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牛津上海版(三起)六年级上册期末质量监测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Slow down and stop at a_light.( )AgreenBredCyellow2 . This is our new computer. Mum it. ( )AboughtBbuysCbuy3 . What does that sign mean?_. ( )AIt means you must keep from the grassBIt means you must keep off the grassCThey mean you shouldnt keep off the grassDThey mean you should keep from the grass4 . What do you have _ your office? ( )AofBinCon5 . I am looking the new book. ( )AtoBforCwith6 . Can you tell me more about _?( )AChina festivalBChina festivalsCChinese festivals7 . His full name is Jim Auan Green. So his family name is _. ( )AJimBAuanCJim AuanDGreen给句子选择正确的图片。8 . Mybrotherisabasketballplayer. ( )AB9 . Tinahaslongblackhair. ( )AB10 . -Wherearetheballs? ( )-Theyreunderthe bed.AB11 . -Issheinthekitchen? ( )-Yes,sheis.AB12 . Wouldyoulikesomenoodles? ( )ABRead and find. (火眼金睛找不同。)13 . AdogBlegCbird14 . ApigBbigCfat15 . AwhatBthisCthat16 . AarmBfootCtiger17 . AredBmonkeyCwhite18 . - Where is Sydney?( )- Its in _.AThe USBthe UKCJapanDAustralia19 . These stamps are from _. ( )AEnglishBChineseCthe UK选出每组不同类的单词。20 . AsunnyBrainyCweather21 . AcoolBoldCcold22 . AblueBcolourCred23 . ANew YorkBSydneyCChina24 . AweatherBwarmChot25 . Have you _ a test today?( )AgotBgettingCgets26 . _ is not in the US. Its in Australia. The view there is very beautiful. ( )ANiagara FallsBthe Grand CanyonCthe Great Barrier Reef27 . - What can Jill do? ( )-AHe can jump.BShe can draw.CI can swim.二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的选项。Bob and Jim once worked in the same factory. One day, Bob lent Jim ten dollars, but then Jim left his work and went to work in another town without giving back the money.Bob didnt see Jim for a year. And at that time he knew that Jim was in another town and staying at a hotel (旅馆) .So he went there to look for him late in the evening.When he got to Jims room, he saw his shoes near the door. “Well, he must be in,” he thought and knocked at the door. There was no answer. He knocked again and said, “I know you are in, Jim. Your shoes are out here.”“Ive gone out in my boots (靴子),” answered Jim.28 . How much did Bob lend Jim? ( )ATen dollars.BSix dollars.CFive dollars.29 . Did Jim give back the money before he went to another town? ( )AYes, he did.BNo, he didntCWe dont know.30 . Where did Jim live in that town? ( )AHe lived in his friends home.BHe lived in a hotel.CHe lived in the factory.31 . Why did Bob think Jim must be in the room? ( )AHe just guessed.BHe saw Jim in the room.CHe saw his shoes near the door.32 . Was Jim in the room? ( )AYes, he was in his home.BNo, he wasnt in the room.CYes, he was in the room.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Mr. Li is now at his desk. He is reading a book in his room.On the left side of his desk there are some flowers and some books. On the right side there is a light and a cup. There is a photo in the middle of his desk.Now Mrs. Li is coming to him. She has a book in her hand. Shes going to give it to Mr. Zhang.On the wall there is a map of China and two pictures. Mr. Li likes those pictures very much. But his wife doesnt like them at all.33 . What does the desk have on the left side? ( )A. Some flowers. B. Some books. C. A and B.34 . What does Mrs. Li have in her hand? ( )A. A book. B. A map of China. C. A cup.35 . How many pictures are there on the wall? ( )A. A light and a cup. B. A map of China and two pictures.C. Some flowers and some books.三、完形填空Last weekend my parents and I went to the zoo. Here are lots of _ in it. First, I _ many monkeys. They were _ trees. Then we saw two _One is the mother panda._ is the baby panda. The mother is _ and bigger _ the baby panda. The baby panda is very cute. At last, we went to _ house. Wow, so many dogs. They are lovely and _ to us. Oh, what a funny _.36 . AanimalsBmonkeysCpandas37 . AcaughtBsawCbuy38 . AeatingBcatchingCclimbing39 . ApandaBpandasCpandas40 . AThe otherBOtherCAnother41 . AthinnerBfatterCfunnier42 . AthatBthanCthen43 . AdogsBdogsCdogs44 . AkindBsadCstrict45 . AparkBzooCanimal四、填空题46 . 根据语境,选择恰当的单词或短语填写在横线上。1. There are_ books in the big bag.2. We _ at English.3. A: Whats ten _ two? B: Its twelve .4. Im going to help _ .5. A: _is she? B: Shes Lingling .五、任务型阅读47 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。American schools begin in September. There are two terms in a school year(学年). The first term is from September to January and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are 17 or 18 years old when they finish middle school. Middle school students have 4 or 5 subjects each term. After class they do many interesting things.( ) 1. There are two terms in a school year in America.( ) 2. The first term is from January to June.( ) 3. March is in the second term.( ) 4. Most children go to school at the age of 5.( ) 5. They have 9 subjects in middle school each term.六、判断题48 . 判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用表示,不同的用表示。(_) 1. naughty daughter (_) 2. nurse skirt (_) 3. everyenough(_) 4. drop north(_) 5. twice place(_) 6. changes school七、选内容补全对话选择方框中的句子补全对话,并把正确答案的字母代号写在相应的横线上。AYoure welcome.BCan I help you?CGoodbye.DHow much is it?EYes, please.A: Good morning. 49 . B: I want some milk. 50 . A: Its five yuan. Do you want some bread?B: 51 . And I want an egg, too.A: OK! Here you are.B: Thank you so much!A: 52 . Bye-bye.B: 53 . 选出最佳答案,补全对话。AI often read books and play computer games.BCertainly.CFish. Its tasty and healthy.DYou are welcome.EYes, I do.Reporter: Hello, Miss Wu. Can I ask you some questions? Miss Wu:54 . Reporter: What do you do on the weekend?Miss Wu:55 . .Sometimes I go shopping.Reporter: Do you like apples?Miss Wu: 56 . Reporter: Whats your favourite food?Miss Wu:57 . Reporter: Thank you , Miss Wu.Miss Wu:58 . 八、书面表达59 . 写作。同学们,假如你是Doctor Li。请给没有良好的生活习惯的Gogo写一封回信,给他提出一些合理的健康饮食及运动的建议。_ _ _ _ _ _ _60 . 参考下列图片,写出三句或以上与图片内容有关的、完整的英文句子。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、判断题1、七、选内容补全对话1、2、八、书面表达1、2、


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