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Unit 2 places (1-2 periods)Step 1 Brief summary of the unitTopics Greeting people for the first time Greeting people you already know Introducing yourself and others Saying goodbye Shaking hands Forms of addressSkills Understanding spoken directions Giving directions Understanding and giving definitions Following written instructions Writing: Writing instructionsRewriting jumbled sentences in a sensible order Project: Presenting your town using photos on a map with written directionsGrammar Numbers:Big numbersOrdinal numbersFractionsTime and date Step 2 Warm up Make a list of everything you can see in town. buildings traffic things in the street Useful ExpressionsThings in the streetbillboard, bus stop, garbage can, litter basket, level crossing, lollipop man, neon sign, news stand, parking meter, pedestrian crossing, road junction, roundabout,shop window, street light, street sign, subway station, taxi stand, traffic island, traffic lights, zebra crossingBuildingsapartment building, bakery, bank, barbershop, bookstore, bowling alley, bus terminal, caf, temple, church, cinema, convenience store, department store, fire department, gas station, hospital, house, library, museum, office building, post office, restaurant, school, shopping mall, supermarket, train stationTrafficambulance, bicycle, bulldozer, bus, car, concrete mixer, container truck, crane truck, dump truck, fire engine, jeep, minibus, motorcycle, police car, scooter, taxi, tramStep 3 Focus Link the sentences to the signs:1. Be careful. Theres a level crossing without gates ahead.2. Watch out for the pedestrians crossing the road.3. You must stop at this road junction.4. Go straight on over the roundabout.5. Look out for domestic animals.6. No cycling on this road.7. The road ends here, so be careful.8. Warning! Road works ahead so there might be traffic delays. 9. Traffic lights ahead.10. You must go right at the turn-right sign.11. You must not enter this road. Link the sentences to the signs:a. Be careful. Theres a level crossing without gates ahead.b. Watch out for the pedestrians crossing the road.c. You must stop at this road junction.d. Go straight on over the roundabout.e. Look out for domestic animals.f. No cycling on this road.g. The road ends here, so be careful.h. Warning! Road works ahead so there might be traffic delays. i. Traffic lights ahead.j. You must go right at the turn-right sign.k. You must not enter this road.Step 4 Text study (A)1. Go through the text and then answer questions1. How did Max get to Liverpool?2. Where did Max want to go?3. How long did Max walk before he asked somebody for help?4. Why could the first person not help Max?5. Who could help him?6. Where did the person tell him to go?Key pointsLiverpool n. 利物浦 youth hostel 青年旅馆converted warehouse 经过改建的仓库dock n. 码头,船坞postcode n. 邮政编码tourist information office 旅游问讯处surprise v. find, catch someone when they are not expecting it 使措手不及roundabout n. 环形交通枢纽upside down with the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top 颠倒地instead of in place of 而不是turning n. 转弯处Step 5 AssignmentUnit 2 Places (3-4 periods)Step 1 Revision Review what they have learnt in the last class by as asking some questions and summarizing the key points and the difficult points.1. Check the homework assigned last time.2. Asking any questions from the students. Step 2 Warm upWork in pairs. There are 5 expressions in the box that have not been used. Make sentences with them. Friendly inagood/badmood relaxed kind gladStep 3 Text study (B)1.Background Information(1)youth hostel Youth hostel is a kind of supervised shelter providing inexpensive overnight accommodation, particularly for young people. Hostels range from simple accommodations in a farm house to hotels able to house several hundred guests for days at a time. They are located in many parts of the world, usually in scenic areas. People who lodge in youth hostels often cook their own meals, make their own beds, and do other light work. In return they receive temporary accommodation at much cheaper price. (2)tourist information officeA tourist information office may also be called as visitor center,visitor information center or information center. It providesvisitors or travelers with necessary information about the areas attractions,lodgings,maps, and other items relevant to tourism. Often, these centers or tourist information offices are operated at the airport, railway stationor otherport of entry. 2.Directions: Asking for and giving directions. Work with a partner.a. Partner A wants to go to the post office. Partner B gives directions.b. Partner B wants to go to the police station. Partner A gives directions. 3.Key pointsHe had enjoyed the 300-mile train journey through the countryside, but now came the difficult bit. : The train went 300 miles through the countryside and Max had a wonderful trip, but then he found himself in a little trouble. It gave the address as Tabley Street with the postcode L1 8EE which was, of course, of no real use to him.: From the guide book, Max learnt the youth hostel was in Tabley Street and the postcode was L1 8EE. But this information is useless to Max since he was totally a stranger here. converted warehouse 经过改建的仓库 e.g. This brewery in a converted warehouse also has an excellent wine list and is great for pizza. 这家由仓库改成的酿酒厂还有各种上好的葡萄酒,配上比萨饼,味道妙不可言。There are a unique blend of shops and galleries tucked away in a converted warehouse in the heart of the city.市中心一座经过改建的仓库里汇聚了众多独特的小店和画廊。tourist information office where visitors to a city can get information 旅游问讯处e.g. We are looking for experienced personnel for our tourist information office.我们正在为我们的旅游问讯处寻求有经验的人员。How do I get to the tourist information office? 请问如何前往旅游信息问讯处?roundabout n. centre of a road crossing that makes traffic go in a circle 街心转盘;(交通)环岛;环形交叉路口e.g. At the roundabout, take the second exit. 到环岛后,走第二个出口。The traffic gets snarled up very often at that roundabout.在那个环形路的交叉口,交通时常发生阻塞。upside down on its head 倒置地;颠倒地e.g.The painting was hung upside down. 油画挂倒了。Walter held the bag by the corners and shook it upside down. 沃尔特捏住包的外角,把它倒过来晃了晃。turn sth. upside down彻底搜查;把翻个底朝天; 彻底改变,完全搅乱(体制或生活方式)e.g.They hadnt found a scrap of evidence though they had turned his flat upside down. 他们虽然把他的公寓翻了个底朝天,却没有找到一丝证据。He felt too shocked to move. His world had been turnedupside down. 他惊呆了。他的世界已经完全被打乱了。Step 4 AssignmentUnit 2 Places (5-6 periods)Step1RevisionReview what they have learnt in the last class by as asking some questions and summarizing the key points and the difficult points.1. Check the homework assigned last time.2. Asking any questions from the students.Step2Speaking1. Directions: Go straight on past the cinema and the department store is on your left.: A Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the nearest department store, please?B Sure. Take the second street on the left. Thats High Street. Go straight on past the cinema and the department store is on your left.A Thanks. Goodbye.B Youre welcome. Bye.2. Language summary: asking ways1. Excuse me. Is there a department store near here?2. Excuse me. Im looking for a post office. Can you help me, please?3. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?4. Take the first road on the left.5. Turn right at the second road into Liverpool Street.6. Go straight on to the next traffic lights. Then turn right into High Street.7. Go straight on over the crossing and the museum is on your left.8. Theres a department store on the corner of Bath Street and Bank Lane.9. The post office is opposite the church in Barnes Road.10. Thank you very much. Goodbye.11. Youre welcome. Goodbye.12. Dont mention it. Bye now.Step3Listening1. Directions: Asking for directionsA Excuse me. Can you help me, please? Im looking for the tourist information office.B Im sorry. I cant help you. Im a stranger here myself.A Right. OK.B Why dont you ask in that shop over there? They sell souvenirs.A Good idea. Thanks.B Dont mention it. Goodbye.2. Directions: An interview with Wing Kei WongInterviewerWhy 1888?Wing Kei WongIt is the number of photos in the mosaic and its a good number for Chinese people. Eight is a good number in Chinese it symbolises good luck, so a triple eight is especially lucky. The number one, in Cantonese, sounds like the word for “every day”. I hope that itll bring Chinatown good fortune every day! And, of course, it was unveiled on the 18th of August 2008.InterviewerWhat do you want people to take away from ?Wing Kei WongI want people to take a whole experience away from seeing 1888. Its going to be a journey of discovery for a start, its location isnt obvious from the busiest area of Chinatown, although you can see it when youre walking from Gerrard Street to Shaftesbury Avenue. You have to walk past a lot of things to find it. Then, when you find it, youll see the rice bowl is surrounded by a golden glow and, by walking up to it, you can see all of the different stories in the color pictures of the rice bowl and the sepia-toned pictures in the background. Each picture will be around the same size as a regular photograph so, if you sent a picture in, you should be able to find yourself as well.Step4AssignmentsUnit 2 Places (7-8 periods)Step1RevisionReview what they have learnt in the last class by as asking some questions and summarizing the key points and the difficult points.1. Check the homework assigned last time.2. Asking any questions from the students.Step2Writing1. Directions: Work with a partner. Use the map. Write instructions on how to get to a place on the map. Can your partner follow your instructions and were your instructions correct?2. Directions: Betty has invited her friend Rhonda to her house. Read what she wrote in her email.Hi Rhonda, Im looking forward to seeing you on Thursday. I thought I would give you some directions so you can find my house. OK, so when you leave the station, take the first road on the right. That is Beech Road. Go straight down Beech Road until you see a letterbox on your right. Take the next left after the letterbox and now you will be in Northfield Road. Go straight on until you get to the traffic lights. Turn right at the traffic lights and then take the third road on your left. Take the next road right. That should be Ponder Street. My house in number 35. You cant miss it as there is a red telephone box in the garden! See you at about 3 oclock. Best wishes, BettyTop 10 strategies for writing effective emails:1. Write a meaningful subjectline.2. Keep the messagefocused.3. Avoid attachments.4. Identifyyourself clearly.5. Be kind. Dont flame.6. Proofread.7. Dont assume privacy.8. Distinguishbetween formal and informal situations.9. Respond promptly.10. Show respectand restraint.Step3GrammarNumbers(数词)一、关于大数字读法1. 百位数与十位数或个位数之间通常用and连接,如:208读作two hundred and eight2. 千位数与百位数之间不必用and连接,如:5,500读作five thousand, five hundred3. 五位以上数字要用thousand(千)和million(百万)为单位来表示(因为英语没有“万”和“亿”这两个词),如:500,000读作five hundred thousand / half a million二、关于序数词读法基数词表示数目,序数词表示顺序。基数词都有其相应的序数词。大多数序数词是由基数词加-th构成,如: four fourth以y结尾的基数词变为序数词时,先把y变i,再加-eth,如: twenty twentieth以下几个序数词采用不规则形式: one first(可略作1st) two second(可略作2nd) three third(可略作3rd) five fifth(可略作5th) eight eighth,nine ninth,twelve twelfth 如: 第21/21st读作twenty-first三、关于分数、百分数、小数读法1. 分数由基数词和序数词组合而成:分子由基数词表示,分母由序数词表示。当分子为1时,读时分母是单数形式,当分子大于1时,读时分母呈复数形式,如: 1/3读作a/one third 2/3读作two thirds2. 百分数由基数词加百分号%合成。百分号的英语文字形式是percent(或per cent),读作/psent/。如: 5%读作five percent 100%读作(a/one) hundred percent3. 小数由基数词+小数点构成。小数点point读作/pnt/。小数点以前的数按基数词的规则读,小数点以后的数按个位基数词依次读出,如: 0.25读作(zero) point two five 5.25读作five point two five四、关于时刻读法1. 24小时编时制时刻读法如下: 10.30读作ten thirty 13.52读作thirteen fifty-two 22.05读作twenty-two o five2. 12小时编时制时刻读法如下: 8:15读作(a) quarter past eight(或eight fifteen) 9:45读作(a) quarter to ten(或nine forty-five) 4:30读作half past four(或four thirty)比较英国英语(BrE)和美国英语(AmE)的时刻读法: 5:45 (a) quarter to six (BrE) (a) quarter to/of six (AmE) 2:15 (a) quarter past two (BrE) (a) quarter after two (AmE) 五、关于年月日读法1. 年份读法如下: 1816读作eighteen sixteen 1905读作nineteen o five 2010读作two thousand and ten2. 日期的写法和读法英美有所不同,如: 2010年5月4日,英国英语写作4(th) May, 2010(即日、月、年),读作the fourth of May, two thousand and ten;美国英语则写作May 4, 2010(即月、日、年),读作May the fourth, two thousand and ten。Step4Assignment


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