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七年级上学期英语(五四制)10月月考试卷(I)卷 一、 选择填空。(27分) (共27题;共27分)1. (1分) Do you know how to spell word _ napkin? Yes. It begins with _ n.A . the; aB . the; anC . a; theD . the; the2. (1分)There are all kinds of _ in the river. Tom usually gets lots of _ in summer. A . fish; fishB . fish; fishesC . fishes; fishD . fishes; fishes3. (1分)The little girl doesnt like the medicine because it tastes _. A . goodB . wellC . terribleD . sweet4. (1分) Please dont smoke here. Oh, sorry. I _it was a non-smoking areaA . knowB . knewC . dont knowD . didnt know.5. (1分)Nick is never late for work. He always gets to the office _. A . on timeB . in timeC . at timesD . by the time6. (1分)Computers are very useful. They can _ railways, planes and spaceships. A . operateB . operatingC . operated7. (1分)I like to listen to music when Im stressed out. It can always make me _ relaxed.A . feelB . feelingC . feltD . to feel8. (1分)You look very tired.I _ too late to watch the basketball game last night.A . stayed upB . put upC . woke upD . called up9. (1分)Your son used to be a homebody but now he likes outdoor activities. How did you do that? I tried many ways over and over again. , I made it.A . NextB . ThenC . Finally10. (1分) Will Mr. Black be here soon? Im not sure. Lets go and see .A . when will the train arriveB . when the train will arriveC . when the train will arrive atD . when will the train arrive at11. (1分)Linda won the maths competition yesterdayHer parents her A . are worried aboutB . are proud ofC . are patient withD . are careful with12. (1分) _ did your uncle leave his home town? Let me see. He _ for nearly 20 years.A . When; has been awayB . When; has leftC . How long; has leftD . How long; has been away13. (1分)What do you have breakfast? I eat eggs and hamburgers.A . inB . forC . onD . at14. (1分)Remember _ to my daughters dance show next Friday. Of course I will. Ill never forget _ her dance for the first time last year.A . to come, to seeB . coming, to seeC . to come, seeingD . coming, seeing15. (1分)_ taught him English. He learnt it all by himself. A . SomebodyB . AnybodyC . EverybodyD . Nobody16. (1分)Look in the mirror. What happened_ your face? Oh, theres some ink on my face.A . toB . onC . inD . with17. (1分)Hi, Jack. Nice to meet you here in Dalian.Me, too. But I _you were in Shanghai.A . thinkB . thoughtC . am thinkingD . will think18. (1分)I am worried about _ I can enter a good high school or not. Take it easy. Believe in yourself!A . thatB . whenC . whetherD . where19. (1分)We must make contributions _ the environment. A . to protectB . of protectingC . to protectingD . protect20. (1分)What did you do yesterday? _. A . I visited my auntB . Im going to visit LilyC . Id like to go to the cinemaD . I am playing table tennis21. (1分)Which singer do you like, Zhang Liangying or Zhou Bichang? _. I love their songs very much. A . AllB . NeitherC . Both22. (1分)We cant do it that waybut whether it will work is _ matter. A . otherB . anotherC . eachD . every23. (1分)Someone that is _ means he is fearless and ready to suffer danger or pain. A . strongB . braveC . rude24. (1分)The girl _to bed until very late last night. A . wentB . goC . didnt goD . don t go25. (1分)The wind is blowing strongly._ bad weather!A . WhatB . HowC . What a26. (1分) Why are you so _ these days? Because I have too much work to do.A . happyB . goodC . tiredD . healthy27. (1分)Sometimes you have to stop too much and just go where you heart takes you. A . thinkB . to thinkC . thinking二、 完形填空 (10分) (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)完形填空 Ive never had cooking classes. I learned cooking from my 1. She was really interested in 2me how to cook. When my mother got married, she couldnt cook 3. That was because my grandmother never let her stay in the 4while she was cooking.My mother did not start to cook 5she was twenty-five years old. In the beginning, it was very 6for her, and she had to take cooking classes. So she decided to teach me how to 7when I was young. She didnt want me to have the 8experience.When I was seven years old, I 9to learn cooking from my mother. Sometimes I helped 10prepare the meal, and sometimes we made the 11together according to the recipe(食谱). Now I dont 12any help to cook a meal. I can cook for 13or for a group of people, I will do the same thing 14my children together. If I am not with them one day, I 15they can take care of themselves well.(1)A . teacher B . father C . mother D . brother (2)A . teaching B . asking C . learning D . making (3)A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything (4)A . kitchen B . bathroom C . bedroom D . living room (5)A . when B . until C . while D . though (6)A . easy B . comfortable C . important D . hard (7)A . cook B . rest C . eat D . learn (8)A . different B . happy C . serious D . same (9)A . wanted B . started C . stopped D . made (10)A . me B . him C . her D . you (11)A . newspaper B . pan C . meal D . menu (12)A . need B . get C . find D . finish (13)A . herself B . yourself C . itself D . myself (14)A . about B . with C . for D . to (15)A . hope B . want C . wish D . know 三、 阅读理解(40分) (共4题;共40分)29. (10分)阅读理解 Lao She finished writing Teahouse in 1957. The play shows the lives of common people in China between 1898 and 1945. It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers. It asks us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood. Finally, it says goodbye to old Beijing and its people. The story starts in 1898 during the Qing dynasty. It continues in 1916, and finally, it brings the audience to the end of the Anti-Japanese War, in 1945. After the war, Wang loses the teahouse and dies. Lao She was born in Beijing in 1899. His mother sent him to a teachers school in Beijing and he learned to teach. From 1924 to 1929 he taught Chinese to the English in London. He wrote many plays, novels and short stories. He was named the Peoples Artist and the Great Master of Language. He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. In Lao She Teahouse today, waiters bring tea to the customers and sell them delicious Chinese food. If you like the Beijing Opera, folk(民间的) music, acrobatics(杂技) or magic shows, you can enjoy them in the teahouse. Lao She Teahouse gives a warm welcome to everyone from all over the world. (1)What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about? A . Lao She.B . Lao She Teahouse.C . The story of a teahouse.D . The play Teahouse.(2)How many years of life in China is shown in the play Teahouse? A . 57 years.B . 45 years.C . 98 years.D . 47 years.(3)When does Wang Lifa lose the teahouse? A . In 1898.B . In 1916.C . Before 1945.D . After 1945.(4)Lao She was all of the following EXCEPT . A . a boss of the teahouseB . the Peoples ArtistC . the Great Master of LanguageD . one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century(5)Who is welcome in Lao She Teahouse today? A . Only Chinese customers.B . Only foreign customers.C . Customers from home and abroad.D . Only the Beijing Opera audience.30. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误。 Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and smile all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, youll find that the whole world smiles to you. While in school, sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you ever noticed the happy smile on your teachers face when you did a good job?One day it is fine. Just before you want to go out, it suddenly starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start complaining about the weather. But dear friends, why dont you sit down and listen to the free concert that the nature offers you? And with the timely rain, crops in the fields will grow better and farmers will have a good harvest.Although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, sometimes failure cant be avoided. I think failure is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that we are afraid of it and give up hope.When we face failure, we must be confident in ourselves, draw a useful lesson from it and try our best to finish what we have to do. As a popular saying goes, Failure is the mother of success.Attitude decides everything. With an optimistic attitude, life is easy and pleasant. Lets smile to whatever we meet and the whole world will smile to us.(1)People sometimes complain the sky is always dark. (2)According to the passage, in school, the teacher will be happy if the students do the good jobs. (3)If there is timely rain, crops in the fields will grow worse. (4)When we face failure, we should give up hope. (5)The best tile of this passage is Smile and World Smile to You. 31. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 Summer English at St Clares, Oxford We offer holiday courses for teenagers in Oxford. You can improve your English, enjoy great trips and activities and make new friends of your own age.Telephone :01865 552031Website: www.Stclares.ac.uk Ages : Young children (9 - 12), Teenagers (13 - 17)Creative Arts Summer School Designed for young students with a great interest in painting, providing them with an exciting experience to explore creative pathways and develop skills for the future.Telephone :01202 363831 Website: aub.ac.uk Ages :Teenagers(14 - 15)XUK Activity Summer Camp Beautiful setting! Fantastic activities! Friendly and experienced staff! Activities include adventure, sports, drama, and more!Telephone:020 8371 9686Website: xukcamps.com Ages: Teenagers(13 - 17)YMTs Musical Theatre Summer Camps YMTs summer camps are open to anyone aged 6 - 17 looking to develop their acting, singing and dancing abilities. Join the UKs leading music theatre company!Telephone :020 8563 7725 Website: www.Youthmusictheatreuk.orgAges: Young children (6 - 12 ), Teenagers (13 - 17)Notes: explore 探索 ;staff 员工 ;drama 戏剧(1)If you are interested in painting, you may call for more information. A . 020 8371 9686B . 01202 363831C . 020 8563 7725D . 01865 552031(2)If you visit , you may get some information about drama. A . aub.ae.ukB . www.stelares.ac.ukC . xukeamps.comD . www.youthmusictheatreuk.org(3)Eight-year-old Mike can go to in the summer. A . XUK Activity Summer CampB . Creative Arts Summer SchoolC . Summer English at St Clares, OxfordD . YMTs Musical Theatre Summer Camps(4)What is special about Summer English at St Clares, Oxford? A . It is open to all ages.B . It requires creative ideas.C . It has experienced staff.D . It offers language courses.(5)Where is the text most probably from? A . A science report.B . A school introduction.C . A shopping poster.D . A website for teenagers.32. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Huge Waves Destroying Arctic Ice Faster than ExpectedIce covers much of the Arctic Ocean (北冰洋). Some pieces of ice are huge, like moving islands. As temperatures have increased, however, some of the ice has begun to disappear. Scientists have discovered huge waves (海浪) in the arctic waters.The waves were discovered by accident in May, 2010. Scientist Aleksey Marchenko and his students set out on a trip. They wanted to study the icy waters.On May 2, the ship traveled east and stopped next to a large chunk of ice around 50 miles from the small island of Hopen. Marchenko prepared to lead his students out onto the ice.We were ready to go but when I went out, I discovered many cracks (裂缝) around, he remembers.He decided to move the ship deeper into the ice to keep safe. The farther in they went, he thought, the harder the ice would become. As they pushed forward, however, the ship experienced small waves, and then bigger ones. Soon, the waves broke up the ice around the ship into thousands of smaller pieces.Within an hour, Marchenko and his team saw a wave that was about 13 feet high. The ships navigation (航行) system finally recorded the largest waves. They were more than 20 feet in height. The waves were so strong that they forced huge pieces of ice to jump up and down, breaking the ice into smaller pieces within just one hour. Scientists had never imagined that the process could happen so fast. The waves in these areas used to be small.The speed and force of the huge waves there makes it impossible to know in advance when they are coming. That could be dangerous for navigators and local communities who are unprepared for huge waves or depend on sea ice to protect them. Wildlife like polar bears and walruses that depend on sea ice to live is also in danger.Some scientists think people will soon see even bigger waves in these icy waters. As waves break up ice, the seas will become more open, and the waves will get even stronger. There are stormy times ahead.(1)When did Marchenko and his students discover huge waves in the arctic waters? (2)Why did Marchenko and his students set out on the trip? (3)What did Marchenko decide to do to keep safe? (4)How high were the largest waves recorded by the navigation system? (5)What is Paragraph 7 mainly about? 四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空(10分) (共10题;共10分)33. (1分)Thanks for your_ (invite). But Im afraid I cant go. 34. (1分)My son is much_(tall)now. The jeans he wore last year are already too short. 35. (1分)Who helped little Tony tidy up the sitting room just now? Nobody, he did it all by _. (he)36. (1分) I _ (learn) a lot from the farmers. I still remember the days when I was with them. I _ (learn) a lot from the farmers while I was on the farm.37. (1分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填3个单词)。Apart from water, tea may be the most popular drink in the world. It was invented _accident. People believe that tea was the first _(drink) about 5, 000 years ago. It is said that Shen Nong was the first person who _(discover) tea as a drink.Thousands of years later, Lu Yu _a book about tea. In his book, Lu Yu _(describe) how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. He also told people _places the finest tea was produced and what kind of water was used.Tea _(bring) to Korea and Japan during 6th _7th centuries. And it _(appear) in England about 1660s.But all in all, China is the _famous country for tea.38. (1分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填人一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 One day, the _(student)are having a painting lesson(绘画课). The teacher would like everyone _(draw)a picture. When the bell rings(铃响)for the break, Tom brings his picture _his teacher. The teacher _(have)a look at it and becomes angry, “Why do you give me a blank(空白的)paper, Tom? asks the teacher. Im sorry, sir. I draw _cat and a fish _it. says Tom. “Then _is the cat and where is the fish? asks the teacher again. I draw a fish first. When I finish drawing the cat, it _(cat)the fish. When I want to give _to you, the cat_(run)away, says Tom. 39. (1分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填3个单词)。 The olive(橄榄) tree probably first grew in southern Asia. And then it spread to the Mediterranean(地中海的) countries about 6, 000 years ago. Since then, it has been important in Mediterranean peoples _(life).The olive tree grows in rocky places and it doesnt need much water. Its fruit can _(make) into olive oil. People have used olive oil to cook dishes _centuries. But they havent only used it for _(cook). Some ancient cultures believed that it was _(use) as medicine. In modern times, people still use olive oil both for its taste and its health advantages.Olive oil has also been _important product in the business and culture of Mediterranean countries. In Ancient Greece, for example, anyone who cut down an olive tree was _(heavy) punished. Winners at the Olympic Games _(wear) wreaths(花环). They were made of olive branches(树枝). Sometimes winners were also given a prize of olive oil. People from Greece built ships so that they could use olive oil for trade. But it was the Romans _grew the olive tree in the rest of southern Europe and northern Africa.Today, olive oil is still a very valuable product. And many different kinds of olive oil _(sell) in countries all over the world.40. (1分)阅读下面材料,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1个单词。Dream House in California is not a house for only one or two children. Its a house for many _(kid). Its a family. Its the future.Imagine_(live) in a hospital for many years because of illness. Imagine that one stays in a cold street_(连词) there is no other place to stay. These children need help. _(代词)need Dream House.Many years ago, a little girl named Collin Rose_(decide) that when she grew up, she would offer a warm home_(介词) those sick and homeless children. When she grew up, she became_(冠词) nurse and made her dream come true. In November 2003, Collin Rose set up Dream House.Collin Roses efforts have_(encourage) many people to help sick and homeless children.Every child should have a happy childhood. We may help make these childrens lives_(good) than before. Your small help may_(great) change their lives. No help is too small. Collin Rose said.41. (1分)What a _(snow) day! The ground is covered with snow. 42. (1分)These young women all come from_(German)五、 句型转换。按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。(18分) (共9题;共18分)43. (2分)Does Mary like salad?(作否定回答) . No, _ _.44. (2分)We had to buy ten tickets tonight.(对画线部分提问) _ _ tickets do you have to buy?45. (2分)I have already packed my suitcase. (改为否定句) I _ packed my suitcase _.46. (2分) My father checks his email every day. (对画线部分提问) _ _ his email every day?47. (2分)Toms school is very beautiful. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Toms school _?48. (2分)My pen friend sends me the letter. (同义句转换) My pen friend _ the letter _ _.49. (2分)Tom pays 100 dollars for the toy. (改为同义句) Tom _ 100 dollars _ the toy. 50. (2分)His book is on the desk.(改为般疑问句) _ _ book on the desk?51. (2分)We have chicken for dinner. (对划线部分提问) _ _you _for dinner?六、 根据句意及所给汉语提示,用恰当的短语填空,每空一词。(5分) (共5题;共5分)52. (1分)你做的实验听起来真有趣。 The experiment you did

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