外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module3 单元测试卷

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外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module3 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、填空题1 . 根据课文内容选词填空。beautiful pink helpful Dad cheap emails1. _bought a computer for Amy. 2. Amys computer isnt expensive. Its_, but its_.3. What colour is Amys computer?Its_. 4. Grandmas computer isnt beautiful, but its_. 5. Amy can send_ to her grandma.二、排序题2 . 根据情景重新排列下列句子,编成对话,并将数字填入括号里。( ) Oh, tomorrow is our sports day. ( ) Im going to do the high jump. ( ) Whats the date today?( ) Yes. How about you?( ) Its October 10th. ( ) Great! Are you going to run a race?三、阅读回答问题3 . 阅读短文,回答下列问题。Hello, Im Helen. Im twelve years old. Im in Garden Primary School. Jane is my classmate. Were good friends. Ive got a green bicycle. Its new. I often ride the bicycle to go out and play. Today is Sunday. Jane and I go to visit Aunt Wang by bicycle. She lives in Pudong. She works in a hospital. She likes to make sick people better. She works very hard. Its 5: 45 now. Its dark outside. We must say goodbye to Aunt Wang.【小题1】What has Helen got? _【小题2】What day is it today? _【小题3】How do Jane and Helen go to visit Aunt Wang?_【小题4】Where does Aunt Wang live? _【小题5】Does Aunt Wang work in a school? _四、英译汉4 . 将下列单词翻译成汉语1. Seasons(季节): winter autumn summer spring_2. Weather(天气): cold cool hot warm _5 . 写出下列单词的汉语意思1. enjoy traveling by train_2. take the taxi to the airport _3. walk to the library _4. take the bus to the subway station_5. ride a bike to a shopping center_6. over there_7. had better _8. tomorrow morning _9. every morning _10. come to school _11. this summer _12. famous for its sandy beach _13. go swimming _14. in the sea _15. every day _6 . 英译汉:What book have you got?_7 . We climbed up the Great Wall. _8 . 英译汉:No, it is a monster._五、汉译英9 . 根据汉语意思补全句子:动物园在我们城市的南部。The zoo is _the _of our city汉译英。10 . 妈妈打算明天给我买新衣服。_11 . 你会做汤圆吗?_12 . 圣诞节快到了。_13 . 看,他们正在看烟花。_14 . 除夕夜,我们一家人将在在一起吃饭。_根据汉语意思,补全英语句子。15 . “你好吗?” “我很好。”- _ are you? -Im very_.16 . 我们在长城。We were _ the Great _.17 . 她住在伦敦。She _ London.18 . 尽快给我回信。_ to me _.19 . 告诉我你朋友的一些情况。_ me about your _.20 . 词组默写。1.骑自行车_2.太年轻_3.坐在篮子里_4.我不这样认为。_5.穿过城镇_6.远离学校_21 . 根据汉语翻译句子:We are going to eat _ (在12点半).六、英汉混合22 . 英汉互译。1.一个聪明的男孩_ 2.一个有礼貌的女孩_3.很严格_ 4.喜欢英语_5. hard -working_ 6. a helpful student_7.that young woman_ 8. English teacher _英汉互译。23 . 在操场上_24 . 一名新生_25 . 参观_26 . 在二楼_27 . 让我们再玩一次吧!_28 . on the swing_29 . a music room_30 . Lets go and have a look._31 . go home_32 . push me_七、填内容补全对话看图,填写问句或答语。33 . A: _B: I have art, PE and music on Fridays.34 . A: _B: No, my Chinese teacher is kind.35 . A: _B: I usually read books in the evening.36 . A: What can Mike do?B: _37 . A: Are there any trees in the picture?B: _38 . 根据答句将问句补充完整,一空一词:_ you got an English name? Yes, I _.八、选内容补全对话39 . 从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。AFine, thank you. BYes, its me. CHi, Sam!DYes, it is. ENo, it isnt. Its my aunt(姑姑).A: Hello, Lucy!B: _A: Lucy, how are you?B: _A: Is this your father?B: _A: And is this your mother?B: _A: Oh, thats you!B: _九、匹配题给下列句子选择相应图片。A. B. C. D. E.40 . There is a new computer.(_)41 . I like maths best. (_)42 . There are twenty-one boys in my class. (_)43 . There is a new bed in the bedroom. (_)44 . There is a fridge. (_)十、看图题看图读句子,写出句子所缺的单词(每空一词,数字用阿拉伯数字表示)。1. 2. 3.4. 5.45 . Its a _ and _ day.46 . The boys usually go to the _ on Sunday.47 . The boy usually _ at 6: 30 in the morning.48 . The boy sometimes _after school.49 . The coke and the _ are ¥6 each. So that will be ¥_ together.50 . 根据图片的内容,在横线上写出合适的单词。This is my best friend, Sue. _ is _ years old. _ birthday is on _. _ favourite _ is c_.十一、仿写对话51 . 看图,根据示例仿写句子。示例:What will you do tomorrow?I will go shopping tomorrow.1. _2. _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、填空题1、二、排序题1、三、阅读回答问题1、四、英译汉1、2、3、4、5、五、汉译英1、2、3、4、5、六、英汉混合1、2、七、填内容补全对话1、2、八、选内容补全对话1、九、匹配题1、十、看图题1、2、十一、仿写对话1、

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