仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 3 English around the Word Topic 1 English is widelyspoken around the world.同步练习1(II )卷

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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 3 English around the Word Topic 1 English is widelyspoken around the world.同步练习1(II )卷_第1页
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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 3 English around the Word Topic 1 English is widelyspoken around the world.同步练习1(II )卷_第2页
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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 3 English around the Word Topic 1 English is widelyspoken around the world.同步练习1(II )卷_第3页
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第 1 页 共 14 页 仁爱科普版九年级上 Unit 3 English around the Word Topic 1 English is widelyspoken around the world 同步练习 1 II 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 根据首字母或括号中所给词的提示写出单词 共 2题 共 10分 1 5 分 2016七下 泰州期中 根据句意和汉语注释 写出单词的正确形式 每空限填一词 1 I live on the fifth floor and my sister lives on the floor 上面 2 We are going on a 宝藏 hunt this afternoon 3 Just go 径直 along the road and you ll see the bookshop on your right 4 There is too much 来往车辆 in this street every morning 5 Spring comes old 叶子 are falling down and the new ones are growing 2 5 分 根据句意及所给提示 写出正确的单词 1 Most birds are a in the daytime 2 Some people want to make more s for farms and houses 3 第 2 页 共 14 页 Where would you like to go I would like to go to the countryside because I like birds and n very much 4 We have many after school club a from 2 p m to 5 p m on Sundays 5 It is an important living area for the r red crowned cranes You can t see too many now 二 单项选择 共 20题 共 40分 3 2 分 There is no doubt that students in their study if they more praise from their teachers A will make progress will get B make progress get C will make progress get D make progress will get 4 2 分 She closed her eyes as she was very tired A although B though C so D but 5 2 分 Lucy prefers after dinner to sports to be healthy A walk play B walking play C walk playing 第 3 页 共 14 页 D walking playing 6 2 分 Chinese in many schools around the world Many people love to learn it A teaches B is teaching C has taught D is taught 7 2 分 2016七下 萧山期末 We have a job you a waiter A for as B to like C of as D with like 8 2 分 2016 襄阳 Are you going to have a part time job during the summer vacation Yes I think I shouldn t always my parents since I ve grown up A fight against B argue with C hear from D depend on 9 2 分 一 Why didn t you join in the activity last night 一 Because I had a fever A take part in B prepare for C think over 第 4 页 共 14 页 10 2 分 2017九上 上海期中 I don t think it a good idea to leave here right now You had better your mind A changing B change C to change D changed 11 2 分 This is Zhao Bincheng Zhao is his name A first B last C Chinese D English 12 2 分 2019八上 松滋期中 Of all the people why did you Tina for the job Because she is the most hard working A share B choose C wonder D seem 13 2 分 night they usually sit together talking happily but the night of last Friday they had to be busy with the work A In on B At on C In in D At at 第 5 页 共 14 页 14 2 分 2017七下 迁安期中 does your father go to work He rides his bike A Where B When C How D Why 15 2 分 2017八下 桂林期中 Our ancestors 祖先 the compass 指南针 A discovered B invent C find D invented 16 2 分 2016八上 抚宁期中 do you the book It s very interesting A What like B What think of C How think D How think of 17 2 分 2016七上 江苏月考 My father with my mother to the supermarket every Sunday A go B are going C is going 第 6 页 共 14 页 D goes 18 2 分 The population of Shanghai is than of Tianjin A larger it B more that C larger that D more it 19 2 分 He some signs asking for old bikes A put down B put up C put off D put on 20 2 分 The cleaners should not be looked down on and they are angels of the city A in some ways B all the way C on the way D by the way 21 2 分 Mr White hasn t come yet You should when he will reach here this morning A ask B asked C have asked D had asked 第 7 页 共 14 页 22 2 分 Many houses in the big fire a few days ago What a pity A were damaged B damage C were damaging D damaged 三 完形填空 共 1题 共 7分 23 7 分 China is a large country of agriculture 农业 We all know that there are more than 800 million 1 in China China starts to 2 the science of agriculture much earlier than other countries in the world While people in Europe and America were trying to shoot wild animals and birds for food farmers in China were 3 the science of agriculture For example Jia Sixie who lived in the Northern Wei period 386 534 AD was one of the farming pioneers After he finished his work in government he4 home and spent his time on research into agriculture He 5 information did experiments and learnt from the experience of farmers He wrote a book called Qi Min Yao Shu The book 6 has 110000 words is about both farming and gardening This book is 7 to be an important summary 概要 of the knowledge of farming 1 A workers B farmers C pioneers D scientists 2 A develop B grow C choose 第 8 页 共 14 页 D interest 3 A trying B working C studying D growing 4 A left B built C destroyed D returned 5 A advised B improved C collected D planted 6 A who B whom C it D which 7 第 9 页 共 14 页 A made B considered C kept D studied 四 根据首字母提示补全单词 共 1题 共 1分 24 1 分 2018八上 岳池期末 Look at the table on the right Jane jumped 最远 五 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话 其中有两项是多余的 共 1题 共 5分 25 5 分 2017七下 枣阳期中 补全对话 选择方框内合适的句子完成对话 A Hi May What do you think of Mr Cool s Clothes Store B There re lots of nice clothes in it Let s go to the store to buy skirts after school A How far is it from our school B A How do we get there B A Sorry my bike is not at school B A Great See you at the bus stop B See you A By bike B That sounds great C How long does it take 第 10 页 共 14 页 D Then let s take the bus there E I like it F Where is your bike G About six kilometers 六 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 26 10 分 2017八下 临西期中 根据短文内容 选择最佳答案 Modern Chinese use the solar calendar 阳历 as English people do But at the same time they use their own lunar calendar Each lunar year is given the name of one of these animals the rat the ox the tiger the hare the dragon the snake the horse the goat the monkey the chicken the dog and the pig This list lasts for 12 years and then starts again Each Chinese month starts on the day of the new moon And the full moon comes on the 15th day of the month The New Year always starts between January 21 and February 20 On the last day of the lunar year there is a big family dinner All members of the family except married daughters try to be present at this meal even of they have to travel many miles to reach the home of their parents Old quarrels are forgotten and everybody is happy After the dinner the children keep awake to welcome the New Year The New Year celebrations last for 15 days from the new moon to the full moon On the first day children and unmarried people go to visit their elder 1 If next year is the year of the dragon what was the name of last year A It was the year of tiger B It was the year of the hare C It was the year of snake D It was the year of the ox 2 Suppose that next Chinese New Year s Day is on 15th February when will people have their big family dinner 第 11 页 共 14 页 A On February 15 B On February 16 C On February 14 D On February 17 3 The family usually have their big family dinner at the home of A the married son B the married daughter C the unmarried son D the parents 4 People celebrate the New Year A for 15 days B from the new moon to the full moon in the first month of the lunar year C from January 21 to February 20 D both A and B 5 From this selection we know that each Chinese month is measured by A the sun s revolutions 旋转 B the moon s revolutions C the earth s revolutions D both the earth s and moon s revolutions 七 根据英文释义选择单词 共 1题 共 4分 27 4 分 从方框中选择恰当的频度副词填空 使上下两句意思相同或相近 always often sometimes never 第 12 页 共 14 页 1 I play the violin in the evening five or six times a week I play the violin in the evening 2 Mary goes to bed late seven days a week Mary goes to bed late 3 My dad doesn t go to the movies at all My dad goes to the movies 4 His mother drives to work once a week His mother usually takes the bus to work but she goes to work by car 八 根据汉语提示完成句子 共 1题 共 2分 28 2 分 你听见她说了什么 What did you her 第 13 页 共 14 页 参考答案 一 根据首字母或括号中所给词的提示写出单词 共 2题 共 10分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 二 单项选择 共 20题 共 40分 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 第 14 页 共 14 页 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 22 答案 略 三 完形填空 共 1题 共 7分 23 答案 略 四 根据首字母提示补全单词 共 1题 共 1分 24 答案 略 五 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话 其中有两项是多余的 共 1题 共 5分 25 答案 略 六 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 26 答案 略 七 根据英文释义选择单词 共 1题 共 4分 27 答案 略 八 根据汉语提示完成句子 共 1题 共 2分 28 答案 略


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