上海版八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(II )卷

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上海版八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(II )卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)I first saw him in _ evening in June. A . aB . theC . anD . /2. (2分)There _ some bottles on the table and there _some milk in them. A . are; isB . is; areC . is; isD . are; are3. (2分)Who taught to swim?NobodyShe learned it by A . her;hersB . hers;herC . her;herselfD . herself;her4. (2分)An abacus was one of in China. A . the earliest calculating machineB . the earliest calculating machinesC . an early calculating machineD . early calculating machines5. (2分)You take me to the station. My brothers taking me.A . cantB . mustntC . shouldntD . dont have to6. (2分)What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive.No, they only _ 50 yuan.A . spentB . paidC . cost7. (2分)_, are you Lucy? A . Sorry.B . Good morningC . Excuse me.D . Hello8. (2分)My name _ Wang Lingling. A . amB . isC . areD . arent9. (2分)Why are you looking for Mary in a hurry, John?The boss is wondering where she _ and how long she _ there.A . has been; has beenB . has gone; has goneC . has been; has goneD . has gone; has been10. (2分)Its generous of you to donate so much money to the poor._.A . It doesnt matterB . Youre welcomeC . Never mindD . Its my pleasure二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空 Many American people like to have their holidays in other countries. One day an American 1comes to China. This is her first time to China so she knows2. She wants to 3some friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to 4English with the American. When he sees her, he comes up and says 5 to her. Then he begins his first talk with someone 6a foreign(外国的) country. How old are you? the Chinese says. Im 7I cant tell you. Please dont ask a woman this 8. The American says. The man is surprised(感到惊讶的). He doesnt know9. Can you help10?The man doesnt know, in Western(西方的) countries,a woman sees her age(年龄) as a secret. (1)A . man B . boy C . woman D . child (2)A . somebody B . anybody C . everybody D . nobody (3)A . make B . cheer C . do D . collect (4)A . speak B . say C . talk D . tell (5)A . OK B . Hello C . Sorry D . Goodbye (6)A . in B . at C . on D . from (7)A . afraid B . happy C . worried D . sure (8)A . job B . question C . plan D . idea (9)A . what B . how C . who D . why (10)A . he B . him C . his D . himself 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)12. (8分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Fights at school sometimes happen. But how can you keep away from a fight? Heres something you can do.Be calm(冷静). Sometimes, you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson. But being angry cant solve problems. Neither can a fight. Instead, it may bring you more problems. In the school, everyone involved(卷入) in a fight will be punished, no matter who started it. There are winners in a fight.Shout loudly. If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack, turn toward the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say stop before walking away. Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down. If the person doesnt stop, cry for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby._ Your friend may ask you to join in a fight. Learn to say no. Helping him fight is not really helpful to him. If you really want to give him a hand, try to ask him to give it up. Also, you can tell him if he gets involved in a fight, he may get hurt and be punished. Then, try to learn why he wants a fight and help him find a right way to deal with the problem.(1)The underlined word attack in Paragraph 3 means _ in Chinese. A . 拥抱B . 攻击C . 阻止D . 吸引(2)Which of the following sentences can be put in the _? A . Face bravely.B . Join in a fight.C . Learn to refuse.D . Talk to someone.(3)The passage is written to _. A . help students keep away from fightsB . warn students not to fightC . advise students to help each otherD . encourage students to work hard(4)The passage is written in a/an _ tone(语气). A . sadB . angryC . seriousD . crazy13. (10分)阅读理解 The first Starbucks (星巴克) coffee shop opened in 1971 in downtown Seattle, Washington, in the United States. It was a small coffee shop that roasted its own coffee beans. The coffee shops business did well, and by 1981 there were three more Starbucks shops in Seattle.Things really began to change for the company in 1981. That year, Howard Schultz met the three men who ran Starbucks. Schultz worked in New York for a company that made kitchen equipment (设备). He noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special coffee makers and he was curious about the company. Schultz went to Seattle to see what Starbucks did, and he liked what he saw. He wanted to become part of the company. In 1982, the original (原先的) Starbucks owners hired (聘用) Schultz as the companys head of marketing.In 1983, Schultz travelled to Italy. The special atmosphere of the coffee bars there caught his eyes. To Schultz it seemed that Italians spent their daily lives in three places: home, work, and coffee bars. His experience in Italy gave Schultz a new idea for Starbucks back in Seattle.Schultz created an atmosphere for Starbucks coffee shops that was comfortable, and customers (顾客) everywhere seemed to like it. Between 1987 and 1992, Starbucks opened 150 new shopsand that was only the beginning. In fact, by the year 2000, three new Starbucks shops opened somewhere around the world every day!Today, Starbucks has thousands of shops, including shops in twenty-six countries. One thing that helps make Starbucks succeed in cities outside the United States is the way Starbucks works with local shops and restaurants. By working together with a store already in the city, Starbucks gets an understanding of customers in the city. This understanding helps Starbucks open shops in the right locations for their customers.(1)What is the main idea of this passage? A . How Starbucks has grown.B . What Starbucks makes.C . Starbucks customers.D . How Starbucks makes its coffee.(2)Which is true about Starbucks first ten years of business? A . It grew very quickly.B . It was run by Howard Schultz.C . It made special coffee makers.D . It was a small company.(3)What kind of person is Howard Schultz? A . A coffee seller in New York.B . An Italian coffee maker.C . The man who changed the company.D . One of the original owners of the company.(4)What helps Starbucks succeed in places outside the United States? A . Opening restaurants in just a few locations each year.B . Only selling locally produced coffee beans.C . Working with other major coffee making companies.D . Learning about local customers.(5)Which is the right order according to the passage? 1 One hundred and fifty new shops opened.2 Howard met three owners of Starbucks.3 Howard got a new idea for Starbucks. 4 Starbucks are popular all over the world.5 Howard was a member of a company which made kitchen equipment.A . 2,5,1,4,3B . 5,2,3,1,4C . 5,3,1,2,4D . 2,5,3,1,414. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Do you know Weibo? Do you write a Weibo? If you dont, you are “out”! Weibo means microblog. People may spend much time writing a blog, but it takes a little time to write a microblog. Why? Because every message on a microblog is less than 140 words.Microblog started in the USA. It came to China in 2009 and it has developed very fast. In 2011, the number of Chinese microbloggers grew to 300 million. Now more and more people are interested in writing microblogs. For many microblog users, it is a great way of learning the freshest news, talking with friends and sharing different kinds of information, including news, daily life, pictures, music and so on. Many stars and famous people also write microblogs and share good things with their fans.It is easy and fast to send a message on a microblog. However, this can also lead to problems and even cause panic. For example, when the big earthquake and tsunami (海啸) hit Japan in March, 2011, messages like “Salt can protect people from radiation” were hot on microblogs. It soon caused a crazy buying of salt. Later people realized it was just a rumor(谣言).In a word, microblog plays a new role in the life of Chinese people.(1)Weibo means in English.A . blogB . microC . microblogD . short message(2)How many words are there in a message on a microblog?A . 150 words.B . Less than 150 words.C . Less than 140 words.D . More than 140 words.(3)When did microblog come to China? Where did it started?A . 2009; in the USAB . 2011; in China.C . 2011; in the USAD . 2009; in China.(4)When the big earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, what microblog caused a crazy buying of salt?A . Salt can protect people.B . Salt can protect people from radiation.C . Radiation is very terrible.D . Radiation is salt.(5)The passage is mainly about .A . tsunamiB . earthquakeC . saltD . microblog四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分)阅读短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。You may think that English dictionaries have been used for many, many centuries. The spelling of English has always been a problem, but it was more of a problem in the days before a dictionary. In those days people spelt words in different ways which you might find interesting. But it made reading English much more difficult. So dictionaries were invented to encourage everybody to spell the same. In fact, an English dictionary like the kind you use today wasnt made until the time of the Qing Dynasty.The largest dictionary in the world is the Oxford English Dictionary, or OED for short. The idea for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857. Twenty-two years later, Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor of its new dictionary.Murray had not been to college. At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working in a bank. Later he became a great teacher. After Oxford gave him the job, Murray had a place built in the garden behind his house to do his work. Part of it was one metre underground. In winter he had to wear a heavy coat and put his feet in a box to keep warm. Every morning, Murray got out of bed at five oclock and worked several hours before breakfast. Often he would work by candle light into the evening.Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years. But after five years, he was still adding words for the letter A! Then others went to work with Murray, and his two daughters were among them. He worked on the dictionary until he was very old. Forty-four years later, in 1928, other editors finished it. It had more than 15,000 words in twelve books. And you thought your English dictionary was big!Notes on James Murrays lifeMurrays early lifeBorn in Scotland. He left school at 14 and became a_ worker, later a great teacher.Murrays work on OEDHe became the editor of OED in the year_.His working_ were bad:he worked in a part-underground place in the garden_ his housein winter it was terribly cold therehe often worked by candle light into the eveningThe time he spent on OED was much_ than expected.Later others and his two daughters_ him.Other information .OED was finished in the year 1928. It had over 15,000_in twelve books. It is the _dictionary in the world. Thanks to it, people can_ in the same way.For Murray, working on a dictionary wasnt only a_ ; it was a wonderful journey.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)Nobody in the office had received an_to the party. (invite) 六、 用动词的适当形式填空。 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)Tom has just told me a new way he thought of _ (remember) new words.七、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)The students of Class One, Grade Eight want to do a s_ on students daily habits. 八、 翻译题 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)David建议我多花点时间在打篮球上。 九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)亲爱的同学们,课余时间、周末、假期,你们通常都是怎样度过的呢?请以“My Free Time”为题,写一篇短文。信息提示:1).参加运动,强身健体;2).娱乐活动,放松心情;3).做家务,帮助父母;4).课外阅读,开拓视野。要点:1). 根据信息提示,把握要点,适当发挥,不逐字翻译;2).文中不得出现真实人名或校名;3).词数为70字左右。文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。My Free TimeI have lots of things to do in my free time.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)12-1、答案:略12-2、答案:略12-3、答案:略12-4、答案:略13-1、答案:略13-2、答案:略13-3、答案:略13-4、答案:略13-5、答案:略14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)15-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、六、 用动词的适当形式填空。 (共1题;共1分)17-1、七、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)18-1、八、 翻译题 (共1题;共5分)19-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20-1、

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