smoke, and exercise more.Running is a good form of exercise because it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people lose weight. One 68yearold woman runs three times a week. She runs to lose weight.Running is good for health in other ways, too. Many runners say running keeps colds and other small health problems away. Running is my doctor, says one man.Running can also help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.(1) Many people enjoy running because they want to _. A . eat muchB . keep healthyC . run fastD . waste time(2) Doctors tell us _. A . not to smokeB . not to exerciseC . to drink muchD . to eat much(3) The underlined word means _ in Chinese. A . 疾病B . 体重C . 速度D . 健康(4) The third paragraph (段) shows _. A . running helps people to relaxB . many runners have a lot of health problemsC . running helps build a strong heartD . many runners have few small health problems(5) The writer mainly tells us _. A . how to runB . how to lose weightC . running is a good way to keep healthyD . running is better than doctors6. (10分) (2019益阳) 阅读材料,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Found:Some keys and a red box are in Classroom l. There is an eraser and a blue watch in the box.Are they yours? Call Laura at 356-7788.Art ClubHave nothing to do after work? Why not come to our club and learn to draw? Its fun. You can also make friends here. Call Sally at 345-1258.Time: 6: 00 p. m.-8: 00 p. m. (From Monday to Friday)Teachers WantedAre you a teacher? Are you good with children? Can you volunteer to help them with English on weekends? Come to Xinhua School. Call Robert at 378-5378.Helping DriveCant drive after drinking? I can help you. I will drive you home and keep you safe. Im a good driver. And I know the city well. Call Bob at 549-3582 at any time.(1) What color is the watch in the box? A . OrangeB . BlueC . Red(2) If Amy wants to learn to draw, _ can help her. A . LauraB . SallyC . Robert(3) People can go to the art club on _. A . Friday eveningB . Saturday eveningC . Sunday evening(4) If you want to be a teacher in Xinhua School, you can call _. A . 356-7788B . 345-1258C . 378-5378(5) Who may call Bob? A . A person who drinks.B . A person who wants to make friends.C . A person who helps children with their English.四、 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)7. (5分) (2019八上景县月考) 任务型阅读 Do you often see ants? If the weather is warm, you may see them under the stones. If it is cold, many ants will be in their house under the ground.Most of the ants are workers. They have lots of work to do. They look for food and take care of the young ants. Each family of ants has a queen ant. The queen doesnt work at all. She is important because she lays eggs. These eggs will become new ants.There are many kinds of ants in America. One kind of these is very strong. They can kill and eat elephants. They move in groups. They eat all the animals they meet while moving on their way. When these ants come near, people leave their homes.(1) You may see ants under the stones _the weather is warm. (2) They look for food and _ _ the young ants. (3) 简略回答问题 Why is the queen ant important?(4) 找出并写下第二段的主题句 (5) 将文中画线句子译成汉语 五、 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。要求写出完整单词 (共6题;共6分)8. (1分) (2019九上长春月考) Tom broke his arm by accident, so he was _ from school last week. 9. (1分) Its raining hard. _(然而), I still have to ride to school. 10. (1分) (2019桂林) Im looking f_to our summer vacation. 11. (1分) Thanks for _ (打扫)the floor. 12. (1分) (2018白云模拟) Look at the dark clouds. Its going to r_soon. 13. (1分) (2019七下双阳期末) Its a good habit for students to get to school _ time. 六、 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子(每空限填一词)(共7 (共7题;共14分)14. (2分) And the gate in front of her house is made of rocks and old glass bottles.她房子前面的门是由岩石和旧玻璃瓶制成的。 _意为由(原料)制成,后面一般接物质名词。接from则表示某物品制成后,已看不出原材料是什么,原材料在制作过程中已起了化学变化;接of表示某物品制成后,仍可看得出原材料,其原料在制作过程中仅起了物理变化。Nylon _ air, coal and water.尼龙是由空气,煤和水加工制成的。The shoes _ cloth.这鞋子是用布做的。知识拓展be made up of表示某物或某组织由一种种成分或一个个成员组成。The world _ matter.世界是由物质构成的。be made into意为把做成,主语在意义上为原材料,介词宾语在意义上为制成品。Bamboo _ paper.竹子也可以用来造纸。be made in意思是在(地点)制造,介词in后接产地。This kind of computer _ the USA.这种电脑是美国制造的。be made by意思是由制造,介词by后跟动作的执行者。This model ship _ Uncle Wang. 这个轮船模型是由王叔叔制作的。15. (2分) 不要每碰到一个你不认识的单词或短语就停下来。 Dont stop_ _ you come to a word or phrase you dont know. 16. (2分) 最重要的是学点新东西并且玩得开心。 _ _ _ thing is _ _ something new and have fun.17. (2分) (2018七上南沙期末) 我认为你是一个友善的人,我想和你交朋友。 I think you are a kind person so I want to _ _ _ you.18. (2分) (2015八上点军期中) 完成句子:根据所给汉语和句末英语单词提示完成下列句子。 (1) 我的好朋友在运动方面有天赋。(talent)。My best friend _ sports.(2) 当人们观看表演时,他们通常发挥决定冠军的作用。(role)When people watch the show, they usually _ who the winner is.(3) 真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。(reach)A true friend _ and touches your heart.(4) 朋友贵在好而不在多。(long)You dont need a lot of friends _ they are good.(5) 你能够坐得最舒适因为他们有最大的座位。(comfortable)You can sit _ because they have the biggest seats.19. (2分) 当我们遇到危险时,一定要大声呼救。We must_when were in danger20. (2分) 老师提醒我们不要穿着奇装异服。Mr. Wang often _us _ _ _ _ in strange clothes.七、 书面表达(共1题,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)21. (15分) (2020八上吴兴期末) 你校英语节正在举行有关学生观影习惯的情况调查。请完成问卷后将其写成短文,向英语节组委会投稿,分享自己的观影情况。 Movie SurveyHow often do you watch movies?3 or 4 times a year once or twice a month once a week others What kind of movies do you like? Why?action movies cartoons scary movies others Reasons: Which cinema do you like best? Why?注意:1)请根据问卷内容进行介绍,可适当发挥; 2)字数80词左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;3)文中不得出现与真实身份相关的信息。Hello, everyone! Id like to say something about my movie habits. 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1、答案:略二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)2、答案:略三、 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略四、 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)7、答案:略五、 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。要求写出完整单词 (共6题;共6分)8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略六、 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子(每空限填一词)(共7 (共7题;共14分)14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略七、 书面表达(共1题,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)21、答案:略


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