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初中八年级英语翻译大全你过去有什么爱好?_ _ did you_ _ _?我也喜欢读连环画杂志。I also_ _ _为什么不出去做一些户外活动呢?Why_ go out and _ some _ _?我对打篮球感兴趣。I am_ _ _ _ basketball.我爱好爬山。I am_ _climbing mountains.多美的邮票啊!_ _stamps!我从邮票中学到了很多。I learn_ _from stamps.他们很有价值。They are_ _ _.我过去喜欢听摇滚音乐。I used to _ _ _rock music.你为什么喜欢搜集分币?Why_ you enjoy _ coins?我的兴趣一直在改变。My interests are_ all the time.去年谁教你游泳?Who _ you _ _last year?我过去常自学英语。I _ _learn English by_.你过去常在哪儿游泳?_did you _ _ swim?他们在家养宠物。They_ _ at home.你经常网上聊天吗?Do you often _ _ _ _?我喜欢搜集东西,像分币、玩具娃娃或邮票。 I like_ things such as _ _ or stamps.他们也进行体育活动,随着音乐跳舞。They also _ _ and _ _ _.我过去常玩电脑游戏。I used to _ _ _.爱好能带给人们快乐,友谊和知识。Hobbies can bring people_ ,_and _.爱好能帮助人们轻松。Hobbies can help people_.当人们得病时,爱好能帮助他们不久痊愈。When people are sick, hobbies can _ _ _ _ soon.这星期天你准备干什么?What are you going to do _ _ ?谁准备在音乐会上唱歌?Who is going to sing_ _ _?他准备在哪儿举办音乐会?Where is he going to_ _ _?明天我准备上英语课。I am going to_ _ _ tomorrow.它将要什么时候开始?_ _ is it going to _?你能演奏什么乐器?_ musical _ can you play?你喜欢什么种音乐?What _ of music do you _?我根本不喜欢摇滚乐。I dont like _ _全世界的人仍然非常欣赏他们的音乐。People _ _ _ _ still enjoy their music very much.康康非常喜欢钢琴乐。Kangkang likes _ _ very much.当他8岁时,他父亲请一位音乐老师教他弹钢琴。When he _ 8 years old,his father _ a music teacher _ _him _ play the piano.拉小提琴使他快乐。_ the violin _ him _.昨天是多坏的天气啊!_ _ _ it was yesterday!他击鼓多好啊!_ _ he plays the drums!昨天这时你在干什么?What _ you _ at _ _ yesterday?我在练习拉小提琴。I am _ _ the violin.昨天8点我在洗澡。I was_ _ _ at 8:00 yesterday.昨天从7点到8点他在干什么?What was he doing _ seven _ eight yesterday?他正在吃北京烤鸭。He is eating Beijing _ _.昨天12点我们正在栽树。We were _ _at 12:00 yesterday.当老师进来时,我正在读英语。I _ _ English when the teacher _ _.他说这部电影一般般。He said that the movie _ just _.我认为电脑很有用。I think the computer _ _.我认为不是这样。I _ _ _.你看起来那么悲伤,怎么啦?You look_.Whats _ _?王老师对我很生气。Miss Wang is _ _ me.当她上课时我做鬼脸并使我的同班同学大笑。I _ _ and made my classmates _ when she was giving us a lesson.我认为你最好向她道歉。I think youd better _ _ _ _很难说。Its _ to _.民间音乐不是我的最爱。Folk _ isnt my _.流行音乐来得快去得快。Pop music_ and _ quickly.乡村音乐,摇滚音乐和爵士乐都是流行音乐。_ music, _music and _are all pop music.他们很受年轻人的欢迎。They are very_ _young people.宋祖英以她的民歌而著名。Song Zuying is _ _her folk song .U2 是世界上最著名的摇滚乐队之一。U2 is_ _ the _ _ rock _ in the world.他出生于1992年秋天。He was born _ _ _ of 1992.他是一个18岁的高中生。He is _ _ high school student.最后他又找了三名男孩,且他们建立了一个乐队。At last he found_ _ 3 boys and they _ _ _ _ a band.在19世纪初期,星期天是“神圣日”。In the early_ _,Sunday was the “holy day”.在星期一早上他们感到太累不能工作。They felt _ tired _ work on Monday monings.在1874年英国人使星期六下午成为一个假期。In 1874,the English _Satueday afternoon a _.在一点钟,每一个人停止工作。At one oclock,everyone _ _.这就是在英格兰周末想法的开始。This was the _ of the idea of the 当我到达公园时,他们正在高兴的玩。When I got to the park,they _ _ happily.我正在考虑农村的生活。I am thinking about life _ _ _.乡下的空气比城市的更清新。The air in the countryside is _ than_ in the city.人们可在那儿享受自然的美丽。People can enjoy the _ _ _ there.我奶奶住在农村。My grandma _ _ _ _.我每年去哪儿度暑假。I go there_ my summer_ every year.我认为动物比植物更有趣。I think _ are more _ than plants我认为玫瑰花在所有的花中是最美的。I think roses are the_ _ of all the flowers.我们与他们一起分享同一个世界。We _ the _ world with them.他们给我们快乐。They _ us_.昆虫以植物为食。Insects _ _ plants.热带雨林覆盖地球表面的百分之六。Rainforests_ 6 of the earths_.成千上万的动物住在热带雨林。Thousands _ _ live in rainforests.热带雨林对于我们很重要。Rainforests are very _ us.他们是地球的肺。They are the _ of the _.他们是地球的肺。They are the _ of the _.他们也有助于控制气候。They also help to _ _ _.热带雨林给我们木材、橡胶、水果、药等等。Rainforests give us_ ,_ ,_ ,_ and so on. 我们应该保护热带雨林。We should _ _.他们没有事根本不会生存。They cant _ at all _ water.我们必须节约每一滴水。We must save _ _ _ water.他们很累但是很高兴。They are _,but very _。吸烟对你的健康有害。Smoking is_ _ your health.我不喜欢听爵士乐,因为它太吵。I dont like _ to _ because it is too _.她太小不能上学。She is _ _ _ go to school.他们是亲密朋友。They are _ _.1.熊猫住在中国西南部的森林里和大山中。Pandas _ in the forests and _ of Southwest China.2.它们以竹子为食。They _ _ bamboo.3.他们有越来越少的陆地居住。They have _ and_ land to live on.4.熊猫在数量方面越来越少。Pandas are becoming fewer and fewer _ _.5.世界上最大的动物是什么? Whats the _ _ in the _?6.蓝鲸住在海洋里。Blue whales _ _ the_.7.它们是世界上最大最重的动物。They are the _ and _ animals in the world.8.它们以最小的海洋动物为食。They feed on_ _ sea _.9.现在它们处于危险之中。Now they are_ _.1.华南虎住在中国的南部。Chinese tigers live _ _ _ _ _.2.它们是世界上生存的最古老的虎种。They are the oldest _ of tigers_ in the world.3.它们以小动物为食。They feed on _ _.4.有些人为了它们的皮和骨头儿捕杀它们。Some people _ them for their_ and _.5.乡村的空气比城市的更清新。The air in th countryside is _ than_ in the city.6.他在学校是最胖的。He is _ _ in the school.7.人需要水喝、做饭、清洗。Human need water to _, to _and to clean.8.有很多处于危险的野生动物,像熊、狼、和熊猫。There are many _ _ in danger ,such as _, _ and_.1.我昨天去了科学中心。I went to _ _ _ yesterday.2.科学家什么时候发明的第一台机器人? When did_ _ the first_?3.图1比图2的植物更好看.The plants in Picture 1 are more beautiful than _ in _ 2.4.机器人能做些工作比人更快更好。Robots can do some work_ and _ than humans.1.昨天夜里当Jim 在睡觉时,他看到一个UFO中他头上飞过。Last night,while Jim was_,he saw a UFO _ _ his head.2.这个UFO 看起来根本不像一个盘子。 The UFO didnt _ _ a _ at all.3.我喜欢吃水果,像香蕉、苹果、葡萄、橘子等等。I like eating fruit,_ _ banaanas, apples, grapes, oranges and _ _.4.起床吧,不然的话你会上学迟到的。 Get up,_ youll _ _ _ school.


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