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人教版(PEP)三年级下册期末测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Big Ben is in _ and _ is there, too. ( )Athe US; Yellowstone National ParkBthe UK; the Great Barrier ReefCthe UK; Stonehenge2 . Where is the zoo? ( ) _.AOKBTurn leftCThank you3 . 选出正确的选项填在横线上I you she【小题1】_ am a pupil.【小题2】Who are _?【小题3】_ is my sister .【小题4】And _ is my teacher.【小题5】_ dont know.【小题6】So many eggs! Thank _ , chickens.4 . Mum, this is my friend, Tina. _.ANice to meet you, Tina.BGoodbye, Tina.5 . Can pandas swim? ( )Yes, they _.AcantBcouldCcan6 . Whoseare these? ( )AshoesBfootballCtoy7 . _yourPEteacher? ( )MrWhite.AWhatsBWheresCWhos8 . they workers? ( )No,theyre.AAre,farmerBIs,farmerCAre,farmers9 . ( )Sarah: Good morning, Mr. Black!Mr. Black:AHello, SarahBGood morning, Sarah. CIm Mr. BlackDGood afternoon, Sarah.10 . 选出与其他两项不同的一项:( )AfluteBmusicCpiano11 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】ArainBsnowCsunny【小题2】AwindyBrainyCcold【小题3】AwarmBhotCcloud【小题4】AdinnerBlunchCpark【小题5】AwinnerBtonightCnight【小题6】ATuesdayBSundayCtomorrow12 . nice!Thank you! ( )AWhatBHowCThis13 . Helen called me, but I_at home. ( )AwasBwerentCwasnt14 . -_ is your sister? ( )-Kitty is.AHowBWhatCWho15 . 当你给别人指路,想告诉他向左转,你应说:ATurn left.BTurn right.CGo straight.16 . -the bag?( )-Its behind the chair.AWhatsBWheres17 . Wherearethekeys?_( )ATheyareinthedoor.BItsinthedoor.CWeareinthelivingroom.18 . My favorite _ is Math. ( )AfoodBsubjectCdrink19 . What,s your uncle like?AHe,s very funny.BShe,s very active.二、情景交际20 . 老师介绍两名新同学,会怎样说?( )ABoys and girls, we have two new friends today.BMr Jones, this is Amy .Shes a new student.21 . 情景交际。AWhos that woman?BNice to meet you.CWhat about you?DThis is my mother.1. 当你向别人介绍你妈妈时,你会说:_2. 当你想知道照片上的女人是谁时,你会问:_3. 当你与他人第一次见面时,你会说:_4. 当你想知道对方的意见时,你会问:_三、填空题22 . 正确抄写下列字母。根据实际情况回答问题。23 . Can you go to school on time?_24 . How does your father go to work?_25 . Would you like to watch a football match?_26 . What are you going to do for the summer holiday?_27 . When is your birthday?_四、单词拼写28 . 综合填空What do Chinese people usually 1. e_ when Chinese New Year comes? There are different 2.k_ of “lucky” food in Chinese New Year celebrations. Almost all the Chinese people eat dumplings 3.o _New Years Day. We call them “jiaozi” in Chinese. Fish are important, too. In Chinese, “yu” means rich. We can see the whole fish on the plate, with head and tail. That stands for a good4. b_ and ending. The rice cake stands for a sweet life. Noodles stands for a 5. I_ life. Be sure not to cut them.五、任务型阅读29 . 阅读短文,判断正误。(正确写T,错误写F) Hello. Welcome to my Grandpas farm. Im Tom. Im ten. Lets visit(参观)the farm together(一起).Look, these are apple trees and orange trees. Can you see the apples and oranges? Theyre red and green. They all look great. Those are pigs and cows. Can you see the chickens and ducks over there(在那边)?Theyre under the trees. Lets go and have a look.( ) (1)Tom is on the farm.( ) (2)They can see(看见) apple trees and orange trees.( ) (3)The apples and oranges are blue and green.( ) (4)Some pigs and cows are on the farm.( ) (5)They can see(看见) some chickens and ducks.六、匹配题30 . 看问句选答语。( )1. Hello, John.( )2. How are you?( )3. Goodbye!( )4. Nice to meet you.( )5. Good morning.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、情景交际1、2、三、填空题1、2、四、单词拼写1、五、任务型阅读1、六、匹配题1、


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