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沪教版2020年中考英语一模试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)1. (10分) Ann is a middle school student. She has a sister 1a brother. They are Helen and Paul. Ann and Helen can2. Ann can sing and play 3 well, but Helen4. Helen doesnt like playing the instruments(乐器). She 5chess, but she doesnt play chess 6Ann. Ann cant play chess. Helen often plays with Paul, because Paul plays 7very well. Paul can 8play basketball well. And he is 9the school basketball club. He often10other students with basketball.(1)A . or B . but C . so D . and (2)A . speak B . show C . dance D . plays chess (3)A . the guitar B . guitars C . guitar D . a guitar (4)A . can B . doesnt C . dont D . cant (5)A . has B . does C . likes D . can (6)A . with B . for C . on D . and (7)A . basketball B . chess C . games D . the violin (8)A . also B . too C . only D . either (9)A . of B . to C . in D . on (10)A . plays B . joins C . teach D . helps 2. (15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers. I know how 1 you have all worked to prepare for this test,he said. And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to2 a B to anyone who would prefer not to takethe test.Many students jumped up to 3 the teacher and left the classroom. The teacher looked at the students left and said, Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last 4 .Two more students decided to go.Seven students 5. The teacher then began to hand out the6. There were only three sentences typed on the paper,Congratulations! You have just 7 an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.I never had a teacher like that,8 I think it is a test that any teacher could and should give. Students who are not9 in what they have learned are Bstudents at best(充其量).The same is10 in real life. The A students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have 11 both successes and failures. They have learned lifes lessons, either from normal education or from events in their lives, and have become12 people.Scientists say that by the age of eight, 80% of what we believe about 13 has already been formed. You are a big kidnow, and you 14 that you have some limits. However, there is 15 you cant do or learn or be.Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest said, Its not the mountain we face and conquer but ourselves.(1)A . luckily B . terribly C . quietly D . hard (2)A . offer B . pass C . show D . take (3)A . praise B . fight C . thank D . attack (4)A . chance B . trouble C . test D . idea (5)A . left B . remained C . came D . arrived (6)A . results B . presents C . papers D . books (7)A . given B . sent C . discovered D . received (8)A . and B . but C . or D . so (9)A . confident B . strict C . interested D . pleased (10)A . unusual B . impossible C . true D . special (11)A . broken out B . dreamed of C . learned from D . cared about (12)A . ruder B . cuter C . worse D . better (13)A . them B . you C . ourselves D . myself (14)A . decide B . realize C . forget D . imagine (15)A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3. (10分)阅读理解Several days ago, Brenda had a car accident that led to one of her legs being cut off. Since then she didnt talk to anyone.“I wish I could bring her friends to visit her,” said Brendas mother. “But its a long bus trip.” The nurse smiled, “Dont worry. We have a plan.”Later that day, the nurse had taken Brenda to another room. “Heres your new roommate, Annie Wiggle-Do,” the nurse introduced a dark-hair teenager on the other bed.As soon as the nurse left, she jumped out of her bed with her only foot and sat at the other end of Brendas bed, “I lost my leg from bone cancer,” she said. “What happened to yours?” Brenda was so shocked that she couldnt say a word. “Youre lucky.” Annie continued. “Youve still got your knee. They had to take mine.”“Id like to have a chat with you, but my friends are coming any time now, so I have to get ready.” Annie said when she took off her hair! Her head was completely bald(秃头的).“Oh, I forgot to tell you, the medicine they gave me to kill the cancer also killed my hair.” Annie looked out her wigs(假发), brown and yellow, short and long, straight and curly.“Thats why I thought up Annie Wiggle-Do.” Annie smiled. “Get it? Any wig will do? Annie Wiggle-Do?” “When Annies friends came, she introduced Brenda to them all. Before long, Brenda started chatting with Annie and her friends. They didnt make her feel like a strange person at all!The girls shared their names with each other. When it was time to go to bed, Brenda said, “Good night, Annie-Wiggle-Do. Cant wait till morning.”(1)We can infer that no friends visited Brenda because _. A . she had no friends at schoolB . she didnt want to see her friendsC . her friends were very busyD . her friends knew she had an accident(2)In order to cheer Brenda up, the nurse planned to _. A . introduce some healthy friends to herB . let her share the same room with AnnieC . show her some more seriously injuredD . move her to a room filled with light and music(3)When Brenda fist saw Annie, she _. A . discovered that Annies head was baldB . thought up “Annie-Wiggle-Do”C . was too surprised to say anythingD . shared her dream with Annie(4)Which of the following about Annie is true? A . She has different kinds of wigs.B . She thinks she is strange.C . Her sin cancer killed her hair.D . She lost both her legs.(5)Which of the following words can best describe Annie? A . Patient.B . CarefulC . PoliteD . Brave4. (10分)阅读理解(1)People cant go to Sweet Tomatoes _ for a meal. A . on WednesdayB . on FridayC . on SundayD . on Monday(2)Mariah may call _ to order the seats, because she lives in Ningyang. A . (0538) 3270-9831B . (0538) 3682-2366C . (0538) 3866-8888D . (0538) 3370-9531(3)Mr. and Mrs. White visited Sweet Tomatoes with two kids, Sara, age 7; Tom, age 4. They have to pay _ for the meal. A . 110B . 120C . 150D . 180(4)Whats a “Coupon” used for? A . To invite a friend.B . To save money.C . To get a VIP card.D . To be a reader of China Daily.(5)Where would you probably read this passage? A . In a story book.B . In a math book.C . In a newspaper.D . In a geographic magazine.5. (8分) The Girl From the StreetThe workers who brought the girl to the orphanage(孤儿院)knew little about her. The streets where they found her had been her home for many years. Her parents were unknown. They left her long ago. At the orphanage, the girl, like all the children there, was taught to read and write. While she was studying at the orphanage, she learned something elseto be independent(独立). At twenty-one, she left the orphanage and began working as a secretary.(秘书)And then, in 1975, while she was still working as an ordinary secretary, something special happened. She entered the Miss Hong Kong competition and won it. This was the turning point in her life. Now her name, Mary Cheung, was known to everybody.Mary entered the competition because she wanted to show that orphanage girls could be something. Winning the competition gave her the chance to start a new life. This led her first into television and then into business as a manager. When she was working as a manager, she had trouble with her reports. “My English just wasnt good enough.” She says. Luckily, she had a boyfriend (who later became her husband) to help her.Mary studied management(管理)at Hong Kong and graduated in 1980, She started her own business in 1985. But she did not stop developing herself. She then studied at the University of Hong Kong. Since 1987, she had spent a lot of time on photography. She has held several exhibitions of her work in many places-China, New Zealand and Paris. She still found time, however, to work on TV, write for newspapers and bring up her family.The girl from the street has come a long way, but her journey is not finished yet. (1)Before Mary Cheung was brought to the orphanage, _.A . She had lived with her parents whose names were not knownB . She had lived in the street for many yearsC . The workers knew her wellD . She had learned to write and read by herself(2)The sentence “orphanage girl could be something” means that orphanage girls could be_.A . popular and successfulB . understood by othersC . Miss Hong KongD . known to everybody(3)This passage is probably taken from_.A . a newspaperB . a science magazineC . a history textbookD . a novel(4)According to the passage, which of the following is true?A . All the children at the orphanage liked Mary.B . Mary was not happy as a secretary.C . Marys boyfriend was good at English.D . Marys life in the orphanage was difficult.6. (8分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。Why do plants grow in some places and not in the others? Why does some land have so much growing on it, while other land has almost no plants growing on it at all?To grow, plants need several things. One is warmth. In very cold places almost nothing grows. Plants also need water. In very dry parts of the Earth only a few unusual plants can grow. Thats why dry deserts everywhere are almost not covered by trees or grass.Plants must also have a place in which to put down their roots and grow. They find it difficult to grow on hard land. The town is built on hard land. The plants here have only the soil found between the cracks of the stones to grow in.Another thing plants must have before they can grow is food.What will happen if we try to make things grow on the sandy beach? A few plants, such as beach grass, will grow in sand, but most plants wont. Even if the weather is warm enough and we water the plants each day, many of them will die because the sand on this beach has almost no food for plants.(1)What does the underlined word cracks mean in the text? A . 缝隙B . 表面C . 夹层D . 底部(2)The reason why most plants cant grow on the sandy beach is that _. A . there isnt enough sunlightB . there is too much waterC . it is too crowded thereD . it has little food for plants(3)The passage can most probably be found in a _ book. A . scienceB . historyC . travelD . maths(4)How many things mentioned above do plants need in order to grow? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.三、 补全对话 (共2题;共26分)7. (25分)I love soccer. Its a team game. I dont just like to watch it. I like to play it, too. I play on a team, but its not my school team. All the team members(成员) are from our neighborhood(邻里). We train together on Tuesday and Friday afternoon. We are quite a good team. We win most games. We only lost or draw(平局) a few (for example, last Sunday the score was 2:2). Next Saturday there will be a game between our team and Sun Garden team. The Sun Garden team is a very good team. Im sure it will be a wonderful game.根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的涂(A),错的涂(B)。(1)The writer plays on his school soccer team.(2)The writer trains with the team members twice a week.(3)There is a game between the writers team and other team teams every week.(4)The writers team never loses any games.(5)The writers team will play against Sun Garden team.8. (1分)The strange plant must be used for _(medicine) study. 四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)9. (1分)Id like beef and _(西红柿) noodles. 五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分) (Mike and I,can) 第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、三、 补全对话 (共2题;共26分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)9-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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