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外研版(一起)一年级上册月考英语试卷二姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Who _ he? ( )AisBorCam2 . Does Mr. Wang _that boy? AknowBnow3 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AmyBtigerCelephant4 . Whats that? ( )_ANo, I dontBIts a fruit milkshake.5 . Go to the . Play football. ( )AlibraryBplaygroundCteachers office6 . - Is this _ dress? ( )- Yes, it is.AyouByourCI根据图片选词填空。7 . Hi, Lily. This is my new _. ( )ApenBdeskCschoolbag8 . I have an _ ( )Amaths bookBEnglish bookCChinese book9 . Mike has three _.( )Astory booksBstory bookCmaths books10 . I like winter _.( )AgoodBwellCbest.11 . How much _did your mother say? ( )AjuiceBapplesCbottlesDpears12 . We have some _ for lunch. ( )AnoodleBnoodlesCrices13 . 选出不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. right B. left C. turn(_) 2. A. fruit B. hospital C. flower shop14 . _ she like? ( )AWhatBWhatsCWhos15 . I clean my hands _ head.( )AalsoBandCor16 . Do you have a playground in your school? ( )_.AYes, it isBYes, we doCYes, I am17 . Whats the _ like in Xian? ( )Its cloudy.AweatherBtimeCdate选出不同类的一项。18 . AbedBdeskCthere19 . AclockBnewCcomputer20 . AinBfatherCgrandpa21 . AunderBbesideCand22 . AbehindBhouseCabove23 . The traffic rules are _ in every country. ( )AsameBthe sameCdifferent24 . Ive got _ email from Lingling. ( )AaBanCthe25 . Is the blue bag light? ( )_.AYes, it isBNo, it isCYes, it isnt26 . Let _ go shopping. ( )AisBusCam27 . I am Roy. I am _ boy. ( )AanBaC/28 . Does your father teach you science? ( ) AYes, I do.BYes, she does.CYes, he does.二、填空题29 . 选词填空。1. This is Danny. He is _ (wear, wearing) a T-shirt.2. She likes the black _ (trouser, trousers).3. This _ (is, are) a skirt.4. These _ (is, are) sweaters.5. _ (It, They) are yellow.30 . 读句子,选词填空。this they mother father these1. Whats _? Its a toy box.2. Look at _ beautiful flowers, _are fresh.3. She is my _, she is an English teacher.4.What is your _ doing? He is reading funny stories for us.三、判断题31 . 判断句子与所给图片是(T)否(F)相符:Point to the door. (_)32 . 判断单词是(T)否(F)同类:week Thursday Sunday (_)33 . Read and write(T)or(F):apple (_)34 . 判断图文是()否( )一致。( )1.The gloves are nice. Theyre twenty yuan.( )2.The sunglasses are expensive.( )3. Its cold, so I put on my hat.( )4. Look at the glove. Its pretty.( )5. The shirt is cheap.四、选内容补全对话补全对话A. I climbed mountains with her last Sunday.B. Is she your sister?C. What does she do on the weekend?D. Whats her name?E. Does she like English?F. We had a happy time.Peter: Hi, Amy. Look at that girl.35 . Amy: No. She is my new classmate.Peter: 36 . Amy: She is Huang Zhiyu. Her English name is Kitty.Peter: 37 . Amy: Yes. She speaks English very well.Peter: She is quite strong. 38 . Amy: She often climbs mountains. 39 . Peter: How did you feel?Amy: It was interesting. 40 . 五、连线题41 . 对话连线1. How often do you eat vegetables? a. I eat fruit three times a week.2. How often do you eat fruit? b. I eat donuts twice a day. After lunch and dinner.3. How often do you eat donuts? c. I dont like vegetables. I eat potatoes and tomatoes about twice a week.4. You need to eat more vegetables and fruit. d. Yes, An apple a day keeps doctor away!5. Vegetables and fruit is good for you. e. Thank you ! I will eat them.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、二、填空题1、2、三、判断题1、2、3、4、四、选内容补全对话1、五、连线题1、

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