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鲁教版2020届九年级中考英语模拟试卷(一)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)May I have a look at the magazine China Today?Certainly. _.A . Here you areB . Its a pityC . Thank youD . Id like to2. (2分)Jessie and I _good friends A . amB . isC . areD . be3. (2分)_ name is Mike. _ is in China. A . He; HisB . His; HeC . She; HisD . Her; She4. (2分)Peter likes reading a newspaper _ he is having breakfast.A . whileB . becauseC . thoughD . until5. (2分)You park here! Look at the sign, it says No parkingSorry, I didnt notice that sign just now.A . couldntB . mustntC . neednt6. (2分)The pen is _ you. You can write with it. A . inB . onC . forD . at7. (2分)He didnt receive any higher education in the past but now he is the man in our team. A . funniestB . honestestC . ablestD . Simplest8. (2分)Sallys father _ goes to work late. Yes, he gets up early every day. A . alwaysB . reallyC . neverD . usually9. (2分)The cloth _ very soft and comfortable. A . smellsB . tastesC . feelsD . sounds10. (2分)When he_, it was early morning and it . A . got to, rainedB . reached, was rainingC . arrived, rainedD . arrived, was raining11. (2分)Would you like to go to the movie with me? Sorry, I to go out tonight.A . wont be allowedB . am allowedC . dont allowD . will allow12. (2分)_ great progress he has made during the last few months! Yes. Thats all because of his hard work.A . WhatB . HowC . What aD . How a13. (2分)noise pollution, and we can live in a quiet environment. A . PreventB . PreventingC . PreventedD . To prevent14. (2分)According to a survey, people _ are able to speak two languages can manage two things at the same time more easily. A . whichB . whomC . whoseD . who15. (2分) _ is your mother? She is fifty.A . How oldB . How ageC . HowD . How much二、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)16. (1分)完形填空 One morning,Sue was riding her bike to school. She was late,so she decided to take a short cut(捷径). But she made a mistake and1into a one-way street. The street was not very2. A car was coming from the other direction. The driver quickly drove to one side and drove into a shop window. The shop assistant was greatly3! There was4everywhere. Sue rode into the other side of the street and5a man, then an apple cart. The apple cart turned over and the apples went in all directions. A group of students were having6in a small restaurant. Quickly they ran7the street. With their help, all the apples were8and put back on the cart. Luckily,9Sue nor the driver of the cart was hurt. A policeman came by and saw what happened. He10Sue from riding to school and asked her some questions, so Sue was even later for school. (1)A . walked B . looked C . turned D . drove (2)A . wide B . narrow C . long D . deep (3)A . glad B . interested C . hungry D . frightened (4)A . grass B . glass C . trouble D . dirty (5)A . touched B . hit C . kicked D . pulled (6)A . breakfast B . lunch C . supper D . picnic (7)A . back B . from C . away D . across (8)A . broken B . picked up C . carried D . thrown away (9)A . both B . either C . neither D . none (10)A . helped B . took C . sent D . stopped 17. (1分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 You need some bread and milk. But half an hour later, you leave the supermarket with a trolley (推车) full of 1not just bread and milk. What games do supermarkets play to make us spend so much money?The tricks usually start 2you walk into the supermarket. Outside the supermarket entrance, anybody who walks past can smell warm, fresh bread. That makes us 3and ready to buy lots of food, not just bread.Now youre inside and, of course, a small basket would be fine 4all they have are trolleys. And the problem is that it 5sad and lonely with just one or two products inside a big trolley. So we may fill it with something. 6, supermarket trolleys are actually getting bigger so that we buy more.Of course, many people shop in supermarkets because they think 7is cheaper than in other shops. Supermarkets offer various prices on different things. One new trick is to put red stickers on products. Customers usually connect red stickers with 8prices so the red stickers are easy to be noticed, even when there is no reduction! 9, this trick appears to work more with men than women.Apart from what you see and smell in a supermarket, what about what you 10? In most supermarkets they have soft, slow music. Its so relaxing that you 11and spend more time (and money) in the store. You also move more 12when the supermarket is busy. Experts suggest its better to shop when its 13on a Monday or a Tuesday for example. And be careful with lines at the checkouts. These are sometimes deliberate (故意) to make you buy something from the checkout shelves when you 14.So, next time you go into your local supermarkets, remember these 15and see if you can come with just the things you went for.(1)A . clothes B . shoes C . food D . flowers (2)A . when B . before C . after D . as (3)A . thirsty B . happy C . hungry D . sad (4)A . and B . so C . then D . but (5)A . looks B . smells C . sounds D . feels (6)A . After all B . In fact C . At first D . Once again (7)A . everything B . something C . nothing D . anything (8)A . low B . half C . high D . full (9)A . Naturally B . Hopefully C . Interestingly D . Normally (10)A . see B . listen C . pay D . hear (11)A . hurry up B . sit down C . slow down D . stand up (12)A . slowly B . quickly C . happily D . carefully (13)A . busier B . quieter C . noisier D . cheaper (14)A . eat B . drink C . wait D . talk (15)A . baskets B . tricks C . trolleys D . products 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)用方框中所给的选项补全对话 A. What is it about?B. When are you going to visit it?C. But I will go to Egypt this summer.D. Listen.E. Brilliant!F. What do you think of it?G. Have a good time.A: Hi! Are you watching a video?B: Yes. It is very interesting.A: _B: Its about the Seven Wonders of the World.A: _ Have you been to one of them?B: Not yet. _ I will have a chance to visit the pyramids.A: Thats great. _B: We havent decided it Maybe next week.A: _B: Thank you.四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共49分)19. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。DIt is reported that some developed countries have shipped broken parts of computers to China. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones sent from Japan.Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with them is not an easy job. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be dealt with safely. What is worse, at present, broken computer parts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years before they are really g one in the earth.Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong Province is one of them. This town is named as the e-waste capital of the world. It has to deal with 1.5 million kilograms of e-waste each year, from which it makes 75 million yuan. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poisons in e-waste find their way into the environment. An environmental group has found the air, the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted.Luckily, the Chinese government wants to change the situation. This year, China passed a new environmental protection law. Computer companies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be solved in the near future.(1)The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from _. A . FranceB . JapanC . GermanyD . Australia(2)The underlined word buried probably means _in the passage. A . 焚烧B . 降解C . 回收D . 掩埋(3)The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from _. A . FranceB . JapanC . GermanyD . Australia(4)The town of Guiyu in Guangdong Province_. A . is the e-capital of the worldB . has serious e-waste pollutionC . deals with the e-waste safelyD . spends much money on e-waste(5)The underlined word buried probably means _in the passage. A . 焚烧B . 降解C . 回收D . 掩埋(6)This year, the Chinese government _. A . closed some computer companiesB . asked people to hand in old computersC . made a new environmental protection lawD . tried to change peoples life(7)The passage is mainly about _. A . the e-waste problem in ChinaB . the cost of burning e-wasteC . the ways to deal with e-wasteD . the need to pass a law against e-waste(8)The town of Guiyu in Guangdong Province_. A . is the e-capital of the worldB . has serious e-waste pollutionC . deals with the e-waste safelyD . spends much money on e-waste(9)This year, the Chinese government _. A . closed some computer companiesB . asked people to hand in old computersC . made a new environmental protection lawD . tried to change peoples life(10)The passage is mainly about _. A . the e-waste problem in ChinaB . the cost of burning e-wasteC . the ways to deal with e-wasteD . the need to pass a law against e-waste20. (8分)阅读理解 Do you like taking the train? Many people need to go to work or somewhere by train. JillHow do I usually go to work? I take the bus first, and then the train. My bus to the train station leaves at half past seven. I get to the train station at eight oclock. My train leaves at a quarter past eight. I get to my office(办公室) at eight forty. But sometimes I go to work by car and I leave home at five past eight. DaveOne of my friends lives in a small village. I visit him every Sunday by train. The train leaves at a quarter to ten in the morning and gets to the village at about twelve. I go home on the evening train. It leaves at ten past six and I get home at ten to nine. ClarkI go to work by train. The train leaves at eight thirty. It takes me twenty minutes. Trains are often late in my city. Its common(常见的) for my train to be 10 minutes late. (1)How long does it take Jill to get to the train station? A . 30 minutes.B . 35 minutes.C . 40 minutes.D . 45 minutes.(2)Which is wrong? A . Daves friend lives in a small village.B . Dave sees his friend on Saturdays.C . Clerk goes to work at 8: 30.D . The train often arrives at 8:40 in clerks city.(3)It takes Dave minutes to go from his friends village to his home by train. A . 100B . 120C . 160D . 18021. (8分)阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Just as I came back home, I heard a sound coming from the bedroom upstairs-it was from my favourite violin.Thief!I rushed upstairs and saw a boy in dirty clothes pulling my violin down. At first sight, I found a new pair of shoes missing. It seemed he was surely a thief.However, when I saw his eyes full of fear, my anger disappeared. I smiled and asked, Are you Mr. Rams student Rubens? Im his butler (男管家). Ive heard Mr. Ram say his student will come. It must be you.Has my teacher gone out? the boy said, I think Id better visit him again in a while.I nodded and asked him, Do you like playing the violin?Yes, but Im too poor to afford one. the boy replied.Then, Ill give you this violin. The boy looked at me surprisingly, but he picked up the violin. While going out of the room, he suddenly saw a huge photo of me playing the violin at the Grand Theatre of Sydney on the wall. His face turned pale. He stood there for a moment and ran out. He must have understood what had happened because no master (主人) would put up the butlers photo on the wall of his living room.A few years later, at a music competition in Melbourne, I was invited to be the judge (评委). Finally, a violin player called Merritt won the first prize.After the prize-giving, Merritt ran to me holding a violin box, his face red, and asked, Mr. Brian, do you still know me? You gave me the violin, which I have treasured ever since! Today, I want to say sorry and give back this violin to you without regretHe was just the Mr. Rams student!(1)The write, felt _ when he saw the boy pulling his violin down. A . AfraidB . angryC . sadD . disappointed(2)In fact, the boy was _. A . Mr. Rams studentB . a visitor to the Ram familyC . the butlers friendD . a thief to the writers home(3)The boys face turned pale probably because he realized _. A . the writer was a great musicianB . he would be punished by the writer soonC . the master had come back homeD . the writer was just the owner of the house(4)The passage mainly wants to tell us that _. A . Its never late to say sorryB . the future is what we make itC . kindness can bring one powerD . success depends on trust and support22. (10分)阅读理解 Are you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most important in your family. Parents are the closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel theyre not as close to their parents as before. They even dont think their parents are fair(公平的) to them.Some students complain that their parents often say a lot to them, but never listen to them. Some say their parents dont allow them to play computer games when other classmates are doing that. Others say when theyre making phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if theyre speaking to a boy or a girl. These make them very unhappy. Some students even decide to leave home because theyre afraid to tell their parents when they have done something wrong, especially when they do badly in exams. Then they usually think running away is the only choice(选择). But they dont know running away may bring them some more problems.Problems are parts of life. Here are some suggestions for you to solve your problems. Find a good chance to talk with your parents.Dont be afraid to tell them your feelings. Get help from others like good friends or teachers. Keep a diary to help you understand more about yourself and your feelings. Show your parents youre growing up. Then theyll feel youre no longer a small child.If you follow the advice, youll have a happy life and never think of running away.(1)According to the article, are the closest people to an only child. A . teachersB . classmatesC . parentsD . friends(2)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Parents dont love their children now.B . Middle school students dont have any problem.C . Some students dont think their parents are fair to them.D . Some students think their parents are fair to them.(3)Wed better if we have problems. A . talk with our parentsB . quarrel with our parentsC . leave our parentsD . leave home at once(4)Why does the author advise to keep a diary? A . Because its our homework.B . Because it can help us practice writing.C . Because it can help us understand ourselves better.D . Because its very important.(5)This article is about some middle school students . A . friendsB . hobbiesC . problemsD . parents23. (15分)请仔细阅读第1-5询问地点的问题,从A E中选出相匹配的应答语。 A. Go along the street for five minutes, turn right and you can see it. I hope the police can help you find your things soon. B. Well, you are in the center of the park. Can you see the square(广场)over there? Pass the square, turn right and then you will see the exit(出口). C. It is about one kilometer away on Fifth Avenue. There is a big train station on the right of the supermarket. You can walk there soon. D. Dont worry. There are a few hotels in the town. The nearest one is 300 meters ahead. Walk straight, and then turn right. Youll see it on your right. E. There are two clothes stores near here. There is one about five kilometers from here. You can take Bus No. 305 there. (1)I want to go to the King Supermarket. Could you please tell me how I can get there, Sir? (2)Excuse me. Is there a clothes store near here? I need a new skirt and a pair of shoes. (3)Sorry, I lost my way in the park. Where am I going? How can I get out of the park? (4)I am new in the town. I am from South Africa. I have to stay in the town at night. Is there a hotel near here? (5)I lost my money and ID card. I must find them. Could you tell me where the police station is? 五、 单词拼写,根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明 (共5题;共5分)24. (1分)Houses are too _ for many people to buy. 25. (1分)MsJones has just taught us how to_(搭起)a tent 26. (1分)How_(吵闹的) it is in the classroom. I almost cant hear the teacher. 27. (1分)Miss Brown, thanks for your asking. I have to go home now! OK, c_you later.28. (1分)Our parents_(提供) us with food and clothes. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)假设Jim Green是你的好朋友。请根据下表内的信息,以My good friend为题介绍下他。50词左右。 姓名Jim Green年龄十三生日九月日班级七年级三班学校Blue Sky Middle SchoolMy good friend第 25 页 共 25 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)16-1、17-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)18-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共49分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、19-6、19-7、19-8、19-9、19-10、20-1、20-2、20-3、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、五、 单词拼写,根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明 (共5题;共5分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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