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Unit1 Helping those in needVoluntary workThree teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. They wrote the following reports.I did some voluntary work in a childrens hospital. The children there all suffer from serious illness. We organized a painting competition for them.I met a girl called Cindy. She wanted to paint a picture of the park near her home. I went there and took some photos of it. Cindy used them for her painting.BettyThere are many children without parents. I met some of these children with my mother. We taught them to tell stories. This helps them express their feelings. One child said, My friends dont understand my pain.We spent some time with a girl called Vivien. Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy and very lonely. She needs friendship. My mother and I will continue to visit Vivien.MarkI wanted to help disabled children. They have difficulty walking or moving. I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace.I met a boy called Tim. He hurt his legs in an accident, but he has lots of courage. We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits. I will continue to do voluntary work in the future.Annie帮助需要帮助的人义务性工作三名青少年主动提出在学校放假期间做一些义务性工作。他们写了以下报告。我在一个儿童医院做了一些义务性工作。那里的孩子们都遭受着严重疾病的折磨。我们为他们组织了一次绘画比赛。我遇到了一个叫辛迪的女孩。她想画一幅她家附近的公园的图画。我去了那个公园,拍了一些照片。辛迪用它们来画画。贝蒂有很多失去父母的孩子。我和妈妈一起见了几个这样的孩子。我们教他们讲故事。这帮助他们表达自己感情。一个孩子说:“我的朋友们不理解我的痛苦。”我们和一个叫薇薇安的女孩共度时光。她的父母在一次车祸中丧生,她很伤心,也非常孤独。她需要友谊。我和妈妈将继续去看望薇薇安。马克我想帮助残疾儿童。他们行动困难。我教他们唱歌,因为音乐能带给他们快乐和宁静。我遇到了一个叫蒂姆的男孩。他在一次事故中双腿受伤,但是他很有勇气。我们需要帮助像蒂姆这样的孩子,使他们鼓起勇气。在将来我会继续做义务性工作。安妮Unit2 Body languageDebbie and Simon are students. They both have part-time jobs at a travel agency. A well-dressed lady entered the office. She looked at Debbie and Simon, and then walked over to Debbie. Debbie gave her a cheerful greeting. Simon sighed and walked away.“Whats the matter?” Mr Yang asked.“People always choose Debbie instead of me. I dont understand.”“I do. Its the way you communicate.”“How can that be?”Simon asked, “I dont get a chance to speak.”“Communicating is more than just speaking. Your body language is important, too.” “Body language?”“Its the way you stand and sit. Its your gestures and the expression on your face. Your whole appearance communicates things. You dont give people a good impression, Simon. You look down, you never smile and you dont turn your head towards them.”Look at Debbie. Shes holding her head up. She always smiles and looks friendly. Her body language is making people feel welcome, so they go to her for help.”Simon decided to improve his body language. He sat up straight and tried smiling at people. Minutes later, a beautiful girl entered. She walked over to Simon. A few moments later, she left with a smile.Mr Yang came over at once and said, “You made a good impression on her, Simon.”“That was my sister,” Simon said. “She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.” 肢体语言黛比和西蒙是学生。他们两个都在一家旅行社做兼职工作。一位穿着讲究的女士进入了办公室。她看了看黛比和西蒙,然后朝黛比走了过去,黛比高兴地向她打招呼。西蒙叹着气走开了。“怎么啦?”杨先生问。“人们总是选择黛比而不是我。我不能理解。” “我能理解。这是你交流方式的问题。”“那怎么可能呢?西蒙问,“我都没有机会说话。”“交流不仅仅是说话。你的肢体语言也是很重要的。”“肢体语言?”“它是你站和坐的方式、你的手势和面部的表情。你的整个外观都在传递信息。你没给人留下一个你好印象,西蒙。你低着头,从不微笑并且你不朝他们转头。看看黛比,她一直在高抬着头,她总是微笑,看上去友好。她的肢体语言使人们觉得(自己)受欢迎,因此人们去她那儿求助。”西蒙决定改善自己的肢体语言,他坐直身体并试着向人微笑。几分钟过后,一个漂亮的女孩走了进来。她朝西蒙走了过去。一会儿之后,她带着微笑离开了。杨先生立即走了过来说,“你给她留下了一个好印象,西蒙。”“那是我妹妹,”西蒙说,“她想提醒我明天是她的生日。”Unit3 Traditional skillsWang Damin is a fisherman. Although he is over 65, he is very fit and still enjoys working.Damin uses cormorants to catch fish. Cormorants are large black birds. They are good at catching fish because they can swim well. They can dive down and stay under the water for up to two minutes.Damin usually sets off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready for work. First, he ties a piece of grass around their necks to stop them from eating big fish. Then when Damins boat reaches the right place in the river, he pushed them into the river. Damin uses several ways to attract fish. During the day, he jumps up and down on his boat. After dark, he hangs a light on a post at the front of the boat. The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat. The fish are then taken and thrown into a big basket by Damin. No nets are required for this type of fishing.Cormorant fishing was once practiced in lots of places in South-East China, and there were many fishermen in the area. But today, few young people are interested in it. In 50 years, perhaps there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world.传统技能用鸟捕鱼王大民是一个渔民。尽管他超过65岁了,但是他很健壮并且仍旧喜欢工作。大民用鸬鹚抓鱼。鸬鹚是黑色的大鸟。它们擅长抓鱼,因为它们水性很好。它们能下潜并在水下停留达两分钟。大民通常在傍晚动身并让鸬鹚准备好工作。首先,他在它们的脖子四周拴一片草,阻止它们吃掉大鱼。然后,但大民的船到达河里适当的位置时,他把它们赶到河里。大民用几种方式吸引鱼。在白天,他在船上跳上跳下。天黑后,他在船前面的杆上挂一盏灯。这些鸬鹚把鱼带回船上。然和大民取下鱼,并把它们扔进一个大篓子里。这种捕鱼(方式)不需要网。曾经中国东南部很多地方从事鸬鹚捕鱼业,并且这个地区有很多渔民。但是如今,很少有年轻人对它感兴趣。50年以后,或许世界上将不再有鸬鹚渔民了。Unit4 Cartoons and comic stripsHow to make a cartoonFirst, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story.This story is about a robot, Han. He always forgets things.One day, Han meets his friends Sarah and Tim at the underground station. He says, “ Im happy. I bought a new notebook. Now I wont forget things.”Sarah says, “Yes. I have one too. Here it is.”Han says, “Oh, no! I forgot to bring it!”In the second stage, think about the kinds of characters you want and what they will look like. Han is a tall robot. He has square eyes. They are actually video cameras. Tim wears glasses, so he looks clever. Sarah is a pleasant girl. She has straight, black hair.Now make a rough sketch of the story.Next, use a computer to draw detailed pictures and add colour. To make the characters and things appear to move, each picture should be made a little different from the one before it.In the next stage, a computer program is used to put the pictures together as a film.Finally, record the voices and sound effects. The actors will do the characters voices. Their speech must match the pictures. Sound effects, like the noise of the underground, must also be added separately.After everything has been checked, the cartoon is ready to be played for everyone to enjoy.动画片和连环漫画如何制作动画片首先,你需要确定一个故事的基本思路。这个故事是关于一个机器人,汉。他总是忘事。一天,汉在地铁站遇到他的朋友萨拉和蒂姆。他说:“我很高兴。我买了一个新笔记本。现在我不会忘记事情了。”。萨拉说:“是的。我也有一个。它在这儿。”蒂姆问:“你的在哪里,汉?”汉说:“啊呀,不!我忘了把它带来!”第二步,考虑你想要的人物类型以及他们长什么样子。汉是一个高个子机器人。他有方形的眼睛。它们实际上是摄像机。蒂姆戴着眼睛,因此他看起来聪明。萨拉是个友好的女孩。她有直的黑发。现在制作这个故事的粗略概述。然后,用电脑画出详细的图画并添加颜色。为了让人物和事物显得在移动,每幅图画应制作得和之前的有点儿不同。下一步,用电脑程序把图画放在一起合成一部电影。最后,录音及(制作)音响效果。演员要为人物配音。他们的语言必须与图画相配。音响效果,像地铁噪音,也必须单独添加。一切检查完毕后,动画片就该播放给大家欣赏了。Unit 5 Save the endangered animalsTHE GINAT PANDAGiant Panda Fact FilePopulationIn the world: about 1,600AppearanceWeight at birth: about 100-200 gramsAdult weight: about 100-150 kilogramsColour: black and whiteA giant panda is a kind of bear. It has a white face with black patches around its eyes. It also has black ears, shoulders and legs. The rest of its body is white.Home: Pandas live high up in the mountains of Central and Western China. They live in the bamboo forests there.Food: Pandas in the wild usually eat bamboo. In zoos, their menu includes bamboo, apples and carrots. A giant panda can eat as much as 30 kilograms of bamboo a day.Behavior: Pandas like to live on their own. They need to eat a lot to stay healthy, so they spend more than 12 hours a day eating. Although they are big and heavy, it is not difficult for them to climb trees. They are strong enough to protect themselves.Life: Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild, but in zoos they can live for up to 35 years.The future: People are cutting down forests, so the pandas are losing their homes. Some people are killing them for their fur. It is cruel of them to do so. There are not many pandas in the world now. It is important for us to protect them.拯救濒危动物大熊猫大熊猫实情的档案数目在野外:大约1600只外貌出生时的体重:大约100-200克成年熊猫体重:大约100-150千克颜色:黑白相间大熊猫是一种熊。它有一张白色的脸,眼睛周围有黑斑。它还长着黑色的耳朵、肩膀和腿。身体其余部分是白色的。家:熊猫生活在中国中部和西部的高山中。它们生活在那儿的竹林里。食物:野生熊猫通常吃竹子。在动物园里,它们的菜单包括竹子、苹果和胡萝卜。一只大熊猫一天能吃30千克竹子。活动方式:熊猫喜欢独自居住。它们需要吃很多食物保持健康,所以它们一天要花费12多个小时吃东西。虽然它们很大、很重,但是它们爬树却不困难。它们身体很强壮,足可以保护自己。寿命:在野外,熊猫大约可活20年,但在动物园里,它们可活到35年。未来:人们正在砍伐森林,所以熊猫正在失去它们的家园。一些人为获取它们的毛皮而将它们杀死。他们那样做是很残忍的。现在世界上的熊猫不是很多了。对我们而言保护它们很重要。Unit 6 PetsHEAD TO HEADIs it a good idea to keep pet dogs? Emma and Matt give their opinions on the matter.Keeping pet dogs is a good idea, says EmmaKeeping pet dogs is a good idea. There are lots of reasons for this.First, dogs are really cute. Its nice to hold them in our arms, and its wonderful to see them grow up.Second, we can learn responsibility from keeping dogs. We have to feed them, train them and play with them. According to my mum, this helps us become more responsible people.Young people can learn how to care for others by keeping dogs.A dog will love you faithfully and bring you lots of happiness for many years.So I think its a good idea to keep pet dogs.Keeping pet dogs is not a good idea, says MattIts not a good idea to keep pet dogs.Pet dogs leave their hair on the floor, on beds and on sofas, and they need to be washed often.Dogs are noisy. Nearly all dogs bark at strangers. Some dogs bark more loudly than others. A few dogs bark all night. This stops people from getting any sleep. Not all dogs are friendly. A small number of pet dogs even attack people.Whats more, its common for people to live in flats. They have no choice but to keep their dogs in small spaces. However, dogs need fresh air and large open spaces where they can run free.Finally, owning dogs can be expensive.So keeping pet dogs is not a good idea.宠物头对头养宠物狗是个好主意吗?艾玛和马特给出他们在这个问题上的观点。艾玛说,养宠物狗是个好主意养宠物狗是个好主意。这里有许多原因。首先,狗确实可爱。把它们搂在怀里很美好,并且看着它们长大很美妙。其次,我们能通过养狗学习责任。我们必须喂它们、训练它们并和它们玩。据我妈妈所说,这帮我们成为更负责的人。年轻人通过养狗能学会怎样照料别人。狗会许多年忠诚地爱你,并带给你很多快乐。因此,我认为养宠物狗是个好主意。马特说,养宠物狗不是个好主意养宠物狗不是个好主意。宠物狗将毛发留在地板、床和沙发上,它们需要经常洗。狗吵闹,几乎所有的狗都会冲陌生人大叫。一些狗比其他狗叫声更大。一些狗整夜叫,这使得人们睡不好觉。并非所有的狗都友好。少数宠物狗甚至会袭击人。更为重要的是,人们通常住在公寓里,他们除了将狗养在小空间里别无选择。然而,狗需要新鲜空气和大的开放空间,以便它们自由走动。最后,拥有狗可能很昂贵。因此,养宠物狗不是个好主意。Unit 7 The unknown worldALIENS ARRIVETina woke up at midnight. She looked out of her window and saw a yellow light in the sky. It suddenly dived towards the ground. She heard a noise and saw a red light.The next morning, Tina mentioned it to her brother Tom. “Im sure something landed in the forest near the hills as I heard a loud noise last night.” she said. “Lets explore after school.”At 6 p.m., Tina and Tom reached the forest. They heard some voices speaking a strange language, so they hid behind some bushes and kept quiet. Then they saw an alien! It was tall, with a round head and a silver body. It was standing next to a long spaceship. The spaceship was damaged because of a crash.The children were frightened. Suddenly, another alien appeared from the bushes in front of them. It discovered them and made a terrible noise. The children ran away in fear.The next morning, Tina and Tom told their parents about the strange creatures.“They were very ugly. They had some hair, but they didnt have any feathers,” said Tina.“There was something written on the spaceship,” said Tom. “It looked like this. I wonder what it means.” He drew some lines on a piece of paper.But Dad said, “Since no one else saw these aliens, I refuse to believe you. Now go to school!”The children spread their wings and flew to school together. Dad looked at the piece of paper with the strange marks on it. “It looks strange,” he said, as he looked at the word “EARTH”.未知世界外星人来了!蒂娜半夜醒来。她向窗外看了看,看见天空中有一道黄光。它突然冲向地面。她听见一声嘈杂声并看见一束红光。第二天早上,蒂娜跟她的弟弟汤姆提及这件事。“昨天晚上当我听见一声巨响时,我确定有某物降落在山附近的森林里了。”她说,“放学后咱们去探索一下。”下午六点钟,蒂娜和汤姆到达了森林。他们听见用一种奇怪的语言说话的声音,所以他们藏在一些灌木丛后保持安静。然后他们看见了一个外星人!它很高,圆脑袋,银白色的身体。它正站在一个长长的宇宙飞船旁边。宇宙飞船因为碰撞而毁坏了。孩子们很害怕。突然,另一个外星人从灌木丛里出现来到他们面前。它发现了他们并发出了可怕的噪音。孩子们惊恐地跑了。第二天早上,蒂娜和汤姆告诉了他们的母亲关于奇怪的生物的事情。“它们很丑陋,它们长着一些毛发,但是没有羽毛。”蒂娜说。“在宇宙飞船上写着些东西,”汤姆说,“它看起来像这个。我想知道它意味着什么。”他在一张纸上画了一些线条。但是爸爸说:“由于没有其他的人看见这些外星人,所以我拒绝相信你们。现在就去上学!”孩子们张开“翅膀”一起飞到学校。爸爸看了看纸上面的奇怪的记号。当他看到了“地球”这个词时,他说:“它看起来很奇怪。”Unit 8 Life in the futureLife in 2050The Hotel WhaleThe Hotel Whale is built under the water. It is in the shape of a whale. This hotel has 50 bedrooms, a caf and a shopping centre. Mrs Peng: “When we were staying at the hotel recently, my children watched the fish outside their bedroom window. They were never bored!”Forever Green HousesThese houses are both “both” and “smart”. There is glass outside the houses. Heat is held under the glass and is then used as energy for each house. In the bathroom, your medicine cupboard is connected to your doctors computer. In the kitchen, your smart fridge tells the supermarkets computer when you need more food.Mr Yu: “When we were living in our old house, we were using more energy. I would certainly recommend Forever Green Houses to my friends. They will satisfy everyone.”The CJ3The CJ3 is a new type of hydrogen car. The hydrogen in the car is mixed with oxygen from the air to make electricity for the car. The CJ3 has an electronic map and is driven by a computer. You tell the computer where you want to go. Then you sit back and relax as the car takes you there.Mr Hu: “While I was driving my old car, I was polluting the city. Now, with the new technology in my CJ3, Im helping protect the environment.”未来的生活2050年的生活鲸鱼酒店鲸鱼酒店建在水下。它的形状是一条鲸鱼。这家酒店有50间卧室,一个咖啡馆和一个购物中心。鹏先生:“最近我们在这家酒店住时,我的孩子们从他们卧室的窗子看外面的鱼。孩子们从不会感到无聊。”常绿房这些房子既“环保”又“智能”。房子外面有玻璃。热能储存在玻璃下面,然后用作每座房屋的能源。在浴室,你的药橱柜与医生的电脑相连。在厨房,当你需要更多食物时,你的智能冰箱将会告诉超市的电脑。于先生:“住旧房子时,外面需要更多的能源。我一定要把常绿房推荐给我的朋友。它们将使每个人满意。”CJ3汽车CJ3汽车是一种新型的氢气汽车。汽车中的氮气与空气中的氧气混合后为汽车发电。CJ3有一幅电子地图,它由电脑控制驾驶。你只要告诉电脑你想去哪里,当汽车带你去那里时,然后你坐在后面休息。胡先生:“当我开老式汽车时,我在污染城市。现在,在我的CJ3中利用新技术,我在帮助保护环境。”

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