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沪教版2020年中考英语语法专练(十三):非谓语动词B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I think we should _ eating too much fast food every day. Yes. Its not good for us.A . attendB . avoidC . afford2. (2分)Tina _singing and she often practises. Is her dream _ a singer?A . likes; beB . would like; to beC . likes; to be3. (2分) Are they in _ same school? Yes, they are.A . aB . anC . theD . /4. (2分)_fans would like to go to Brazil to watch the World Cup. A . Million ofB . Millions ofC . MillionsD . Many Millions5. (2分)Their mother is _ them now. A . hugB . hugingC . huggedD . hugging6. (2分)The basketball game was invented by a Canadian doctor James Naismith.A . was calledB . to callC . namedD . calling7. (2分)-Is Tom in the next room?-Well,its hard to sayBut I heard him loudly when I passed by just now A . speakB . to speakC . spokenD . speaking8. (2分)The air is badly _.And theres more water _ in the world. A . pollution, polluteB . polluted, pollutionC . pollution, pollutionD . pollute, polluted9. (2分)Listen! Can you hear someone ?A . singB . singsC . singingD . to sing10. (2分)I really like to watch the TV program I AM A SINGER. Me, too. Its one of the _ TV programs Ive ever seen.A . least boringB . least interestingC . most boringD . most interesting11. (2分)I often _my homework after my supper, but yesterday evening I _TV.A . do, watchB . did, watchedC . did, watchD . do, watched12. (2分)My husband and I enjoy _ photos. We always go out with our cameras. A . takeB . to takeC . tookD . taking13. (2分)My family and I _ in the mountains on vacation yesterday,but Sally_ at home,and she cleaned the house. A . was; wasB . were; wasC . are; amD . was; were14. (2分)There are few _ for supper. Would you please buy some carrots and cabbages on your way home? Yes, Id like to.A . meatB . eggsC . vegetables15. (2分)Good morning, madam. Can I help you?Sure. Id like for cooking.A . two cups of coffeeB . three pieces of breadC . one bowl of dumplingsD . five kilos of oil二、 语法填空 (共20题;共21分)16. (1分)Do you need _ (go) at once? 17. (1分)You cant go _ (cross) the street when the traffic lights turn red. 18. (1分)We are going to have a_(discuss) about the travel plans tonight. 19. (2分)根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空Yesterday my sister and I went_(buy)something for her birthdayShe didnt really know what_(get)but she seemed_(like)the idea of a pet,so we went to the nearest pet shopShe started _(look)around at an the animalsThe man in the shop advised her _(choose)the rabbits,but when she saw some puppies(小狗) _(play)in the box,she said she would like_(have)one of themI didnt know if we had enough money_(buy)one and I hoped my mother would want us_(have)a dog in the house,but my sister promised_(look after)it well and we had enough money,so we bought a little brown dog.20. (1分)Some programs on TV make me _ (want) to sleep. 21. (1分)Do you like pets?Yes, Im looking forward to _ (keep) my own pet cat.22. (1分)We play a part in _ (clean) the park every Sunday. 23. (1分)I want_(walk) along the Silk Road. 24. (1分)They dont use animals to do farm work any _ (many). 25. (1分)He had no choice but _ (make)up an excuse by himself. 26. (1分)How about_(go)on a school trip next week? 27. (1分)Please add some salt _your soup. (填介词或副词) 28. (1分)I watched her _(go) out of the room just now. 29. (1分)Marys mother allows her_(choose)her clothes. 30. (1分)The little girl would rather keep her worries to herself than _ (share) them with others. 31. (1分)The heavy rain prevented us from _(climb) the mountain. 32. (1分)Can you tell me how _ (use) chopsticks? 33. (1分)He was made_(sing)a song for his little sister. 34. (1分)Please pay attention to _ (pronounce) this word. 35. (1分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Dream House in California is not a house for only one child. Its a house for many _(child). Its a family. Its the future.Imagine _(live) in a hospital for many years because of illness. Imagine that one has to stay in a cold street _there is no other place to stay. These children need help. They need Dream House.Many years ago, a little girl named Collin Rose _(decide) that when she grew up, she would offer a warm home _those sick and homeless children. When she grew up, she became a nurse and made _(she) dream come true. In November 2003, Collin Rose set up Dream House.Collin Roses efforts have encouraged many people _(help) sick and homeless children.Every child should have _happy childhood. We may help make these childrens lives _(good) man before. Your small help may change their lives _(great). No help is too small. Collin Rose said.三、 翻译 (共5题;共25分)36. (5分)翻译 (1)前古巴领导人卡斯特罗于2016年11月26日平静地离开了人世,享年90岁。Former Cuban leader Castro _ November 26th, 2016, aged 90.(2)由于海上风浪极大,我们被迫缩短了旅程。We _ because of the huge wind and wave on the ocean.(3)那位著名作家的新书很有价值,已引起广大读者的关注。The new book by the famous writer is so valuable that it _.(4)你知道他的仇人们是怎样闯入他的办公室的?Do you know _?(5)我们没料到这家小小的农家乐竟提供了如此高水平的服务。We didnt expect that such a small farmhouse resort _.(6)过去这个湖占据了这个地区的五分之二。The lake _ the area.37. (5分)“这是他的书包吗?”“不,它不是。它是汤姆的。” Is_his_?No, it isnt. Its_.38. (5分)这件大衣不是在前面扣扣子。 This coat doesnt button _ _ _.39. (5分)蜡烛的数量是这个人的年龄。_ _ _ candles _ the persons age.40. (5分)把那本书递给我。 (pass)_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 语法填空 (共20题;共21分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、三、 翻译 (共5题;共25分)36-1、36-2、36-3、36-4、36-5、36-6、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、


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