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鲁教版2019-2020学年八年级英语上学期期末教学质量调研B卷一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)1. (10分)阅读理解Mrs. King is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a Childrens Hospital in Beijing. She is also learning Chinese medicine(医术) there. She likes Chinese medicine very much. She loves working for children. She works hard in the day and reads English books on Chinese medicine at night. She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read some Chinese books, too.Her husband Mr. King is a teacher. He teaches English in a junior high school in Beijing. He works hard, too. He works from Monday to Friday. He teaches three classes every day. Sometimes, on Saturdays and Sundays, he teaches other English classes. He wants to make more money .(1)Mrs. King works in a _ . A . shopB . junior high school in BeijingC . hospital in BeijingD . hospital in America(2)Both of the Kings _ . A . live in AmericaB . live in ShanghaiC . work hardD . work every day(3)Mr. King works _ . A . in a junior high school in BeijingB . in a Childrens Hospital in BeijingC . in a junior high school in AmericaD . in a Childrens Hospital in America(4)Mrs. King learns Chinese from _ . A . her teacherB . the booksC . the doctorsD . the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends(5)Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A . Mrs. King can speak English and Chinese.B . Mrs. King knows nothing about Chinese medicine.C . Mrs. King is from America.D . Mr. King sometimes teaches other English classes on weekends.2. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Mrs. Hunt comes back from work. She tells Mr. Hunt about a nice dress. “I see it in the shop every day,” she says “and”“And you want to buy it?” says Mr. Hunt. “How much is it?”“Two hundred and sixty dollars.”“Wow, two hundred and sixty dollars for a dress? Thats too much!”But every evening when he comes back, Mrs. Hunt only speaks about the dress, so at last he says, “Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!” She is very happy.But the next evening, when Mr. Hunt wants to have a look at the nice dress, Mrs. Hunt says “I dont want to buy it.”“Why not?” he asks.“Well, its still in the window of the shop after a week. So I think no one wants this dress. And I dont want it, either.”(1)How much is the dress?A . $ 260B . $ 216C . ¥260D . $ 206(2)What does Mr. Hunt think of the dress?A . too manyB . cheapC . too muchD . beautiful(3)Mrs. Hunt tells Mr. Hunt about the dress and she wants him to .A . have a lookB . buy it for herC . make one like thatD . borrow it from the shop(4)Which of the following is TRUE?A . Many other people see the dress in the shop.B . Mr. Hunt doesnt let his wife buy the dress.C . Mrs. Hunt doesnt see one dress in the shop, but two.D . Mr. and Mrs. Hunt come back together every day.(5)Why doesnt Mrs. Hunt want to buy the dress at last?A . Because it is much too dear.B . Because it is not very new.C . Because her husband doesnt want her to buy it.D . Because she doesnt think it is good.3. (10分)阅读下列短文,请从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CEveryone has worries. How do you deal with your worries? There is always something you can do to help yourself feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it wont solve your problems.Grades at school are often a top worry for children. If you worry most about grades, ask yourself these questions: Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me? How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isnt a test? Do I have a good place to do my homework? Have I tried different ways of studying?If your worry is about a fight you had with your friend, you might write down all the things you could do - write a note to him or her, invite him or her to watch a basketball game, say sorry to him or her and so on. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose one thing that could get your friend back.You can ask for help when youre worried. You can find someone to talk to, such as your parents, friends, and teachers.(1)What do children often worry most about? A . Their hobbies.B . Their homework.C . Their grades at school.D . A fight with their friends.(2)According to the passage, when youre worried, youd better _. A . work hardB . ask for help and talk to someoneC . get ready for classD . do your homework(3)If youre worried about grades, Dont ask yourself _. A . Why are grades important?B . What do grades mean to me?C . How do I get ready for class?D . Why not give up my studies?(4)If you had a fight with a friend, you could _. A . invite him or her to watch a gameB . put the blame(指责) on him or herC . try to make new friendsD . leave him or her alone(5)What does the passage mainly tell us? A . Who is often worried.B . When people are worried.C . How to deal with worries.D . What kinds of worries people have. 4. (10分)阅读理解 Dont Judge a Book by Its CoverEver since I was a little girl, Ive loved reading crime and detective (侦探) novels, so I guess it was pretty normal that I started writing them when I was older. However, my family is very big on having a traditional career (职业) and so when I said that I wanted to go to college and study writing, my parents told me that I couldnt. They told me that I had to study for a degree so that I would achieve a career, and not something as risky as writing. I suppose I could have studied joumalism (新闻) ,but I didnt want to lose interest in writing because it would be something I would do every day for work, not for pleasure. I thought that teaching looked like a pretty good compromise (妥协 ) , especially because of the long holidays. It was a good choice: by the time I was twenty-five,Id already finished two novels and had an agent.To be honest, I never meant to keep my being a crime writer a secret or anything, and my friends have always known. One of the reasons most people dont know is because my agent told me that my name Hazel sounded too much like a romance (浪漫) novelist for older women. She suggested Brooke Lane and I thought, Well, if you think itll make me successful, okay, Id totally forgotten about it until I walked into school one day and saw one of my workmates reading my novel. I asked her some questions about it, and it was so clear that she had no idea that Id written it - she even offered to lend it to me after shed finished! Of course, sometimes I wonder what my students would think if they knew that their teacher was going home on the weekend to write about murders and dead bodies, but I think my parents probably did me a favor: my teaching job keeps me in touch with the real world.(1)Hazel is probably A . an agentB . a journalistC . a teacher and artistD . a teacher and writer(2)The underlined words is very big on in the passage most probably mean . A . to give no adviceB . to like something very muchC . to have more experiencesD . to misunderstand something(3)Its clear that Hazel . A . agreed to study journalism for a degreeB . accepted Brooke Lane as her pen nameC . would like to write something for teachingD . told her workmates about her writing novels(4)Hazel finally realized that her parents advice on her career was. A . helpfulB . excitingC . disappointingD . risky(5)We can infer from the passage that. A . Hazel likes showing off in publicB . Hazels students all want to write novelsC . Hazels agent has played a role in her successD . older women prefer the name Brooke to Hazel二、 选词填空 (共2题;共24分)5. (14分)根据短文后所给的任务,完成小题。 I am so busy with my study. I dont even have enough time to have breakfast. said Zhangli, a middle school student. Do you have the same problem A Zhangli? However, missing breakfast could raise your risk of heart problem by 87 percent, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Iowa analyzed 18 years of data on 6,550 people over 40 years old who had no history of heart problems. They were given regular surveys B included the question, how often do you eat breakfast? Most (59 percent)ate breakfast every day, but 5.1 percent never did, 10.9 percent rarely did, and 25 percent would miss for a few days. The team found that早餐习惯与心脏病风险之间存在明显关联.Those who didnt eat in the morning were up to 87 percent more likely to develop heart problems.Its believed that an, important, day, breakfast, the, is, meal, of, but there has been an increasing prevalence (普遍)of missing breakfast over the past 50 years in the United States, with as many as 23.8 percent of young people missing breakfast every day, the researchers said. However, studies on the health effects of missing breakfast are rare.The team pointed out a few factors which could underlie this connection. Firstly, those who dont eat breakfast may be more likely to snack unhealthily. Secondly, breakfast may help to balance blood sugar levels and control blood pressure. The findings were published on the American College of Cardiology. Some days later a similar study showed people who missed breakfast and ate a late dinner were less likely to survive a heart attack. And Borja Ibanez, a doctor of medicine, also pointed out those who didnt eat breakfast were more likely to smoke, be lack of exercise, and drink alcohol.As for us teenagers, what are your opinions on breakfast? Do you think breakfast is important for us?(1)请分别在文中A、B两处的横线上填入适当单词(每空一词) A_B_(2)请将文中处句子译成英语。 The team found that_(3)请将文中处的斜体单词连成句子。 Its believed_.(4)请将文中处划线句子译成汉语。 (5)What can we learn from the passage? 6. (10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)Books bring us k_ which enriches (丰富)our lives and b_ us happiness.All great men in the history of mankind(人类) l_books. There is no genius(天才) without books. We know that books are treasure of knowledge, and knowledge is power. Without it, we can achieve(取得) n_. A man is blind and does not even know w_he is doing if he is unable to read.Books bring us h_as well as knowledge. They enable us not only to see through the past, but also to see into the f_Macaulay, a famous historian of England, once wrote to a little girl, “ If anyone would make me the greatest king that ever lived with palaces, fine dinners , wines, b_ clothes and hundreds of servants, on condition that I should not read books, I would not be the king. I would rather be a p_ man with a lot of books than a king w_any books in his splendid palace.三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分) Who taught you to walk when you were little? Who worries the most when you are 1? Who makes you dinner? Its 2mother. No matter what happens, shell 3 the love for you.Do you know how 4Day came into being(产生)? It began in the US in 1907 when an American girl5Anna Jarivs started a campaign to honor(给荣誉)mothers. She believed that mothers could 6people to get over the pain of the war and to strengthen(加强)the relationship inside families.On Mothers Day, children usually help their mothers do 7. In western countries, bringing mothers8in bed is common. A mother will get up late 9her children make her favorite breakfast. Children also make their own Mothers Day card 10a thank-you note. Or they buy gifts and flowers for their mothers.(1)A . lazy B . ill C . sleepy (2)A . his B . your C . her (3)A . continue B . stop C . start (4)A . Childrens B . Womens C . Mothers (5)A . named B . names C . name (6)A . help B . ask C . order (7)A . homework B . housework C . sports (8)A . flowers B . clothes C . breakfast (9)A . how B . while C . as (10)A . with B . for C . from 四、 单词拼写 (共2题;共2分)8. (1分)Do you know the ships _ (位置) in the sea? 9. (1分)This dictionary is _/helpfl/ for you to learn English.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)书面表达 根据下列提示写一篇短文,词数:70个左右。莫扎特(Mozart)是世界上最伟大(the greatest)的音乐家之一。他1756年出生于奥地利(Austria)。他4岁时开始学钢琴。当时很多人喜欢他的音乐,却没有人付给他钱。他终生过着艰难的生活(live a life)。可是他的音乐使他感到快乐,他创作了许多音乐。1791年去世(die)时,他才35岁。今天他的音乐仍然让我们感到快乐。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、二、 选词填空 (共2题;共24分)5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)7-1、四、 单词拼写 (共2题;共2分)8-1、9-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、


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