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上海版初中升学考试英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)If there is something wrong with your computer, you can use _. A . myB . mineC . meD . ours2. (2分)I am not good with my friends. Could you give me some ?Sure. You could communicate with them better.A . adviceB . stampsC . messagesD . reasons3. (2分)I havent started the project A . alreadyB . justC . everD . yet4. (2分)How difficult physics is! I really want to drop(放弃) it ! you come on, you will do it better.A . As long asB . As soon asC . ThoughD . While5. (2分)Im sorry to say that I didnt _ him to become a successful writer .A . letB . makeC . hopeD . expect6. (2分)I want to visit the sick children in hospital and _.Id like to join you. I always want to help those kids.A . put them upB . set them upC . cheer them up7. (2分)The refrigerator me 5000 yuan.Mine was , only 1500 yuan.A . spent; more cheapB . spent; more cheaperC . cost; much cheapD . cost; much cheaper8. (2分)Why didnt you go to the party yesterday?Because my dog was ill. I had to it at home.A . agree withB . look afterC . think ofD . wait for9. (2分)Could you tell me_? Sorry,I have no idea.A . how old is your sonB . that he will come here soonC . whether is it fine tomorrowD . who is going to give a talk at the meeting10. (2分) _? You look really pale. Yes, I have a stomachache and I need to take some medicine.A . Whats upB . Would you like a cup of teaC . What can I do for youD . Are you joking二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Polly Cooper is a mom of two girls named Debbie and Milly. Here is what she says about them.Debbie and Milly are so 1 . Debbie is a shy girl. She enjoys doing things by 2and doesnt like to talk and play with others. Also, she is more selfish (自私的) than Milly. It is 3to ask her to share her things with others. But Debbie has her good points, too. Schoolwork is easier 4Debbie, so her exam results are better. She is also good at 5and wants to be a dancer in the. future (未来).Milly has bigger problems with her schoolwork. She doesnt like studying and doesnt 6enough time on it, so her exam results are usually worse. However, Milly is much more outgoing than Debbie. Maybe 7Milly is two years older than Debbie, she is a little more mature(成熟的).I worry about Milly because she isnt sure about her future. She doesnt know what she 8to do when she leaves school. But Im 9worried about Debbie because she isnt as happy as Milly. I dont think parents ever stop worrying about their kids and Ill 10them both when they leave home.(1)A . busy B . young C . different D . beautiful (2)A . yourself B . myself C . herself D . himself (3)A . difficult B . useful C . natural D . interesting (4)A . about B . with C . in D . for (5)A . dancing B . singing C . drawing D . writing (6)A . take B . wait C . lose D . spend (7)A . if B . or C . because D . though (8)A . Forgets B . wants C . asks D . pays (9)A . little B . less C . much D . more (10)A . miss B . show C . study D . save 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共38分)12. (10分)阅读理解 Zhao Min, ChinaI have great interest in stamps. I have started collecting many kinds of stamps since 2011. I have collected over 300 different stamps. Theyre really amazing. Julia, the USThis toy bear is my only toy. I have kept it for three years. A volunteer who came to our village gave it to me. The toy bear has become my best friend. He knows all of my secrets (秘密). Frank, EnglandLook! I have a toy gun. My uncle gave me the first toy gun when I was five. I have got twelve guns from him so far. Being a policeman like him is always my dream. We often play together on the weekend. Its really fun. Lisa, CanadaI was born on a big farm. There are a lot of horses. They are my friends. Feeding them is one of my favorite hobbies. Now Im old enough to help my father work on the farm. (1)How long has Zhao Min collected different kinds of stamps? A . For about six months.B . For about three years.C . For about eight years.D . For five years.(2)Whats Franks dream? A . Being a worker.B . Being a teacher.C . Being an actor.D . Being a policeman.(3)Whats one of Lisas favorite hobbies? A . Riding horses.B . Feeding horses.C . Playing with horses.D . Looking after horses.(4)Who has become Julias best friend? A . A toy bear.B . A volunteer.C . Her pet.D . A toy gun.(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Zhao Min has collected over 400 different stamps.B . Frank often plays with his uncle on the weekend.C . Lisa is a girl who comes from America.D . Julias friend gave her a toy bear.13. (8分)根据短文理解选择正确答案。DRecently, a solar-powered (太阳能动力的) plane took to the sky for the first time. It passed an important test on the way to travel around the world.The plane took off from an airport(飞机场)in Switzerland. It slowly rose above the fields and into the sky.“There has never been an airplane of that kind that could flynever an airplane so big, so light, using so little energy.” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project.During the 90-minute flight (飞行), the plane did several turns. It climbed nearly 1. 6 km above the countryside.Engineers(工程师) plan to test a night flight(飞行)before July. Then they will use the results(结果)of the tests to build a second plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012.“We want to fly it day and night with no fuel(燃料),” Piccard said. Piccard and pilot (飞行员)Andre Borschberg will take the plane around the world. They will make a few stops to change places and rest after a long time in the air-and to show off their airplane.The plane will fly at 70 km per hour on average(平均). That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. The pilots will keep the plane in the air for up to five days at a time. (1)The passage is probably taken from.A . a postcard(明信片)B . a newspaperC . a comic bookD . an advertisement(2)The solar-powered plane.A . is big and heavyB . uses much energyC . passed the first flight testD . will have a night flight after July(3)How long will it take the solar-powered plane to travel 140 km?A . About a day and a night.B . About 5 days.C . About 2 hours.D . About 90 minutes.(4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到) in the passage?A . During the 90 -minute flight, the solar-powered plane reached a height of 1. 6 km.B . The solar-powered plane is slower than a car and faster than a bike.C . Maybe the solar-powered plane will fly with no fuel.D . It took a long time to build the solar-powered plane.14. (20分)阅读下列材料,根据内容选择最佳答案。When Susan Chen left high school, she want to go to university. Unfortunately, her father was quite poor,and a university education cost a lot of money.Take the entrance examination, she didnt score very high marks, but she scored enough, and was offered a place at the university.“Im very proud of you, Susan,” her father said, “I must find the money for a university education for you somehow.”“But how ,Dad?” Susan asked.“Well, I can sell my car and work a lot of overtime, I can even work at two jobs if necessary. One during the day and one at night.”“Youre a generous father” Susan said.“Your future is worth the sacrifice,”he told her.The next day he sold his car and asked his boss to give him three hours overtime every day.This meant walking to work and working 12 hours a day, seven days a week, but he didnt complain. His daughters education was worth it.A year passed, Susan took her first-year examination. When the results were announced, she ran home to tell her father the news. “Dad”she said, “Ive got my examination results, youll be pleased,”“Youve passed”he exclaimed ,“guess what? Ive got the third place and won the scholarship. You can have your car back and stop working so hard.”(1)Susan Chen wanted to_when she graduated from high school.A . make some moneyB . go to university C . go to work(2)Susan Chen wanted to_when she graduated from high school.A . make some moneyB . go to university C . go to work(3)she took the entrance examination and passed it with_.A . the highest marksB . full marksC . just enough marks(4)she took the entrance examination and passed it with_.A . the highest marksB . full marksC . just enough marks(5)To pay for her university education,her father_.A . sold his carB . bought a houseC . changed his job(6)To pay for her university education,her father_.A . sold his carB . bought a houseC . changed his job(7)At the end of her first year at university,Susan_.A . bought her father a car.B . failed the examC . passed the exam.(8)At the end of her first year at university,Susan_.A . bought her father a car.B . failed the examC . passed the exam.(9)According to the story,its probably true that_.A . Susan didnt do well in her subject.B . Mr Chen was pleased to hear the newsC . Susan found a job to have her fathers car back.(10)According to the story,its probably true that_.A . Susan didnt do well in her subject.B . Mr Chen was pleased to hear the newsC . Susan found a job to have her fathers car back.四、 阅读还原。 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)任务型阅读Does someone in your family drive? Does he or she have road rage(路怒症) ? _ People are turning into monsters when they get behind the wheel of a car. _They cut in front of others, run red lights, drive above speed limits and dont consider other drivers. These kinds of behaviors can lead to an accident which may result in serious injury or even death._ Here are some tips that you can share with those who drive in your family.Keep your driving environment calm. Making your car a happy and peaceful place will help keep your road anger at bay. _ Creating a positive driving environment will help aid you in ignoring the road rage of others.Allow yourself plenty of time. Being late will make you anxious and impatient, so youll be more likely to get angry at otherdrivers or making irresponsible driving decisions that will make them angry at you. _根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应位置。A. So how can we avoid road rage?B. Road rage is a problem that is getting worse all over the world.C. They think the road belongs to them.D. Listen to music that makes you happy or that calms you down.E. Leaving yourself plenty of time will help you stay relaxed.五、 阅读填词。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的词语填空,有的需要变换形式,每个限用一次make up, give, screen, bad, choose, serious, win. all kinds of, meet, differentHey, friends! Do you know Candy Wang? You often see her on the_yes? Not long ago I interviewed (采访) this pop star. This time she_me some important information about herself. In the past, she was very shy. To overcome (克服) her shyness, she tried_ways. But they didnt work. Later she_to sing. She took it very_Every day she practiced singing and then she became a(n)_Now shes not shy anymore.I asked Candy how her life was _after she became famous (出名的). She said there were many good things, like traveling and _new people all the time. However, sometimes the best thing can also be the _thing. After I became famous, I always worried about what I said and did. I worried someone would _stories about me. I didnt have fun, said Candy.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)I met a _(奇怪的) man just now. He didnt wear shoes. 七、 完成句子。 (共1题;共12分)18. (12分)根据汉语意思完成句子(1)对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间.Im sorry lve already_so much of your valuable time(2)老师指出了我家庭作业里的许多错误.The teacher_many mistakes in my homework(3)中国以长城而闻名.China_the Great Wall(4)我们在泰山顶部可以欣赏美景.We can enjoy the_the top_Mountain Tai(5)我听到玲玲在隔壁房间里哭.I _Lingling _in the next room.八、 短文写作。 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)请根据以下要点介绍你的网友Simon,60词左右。 1. 14岁, 身高1.70米, 蓝眼睛, 短头发。2. 出生在美国, 但现在和父母住在苏州。3. 喜欢学习, 比较擅长数学。4. 热爱运动, 放学后经常和同学们一起踢足球。5. 非常喜欢中国, 认为中国朋友既有礼貌又乐于助人。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共38分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、14-6、14-7、14-8、14-9、14-10、四、 阅读还原。 (共1题;共5分)15-1、五、 阅读填词。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)17-1、七、 完成句子。 (共1题;共12分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、八、 短文写作。 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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