人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 6 单元测试卷

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人教版(PEP)六年级下册Unit 6 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . My sister wants a teacher in the future. ( )AbeBto beCbeing2 . Whatsthis?( )AItsabanana.BYes,itis.3 . Where is Wang Bing? These crayons are for _.( )AheBherChim4 . 选出下列单词中发音不同的单词。(_) 1. A. bag B. and C. many(_) 2. A. city B. cool C. clean(_) 3. A. desk B. cry C. egg(_) 4. A. bread B. head C. have(_) 5. A. her B. farmer C. nurse5 . Jack is _ on a rock. ( )AsitsBsitingCsitting6 . What _ you _ tomorrow? ( )Ais; doingBare; doCare; going to do7 . I some exercise yesterday. ( )AdidBdoCdoes8 . People use plastic bags and bottles. ( )Ato makeBmakesCmakingDmade9 . The boy startssing.( )AtoBofCin10 . Xinghua _ fresh air and_ view is fair. ( )Ahas; itsBhave; itsChas; its11 . 选出下列词组的正确汉语意思。(_) 1. collect stamps A.集邮 B.收集报纸(_) 2. toy cars A.公共汽车 B.玩具汽车(_) 3. in the pool A.在水里 B.在水池里(_) 4. open the door A.打开门 B.关上门(_) 5. a primary school A.一所小学 B.一所中学(_) 6. a map of China A.中国地图 B. 地图属于中国二、阅读选择12 . Read and answer. 阅读下面短文,选择正确答案。Mike is seven and begins to go to school this week. Its Sunday. His mother, Mrs Smith, doesnt go to work. Mike wants to go to the zoo. He gets up at six thirty and asks his mother to take him there. After breakfast, they go to the bus stop. They are waiting for the bus at the bus stop. They want to take a No. Three bus. “Look, Mum!” cries the boy. “A No. Three bus is coming!” “No, dear,” says Mrs Smith, “It isnt No. Three bus. Its No. Twenty-one.” “Youre wrong.” Says Mike, “My teacher says two and one is three!”(1)Mike is a student of Grade _.A. One B. Two C. Three D. We dont know.(2)Mike is going to the zoo with his _.A. father B. mother C. sister D. parents(3)Mrs Smith and her son want to go to the zoo by _.A. car B. bike C. boat D. bus(4)Mike thinks _, so he is crying.A. two and one is three.B. A No. Twenty-one bus is coming.C. A No. Three bus is coming.D. He doesnt know.(5)Who is wrong?A. The teacher is. B. Mike is. C. Mrs Smith is. D. His father is.三、完形填空13 . 完形填空。A driver _ his car by the road to have a rest. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. A man came up and knocked at his window to ask the time. The driver _ his eyes and looked _ his watch. Its 8 : 05 , he said.Then he closed his eyes again. Soon another man knocked at the window and asked, “ Sir, _you have the time? The driver looked at the watch and told _ man it was 8:25.He could not have a good rest, so he wrote some words on a piece of paper and put _ on the window. It said, I have no watch. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep again. _ later, a third man _ along and saw the paper.He began knocking at the _.Hi, sir, he said, Sir, its _ now. 【小题1】AstopsBstoppingCstoppedDstop【小题2】AopenedBopensCopenDopening【小题3】AforBafterCatDaround【小题4】AdidBareCwereDdo【小题5】AaBanC/Dthe【小题6】AitBtheirsCitsDthem【小题7】AA few minutesBLittle minutesCLittle minuteDFew minute【小题8】AcomingBcameCcomeDcomes【小题9】ApaperBwallCdeskDwindow【小题10】Anine to a quarterBnine past a quarterCa quarter nineDa quarter to nine四、填空题14 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Chinese people _ (love) table tennis.2. My cousin _ (fly) kites in the park tomorrow.3. The weather is often _ (rain) in the UK.4. I know some _ (city) in Canada.5. Can you cook meat for _ (he)?6. My friend wants _ (be) a cook.7. Look! The students _ (learn) about _ (cook).8. The girls bring _ (they) things to Jacks home.9. My friend _ (read) about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia yesterday.15 . 用词的适当形式填空。1.LiMingsplane_(arrive)at6:00yesterday.2.Where_(do)thestargo?3._(one),Weputonthelights.4.LetsinviteDannytohelp_(we)putuptheChristmastree.5.Thestaralways_(go)ontop.6.Jesus_(is)aspecialbaby.7.LiMing_(bring)aChristmasgiftforJenny.8.DidSanta_(bring)gifts?9.“Whobroughtthesegifts,Jenny?”LiMing_(ask).10.Sheopensit_(quick).五、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正误,用T / F 表示。Canada is the second largest (第二大)country in the world. It is in North America (北美洲). Canada and the US are neighbours (邻国). Ottawa is the capital of Canada.There are many interesting things about Canada. It has many large rivers and lakes. Niagara Falls (瀑布)is very famous. In the northern part of the country, there is almost ice and snow all year around (全年). In the south , there are large forests. In Canada, most people speak English, but some people speak French. Many people in Canada speak both English and French.16 . Canada is the largest country. (_)17 . The US is next to Canada. (_)18 . Canada is an interesting country. (_)19 . It is cold in the northern part of Canada. (_)20 . Some people in Canada do not speak English. (_)六、句型转换21 . 按要求完成句子。1. Igotobedatsix. (改为一般疑问句)_2. Thebooksareinthebox. (改为否定句) _3. Itisfivethirty. (改为一般疑问句)_4.今天早上我们上三节课。 (翻译成英文)_5. Thatisanappleoverthere. (就划线部分提问)_七、填内容补全对话缺词填空。Russia(俄罗斯) is a big country. It has many special (特别的)customs (习俗). So if you travel there, you must k22 . about the customs there.Russian people like number one and seven. They think the t23 . numbers can bring them good luck . But they dont like number thirteen or F24 . . So there is no Room 13 in hotel(旅馆)and they never h25 . important activities on Friday or thirteenth.People in many European(欧洲的)countries dont like cat, b26 . Russian people do. If someone wants to move into a new house, the first that comes into the house must be a c27 . . They think the cat can take b28 . luck away from the room. But they dont like black cats. I29 . someone meets a black cat in the morning, he or she will have a bad day.Another interesting custom is about is c30 . . Russian people dont like yellow. They never w31 . yellow clothes in public(在公共场合) or give yellow gifts to their friends. But they like yellow sunflowers. Sunflower is the national flower of Russia.八、选内容补全对话32 . Whats the weather _ in spring? ( )Its windy.AlikeB/ClikesDliked九、匹配题匹配题。ANice to meet you.BGreat.CShe is my sister.DHe is my father.EYes, she is.33 . Whos that man? (_)34 . Is she your sister?(_)35 . This is my friend. (_)36 . Whos this girl?(_)37 . Lets watch TV.(_)十、书面表达38 . 小作文。同学们,你的周末生活丰富多彩吗?赶快用你手中的笔设计下你的周末生活吧!请用上刚学习的一般将来时,不少于5句话。My plans for the weekend_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、六、句型转换1、七、填内容补全对话1、八、选内容补全对话1、九、匹配题1、十、书面表达1、

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