外研版(一起)英语四年级下册Module 8 单元测试卷

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外研版(一起)英语四年级下册Module 8 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . eraser on the desk is Jims.( )AAnBTheCAD/2 . What do you have_ the farm? ( )AinBunderConDat3 . There are small houses _ the village.( )AatBinCon4 . 找出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. New YorkB. Canberra C. BeijingD. Australia(_) 2. A. windB. tastyC. healthyD. yummy(_) 3. A. thirdB. twentiethC. monthD. fifth(_) 4. A. doctorB. mother C. farmerD. teacher(_) 5. A. readB. climbed C. visitedD. tired5 . _a pet hospital near here? ( )Yes, there is.AIs thisBIs thereCAre there6 . The food was different _the Chinese food _China. ( )Aas; inBfrom; inCof; at7 . Where is Mr. Wood? ( )He is _ the classroom.AinBonCbetween8 . If you _ to the party, please call me _ 1234-5678. ( )Acomes; atBare coming; inCare coming; on9 . The animals are. Do you want to help them? ( )Ain dangerBat dangerCdangerous10 . Hes my brother. ( )AB二、填空题11 . 读一读,按要求分类,把序号写在横线上。1. library 2. lunch 3. sunny 4. art room 5. dinner 6. rainy7. snowy 8. playground 9. breakfast 10. cold地点类:_三餐类:_天气类; _12 . 看图补全句子。1. The cat is _ the box.2. The cat is _ the box.3. The cat is _ the box. 4. The cat is _ the box.5. The cat is on the _.三、单词拼写13 . 看图写动词:_14 . 看图写单词1.The dog is thirsty. Look. It is_water. 2.Usually I go to Hangzhou by_. 3.Tom_a horse in the forest park yesterday. 15 . Look and write the word:r_16 . 根据图片及首字母提示补全单词: Daming wrote an English l_.17 . 根据图片提示,写出单词。( ) 1.A( ) 2.B( ) 3.C( ) 4.D( ) 5. E. 四、汉译英汉译英18 . 你必须寻找斑马线。_19 . 你必须看交通灯。_20 . 你千万不要在马路上踢足球。_21 . 你千万不要在马路上奔跑。_22 . 你必须看交通灯,并且等待绿灯。_23 . 你能看到红灯吗?_24 . 为了保证安全,你可以在人行道上等。_25 . 你也可以和其他人一起过马路。_26 . 你怎样才能安全地过马路呢?_27 . 你不能在这儿过马路。_28 . 汉译英:首先,我先写上朋友的名字。_29 . 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. 我不能和你出去了。外面正下雨呢。I _ go out _. It _ outside.2. 今天天气不错。瞧!他们正在操场上玩耍。It is _ today. Look! They _ on the playground.根据中文提示,完成下列句子30 . 你假期去了哪里?_you go_the holiday?31 . 你在那里做了什么?_you do there?32 . 你上个星期天抓到鱼了吗?_you_any_last Sunday?33 . 她上周末拜访她的阿姨了吗?_she_aunt last_?34 . 给我一条鱼。_me_.=_fish_me.五、判断题35 . 看图,在正确的句子后的括号内打“”。 (1) A.Im a dog . ( ) B.Im a cat . ( )(2) A.Hello,Amy. ( ) B.Hello,Im Amy.( ) (3) A.Its a desk . ( ) B.Its a chair . ( )(4) A.Good morning,boys.( ) B.Good morning,girls. ( )(5) A.six chairs . ( ) B.seven chairs. ( )(6) A.Sitdown,please. ( ) B.Stand up ,please. ( )(7) A.Its a panda . ( ) B.Its a panpan . ( )(8) A.point to the bird. ( ) B.point to the desk. ( )(9) A.Good morning! ( ) B.Goodbye!.( )(10) A.Hello! ( ) ( ) B.Bye-bye. ( )36 . 判断对错,图片和句子一致打T,不一致打A(_)1.This dress is orange. (_)2. The shorts are blue. (_) 3. The dress is red. (_)4. I like this blouse. (_)5. The dress is red. 37 . 判断句子与所给译文是否相符:Now class begins.现在开始上课。(_)38 . 看图,读句子,并判断正()误()。( )1. How much is the pear? Its is two yuan.( )2. Whats this? It is an orange.( )3. How much are the kites? They are fifteen yuan.( )4. How many toy bears? Fourteen.( )5. How old are you? I am nine years old.39 . Look and write(T)or(F): Its a horse. (_)根据情景判断句子正“T”误“F”。40 . 你想询问照片上的女人是谁时,应该说:Whos this man? (_)41 . 你想介绍Miss Green 是你的新老师,应该说:Shes my new teacher. (_)42 . 你想知道明明全家福上的那个胖男人是不是他的爸爸?应该说:Is she your mother? (_)43 . 你把奶奶的照片拿给朋友看,要对他说:This is my grandmother. (_)44 . 你想告诉别人照片上的女人是你的妈妈,应该说:The woman is my mother. (_)45 . 看图判断(图与文字相符画,不符画)1.The pencil box is under the desk2.The cake is on the chair3.The sweater is under the floor46 . 判断下列图文是(T)否(F)匹配:My uncle is an interviewer.(_)47 . 听音,判断对(T)错(F)。(8分)( )(1)My mother will take me to the hospital.( )(2)Lower your head.( )(3)My knee hurts.( )(4)You should go to see a doctor.48 . 看图片,然后判断句子的对()错()。( )1. I can dance. ( )2. He can swim. ( )3. He can jump.( )4. She can run. ( )5. The boy can climb.六、改错49 . 改错:Lingling dontlikelions.(_)改为_A B C下列句子中各有一处错误,请找出并改在后面横线上。50 . Thatthekitchen.(_)_A B C51 . Thereare two sofa.(_)_A B C52 . Thereisan new fridge. (_)_A B C53 . I go to sleepon the bedroom.(_)_A B C54 . There area new desk. (_)_A B C55 . 改错:Is it a bigcity then? (_)改为_A B C56 . 选出错误选项并改正:I driveacar before. (_)_A B C七、连词成句57 . 连词成句:year, every, comes, Thanksgiving (.)_58 . 连词成句:going, were, lions, the, visit, to (.)_59 . 连词成句:going, the, Im, in, plant, to, seeds, garden (.)_60 . 连词成句。1. in, is, Whose, December, birthday (?)_2. is, month, fourth, the, April (.)_3. first, is,the, New, Years, Day, January (.)_4. see, the, the, and, Do, cloud, rain, you (?)_5. rain, you, What, I, like, about (.) (?)_八、连线题61 . 对话连线。1. Whats your name?AIm eight.2. This is my friend.BMy name is Daming.3. How old are you?CHi.4. How are you?DIts a red dog.5. Whats this?EThank you.6. Happy birthday! A book for you.FIm fine.62 . 把左右栏相对应的句子连起来。1. This is my room.a. No, she isnt.2. What would you like?b. Me too.3. I like Chinese food.c. There are 37.4. Is she in the study?d. Wow! How nice!5. How many books are there on the desk? e. Id like some fish.6. Where is my seat?f. Its near the door.63 . 将下列英文句子与对应的中文翻译连接起来。64 . 将相匹配的两项用线连起来。1. Is it in our city? a. No, I havent.2. Did you see a friend? b. Of course.3. Have you got a computer? c. Yes, it is.4. Can I write to her? d. It has got no legs.5. How many legs has it got? e. No, I didnt.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、2、三、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、四、汉译英1、2、3、4、五、判断题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、六、改错1、2、3、4、七、连词成句1、2、3、4、八、连线题1、2、3、4、

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