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机场及海关常用词汇办理登机手续check-in行李托运check the luggage安检security check登机门boarding gate_号航站楼terminal _护照passport签证visa申报单declaration form行李luggage随身包/公文包bag / briefcase寄存deposit超重overweight免税店duty-free shop常用语句- May I have a seat next to the window / aisle please?我能要一个靠窗/靠过道的位置吗?- May I have a blanket / a cup of water please?能给我拿张毯子/拿杯水吗?- 海关:May I see your passport please? 我可以看一下您的护照吗?答: Sure, Here you are. 当然,给您。- 海关:Whats the purpose of your visit? 请问您此行的目的是什么?答: Its a business trip。公务出差- 海关:How long will you be staying? 你打算待多长时间?答: For _ days. 待_天。- 海关:What do you have in the bag/luggage?请问您的包/行李里有些什么?答: handphone, some clothes and some documents. 手机,一些衣服和文件。外出用餐常用词语餐厅restaurant中餐店Chinese food restaurant快餐店fast-food outlet麦当劳 Macdonald酒吧bar (一般指清吧)夜总会club (一般指闹吧)菜单menu价格price埋单pay the bill收据Receipt米饭/面包rice / bread肉扒steak辣椒酱chilli sauce / pepper sauce番茄酱ketchup醋/酱油vinegar / soy sauce盐/糖salt / sugar蔬菜/菇类vegetable / mushroom汤/沙拉soup / salad饮料(泛指)beverage矿泉水mineral water可乐/苏打水coke / soda果汁/橙汁juice / orange juice咖啡/茶coffee tea啤酒/红酒beer / wine勺子/筷子spoon / chop sticks 刀/叉子knife/fork茶杯/酒杯cup / glass 碗/盘子bowl / plate服务员/女服务员waiter / waitress小费tip饭后甜点/冰淇淋dessert / ice-cream餐巾纸/卫生纸paper napkin / tissue paper肉/猪肉/牛肉/羊肉/鸡肉/鱼肉meat / pork / beef / mutton / chicken / fish汉堡/三明治/鸡翅/薯条hamburger / sandwich / chicken wings / French fries牛奶/豆浆/鸡蛋milk / soya bean milk / egg常用语句- May I have a table for _? 可以给我找一张_个人的桌吗?- May I have the menu please? 可以把菜单拿来吗?- Would you take my order please? 可以点菜了吗?- Any recommendation? 有没有什么推荐的?- I would like to have _.我要点_。- 服务员:How would you like your steak done? 您的扒要几成熟?答:Medium well 八成熟- May I have the bill please?请埋单。- May I have the receipt please? 请把发票拿给我。酒店入住常用词汇入住/退房登记 check-in / check-out前台reception desk礼宾服务concierge房间号room number房卡room card套房suite双床房间twin-bed room 大床房间queen-bed room 可吸烟房smoking room无烟房non-smoking room咖啡厅cafeteria 自助餐buffet客房送餐服务room service清扫服务cleaning service洗衣服务laundry service叫早服务morning call service小冰箱mini bar空调air-conditioner电视TV灯 / 台灯light / lamp浴缸/淋浴喷头bath tub / shower head洗脸池/水龙头washbasin / water tap牙刷/牙膏toothbrush / tooth paste洗发液/沐浴乳shampoo / body wash拖鞋/剃须刀slippers / shaving razor香烟cigarette扑克牌poker card无线网wifi手机充电器handphone charger电源转换器power adapter常用语句- May I check-in for _ rooms please? 请帮我开_间房。- 问: How many nights would you like to stay? 您要住几晚?答:For _ nights please. 住_晚。I will check-out tomorrow. 我明天就退房。I will check-out on the day after tomorrow. 我后天退房。- Where is breakfast served? 早餐在哪里用?- May I have room service / cleaning service / laundry service please? 请帮我叫客房服务/清扫服务/洗衣服务。- There is something wrong with _, would you get it fixed please? 我房间里_有点儿问题,能帮我修好吗?(如空调、水龙头、台灯等)- May I have more _ sent to my room please? 能给我房间送点儿吗?(如洗发水、拖鞋等)- Are there any tourist spots near by? 附近有没有旅游景点?- Where can I buy some poker cards? 在哪里能买到扑克牌?- How can I access wifi in my room? 我在房间里怎么上无线网?- Are there any Chinese TV channels in the room? 房间里能看中文电视频道吗?- May I have a morning call at _oclock tomorrow morning please? 明早_点电话叫醒可以吗?- 问:Would you help me get a taxi to .? 您能帮我叫一辆去的出租车吗? 酒店:When would like to be picked up? 什么时候来接您?答: At _ oclock today / tomorrow. 今天/明天_点钟。 As soon as possible. 就这会儿。- May I check-out and deposit my luggage here?我能退房然后把行李存在这里吗?问路及购物常用词汇酒店hotel出租车taxi地铁(站)subway (station)公交车(站)bus (stop)停车场car park博物馆museum超市supermarket商场shopping mall / department store便利店convenient store卫生间washroom自动提款机ATM machine外币兑换店money changer地图map常用语句- Excuse me, may I ask./ would you ?不好意思,请问/您能不能(向陌生人提问前都应加Excuse me)- Excuse me, may I ask where is the nearest supermarket?请问最近的超市在哪里?- How can I get to this hotel? 我怎么能找到这家酒店?- Would you show me on the map please? 您能在地图上帮我指出来吗?- Would you draw a map for me please? 您能帮我画个地图吗?- Which station should I alight? 我们应该在哪站下?- Would you write down the name for me please? 您能帮我把名字写下来吗?- Which storey / floor is it on? 它在哪一层楼?- What is the opening hour of ? 的营业时间是多久?- What time is this place open until? 这里好久打烊?- How much is _?_多少钱?- Can you wrap it up as a present?可以帮我打包成礼品盒吗?

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