外研版(一起)英语三年级下册Module 7 Unit 2练习卷

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外研版(一起)英语三年级下册Module 7 Unit 2练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I cant sleep well _ night, ( )You shouldnt drink too _ coffee.Ain, manyBat, muchCat, many2 . There are always _traffic lights.AoneBtwoCthree3 . How do you go to school? ( )I often _ the bus. But sometimes I go _ subway.Aby; takeBtake; byCby; by4 . Whats this? ( )It is an_.AcowBelephantCsheep5 . Mike is behind me. I am _Mike.( )AnearBin front ofCabove二、填空题6 . 用适当的介词填空:We bought a kilo_ apples.从方框中找到所给单词的同类词,并写在四线三格上。sixteen open beautiful bird you7 . see have8 . duck dog9 . short small10 . we I11 . one four三、匹配题12 . 看图选择。ABCD E、1. _Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is.2. _Is there a river in the park? No, there isnt. There is a lake. 3. _Is there a hill in the park? Yes, there is. 4. _Is there a mountain in the park? Yes, there is. 5. _Is there a lake in the park? No, there isnt. There is a river.四、看图题13 . 看图写单词1._ 2. _ 3. _根据图片提示,补全对话。14 . Where are they? They are at _ .15 . Where is Mary? She is at _ .16 . Whats your _ ? Its 780-435-9912.17 . Hello. Is Miss Wang _ ? Speaking.根据图片,填一填,写一写。18 . _19 . _20 . _21 . _22 . 看图,写单词。1. _2. _3. _4. _23 . 看图片,写单词。(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_根据图意,写出所缺的内容ABCDEF G. H. I. G.24 . The girl is _.25 . There is _ on the table.26 . Western people usually have their meal with_.27 . Where is Ben? I cant find him in the classroom.He is_.28 . Its windy today. We can _.29 . I have a good friend Bob. He is a robot. He can _.30 . The fish _.31 . My hobby is _.32 . It is _ outside.33 . The children want to_.五、连线题34 . 将问句和相应的答句用直线连起来。1. Where are the boys?A Yes, they ar2. Are they on the table? B Theyre in the study.3. How much is your book?C Yes. Here you are.4. Can I have some fish ? D Id like a glass of water.5. What would you like?E Eight yuan.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、填空题1、2、三、匹配题1、四、看图题1、2、3、4、5、6、五、连线题1、

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