人教版2020年广东中考英语模拟试卷(三) C卷

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人教版2020年广东中考英语模拟试卷(三) C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)There is ruler, eraser and some pens in my pencil-box.A . an; aB . a; anC . a; theD . the; /2. (2分)Have you heard of the Big Ben?Of course. It a symbol of UK.A . regards as B . is regarded asC . is regarded toD . regards to3. (2分)The red house is on _ side(边) of the riverA . otherB . the othersC . the otherD . another4. (2分) How was your interview for the work? Oh, I couldnt feel any . I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.A . happierB . betterC . worseD . harder5. (2分) I hear that Lucys uncle is a worker here. Yes. Look, the man _ is working over there is her uncle.A . whomB . whoC . whatD . which6. (2分)More than 80 people_ in the earthquake_ last week. A . died; forB . have been dead ; sinceC . have died; sinceD . have been dead; for7. (2分)The exchange students from England _ coming to Sunshine Town. A . willB . areC . is8. (2分) ?He enjoys watching Evening News.A . Whats your father likeB . What does your father look likeC . What does your father like9. (2分)I like _ my report about science on the Internet. A . do research forB . doing researchC . doing research forD . to do research10. (2分)A talk on science_ in our school last Monday. A . gaveB . givesC . is givenD . was given11. (2分)Who do you want to talk with at the end of the speech?The man_ Mr White.A . they callB . called himselfC . calls himselfD . is called12. (2分)Jerry, do you know ? Yes, in Japan.A . when was your fathers car madeB . where was your fathers car madeC . when your fathers car was madeD . where your fathers car was made13. (2分)I think the poor health will get of your study. A . on the wayB . by the wayC . in the wayD . in this way14. (2分) The weather report says we are expecting another big snow storm tomorrow._ . I planned to go mountain climbing with my classmates.A . I hope soB . Bad luckC . Sounds goodD . Im afraid so15. (2分) Shall we make a cake for Tina as a birthday gift? _. It will give her a big surprise.A . Good ideaB . Its a pityC . Youre welcomeD . Never mind16. (2分)Kitty could play the piano well when she was only four years old._ clever the girl was!A . What aB . WhatC . How aD . How17. (2分)He is rich, _he isn t happy . A . butB . andC . orD . so18. (2分)If there _ no buying and selling of animals, there will be no killing in nature. A . isB . will beC . hasD . will have19. (2分) Dont you mind his smoking here? _. The children are all studying in the living room.A . Better notB . No, go ahead, pleaseC . Yes, I doD . Im sorry to hear that20. (2分)Why not listen to pop music, Tom? Oh, thats not my cup of tea. I like classical music better.A . its my favoriteB . thats not my favoriteC . its good for meD . I dont want to drink tea二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) About 70,000,000 Americans are trying to lose weightThis is almost one out of every three people in the United StatesSome people eat 1food and they hardly have any fats or sweets. Others do running exercise with machines,take medicines,or even have operations2you can see losing weight is 3work,and it will also cost a lot of moneyBut 4do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?Many people in the United States worry about their look of the bodyFor many people,looking nice also means to be 5 Other people worry about their health as many doctors6overweight is not goodMost people want to find a faster and 7way to take off fat,and books of this kind are very popularThese books tell people how to lose weightEach year a lot of new books like these are 8 Each one says it can easily help people take fat awayLosing weight can be expensiveSome overweight people go to health centers,like La Costa in CaliforniaMen and women9several hundred dollars a day at these health centersPeople live there for one week or two,taking exercise,eating different foodsMeals there may be just a littleAll this works for losing weight104 days on the program,one woman called Mrs. Warren lost 5 pounds(2.27kg)At 400 dollars a day, she spent 320dollars to lose each poundBut she said she was still glad to do soHealth centers,books,medicines,operations,running and exercise machines all get a lot of moneySo in the United States,losing weight may mean losing money too.(1)A . less B . more C . nice D . fast (2)A . ForB . So C . Or D . And (3)A . good B . useful C . hard D . easy (4)A . whyB . what C . how D . when (5)A . highB . short C . thin D . fat (6)A . talkB . say C . speak D . tell (7)A . dearerB . harder C . shorter D . easier (8)A . takenB . given C . written D . copied (9)A . pay B . cost C . take D . have (10)A . Before B . Until C . After D . At 三、 阅读理解: (共3题;共19分)22. (8分)阅读理解Do you ever find yourself getting really unhappy for almost no reason? Or suddenly feeling down without knowing why? Going from sadness to anger to joy in a matter of minutes can make many teens feel as though theyre losing control. But why is the feeling so common among teens?Maybe youre starting a new school and not able to see old friends as much. Getting good grades or wanting to be better in sports or other activities can be a concern (关注) for many teens.Being accepted by friends is important. Teens also may notice, for the first time, a sense of distance from parents and family. You may feel you want to be on your own and make your own decisions, but it can also seem a bit lonely at times.Another important cause for mood swings is biology. When puberty (青春期) begins, the body starts producing hormones (荷尔蒙). These hormones cause physical changes in the body. But in some people, they also seem to cause emotional (情绪的) changes.Here are some things you can do that might make those bad moods a bit easier to deal with.Recognize youre not alone. Although not every teen experiences mood changes to the same degree, they are common.Talk to people you trust. Friends can help each other by realizing that theyre not alone in their feelings. Talking to parents is important, too. Parents can share their own experiences dealing with bad moods. Teachers are often good resources and a doctor can help to answer questions about development.Get enough sleep. Though it can be hard to find enough time, getting enough rest is very important. Being tired can lead to more sadness.Create. Taking part in some kinds of activities, like building something out of wood, or starting an art or music piece. Writing can help you organize and express your thoughts and feelings. Get your thoughts on paper. Do the same thing with paint, music, or other art forms. Put your feelings into your artwork.(1)When puberty begins, some teens feel _. A . unhappyB . angryC . joyfulD . emotional(2)_ may not make some teens be in bad moods. A . Study pressureB . Getting good gradesC . The sense of distance from parentsD . Missing old friends(3)Its easier to deal with your mood changes by _.realizing they are common explaining your feelings to people you trustplaying computer games being creativebreaking school rules getting enough sleepA . B . C . D . (4)The passage is mainly for _. A . parentsB . teenagersC . teachersD . doctors23. (6分) Teenagers live very busy lives and often forget to think about their diet and exercise. How much do you know about keeping healthy and fit?Healthy eating along with regular exercise is probably the only way to become fit. Diets are useless in the long term, about 20% of teenagers say they have tried eating less and skipping meals to control their weight. If you eat properly and exercise regularly, you will lose weight, keep fit and feel great.As a teenager, it is important to give your body energy it needs. If you skip meals, you dont get enough energy, and then you feel tired. For a healthy diet, you should eat mostly rice, bread, vegetables and fruit.Exercise is something that can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Teenagers should spend at least 30 minutes exercising, five times a week. It is easy to do! Walking and riding your bike to school, and doing some school sports. If you follow the suggestions above, you will look and feel much better!(1)According to the writer, what is not a proper way to lose weight?A . Eating healthy mealsB . Walking or riding to school every dayC . Skipping mealsD . Doing sports exercise(2)The underline word “skipping” means “_”.A . 改善B . 增加C . 改变D . 略过(3)Which is the best title for this passage?A . How to eat healthilyB . Doing sports every dayC . How can teenagers keep fitD . What should we eat every day24. (5分)配对阅读: 左栏是五则个人简历。右栏是21st Century上的一则广告。请将这五个人与喜欢并有可能参加的活动配对。_Joey, a Beijinger, is crazy about Italy. He loves Italian food, Italian music, Italian novels and movies. He has an Italian pen pal too. He dreams to visit Rome._Mr Black is an old kind millionaire in Shanghai. He retired from work two years ago and his wife has been dead because of breast cancer. So he really wants to help the people who got cancer._Candy lives in Beijing. She loves the music that is popular. She loves the Korean star called Rain and she loves Twins who are from Hong Kong. She has 85 yuan._Mary is a student in Xinhai Music College in Guangzhou. She loves music that she can dance to. She is good at dancing. She is free on October 25._Tommy, a college student in Guangzhou. He majors in fashion design. He is interested in European styles.A. Rainy day in Beijing. Its Korean pop star Rains first solo concert in Beijing. Price: 80-1880 yuan. Time: Saturday, October 22.B. Break. Watch Hip-hop dancers from New York City perform in Guangzhou Tianhe Stadium. Price: 50-280 yuan. Time: Tuesday, Oct 25.C. Fund-raising run. Stretch your legs in this 8.8 km run and raise money for cancer research. Place: Pudong Century Park, Shanghai. Time: Sunday Oct 23.D. Twin concert. The Twins are coming to Beijing. The girls will perform their new songThe Flying Birds. Place: 100-1280 yuan. Time: Friday Oct 21st.E. Shanghai Families. Hu Yang photographed the Shanghai familiesfrom migrant workers to millionaires. Price: free. Place: Shanghai Art salon. Time: Wednesday Oct 26.F. Design from Finland. See the work of some young ambitious Scandinavians. Price: free. Place: Guangzhou Art Museum. Time: Monday Oct 24.G. Three Steps Over Heaven. This film is about a teenagers romance that is set in Rome. Price: free. Place: Italian Embassy, Beijing. Time: Thursday, Oct 20.四、 看图短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)短文填词。What Mothers Said to EatMothers always tell their children what they should eat.When Kangkang was a child, his mother often told him, “Be careful not to eat too much _(盐) or sugar.” She said it might cause _ / ilns/.Marias mother always took care _ Maria very well. For example, Marias teeth were very weak, so her mother said that she mustnt eat too much candy _ ice cream.Milk is a healthy drink. Jane didnt like it, but her mother always _(强迫) her to drink it. Every morning before she left for school, she had to drink a glass of milk because her mother was always watching her.During Michaels childhood, he had to eat many vegetables and fruit to keep healthy. Once, cabbage was on his plate. _ _ _ (一就)Michael saw it, he got _ /md/. But his mother made him _(尝)it. He was surprised to find that it was delicious!五、 读写综合 (共2题;共10分)26. (5分)根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。We always think classical (古典的) music fans are quiet and shy, and lovers of rap (说唱音乐) are outgoing._According to a study in Edinburgh, it is.Professor North, who did the study, says that people often show their personalities through the kind of music they listen to. More than 36,000 people from around the world joined-the study._Here are some of the results:Western and country music fans are hard-working and not shy._Classical music fans are quiet.Rap fans are outgoing._People think heavy metal fans are very sad and unhappy. But like classical music fans, they are in fact easy-going and creative, and not very outgoing._Heavy metal fans in Sweden have more in common with heavy metal fans in Brazil than with Swedish fans of pop.A. Fans of pop songs arent creative, but are hard-working and outgoing.B. Maybe the most surprising result is that classical music fans and heavy metal (重金属摇滚乐) fans have very similar personalities.C. But is it really true that our musical tastes show our personalities (性格)?D. They talked about their musical tastes and did personality tests.E. Professor North says that the results also explain (解释) why so many people are good friends with people who like the same music.27. (5分)英文有句谚语East,west,homes best. 某英文报以此为标题,向广大中学生征文。请根据下面图表信息写一篇短文,介绍你家的情况。内容包括:你家的居住环境及居室、家庭成员及家庭成员之间的关系,并谈谈如何让你的家更美好。注意:短文应包括图表中的全部信息,条理清楚,行文连贯;词数80左右(文章的开头己给出,不计入词数);不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。East, west, homes bestThere is an old saying, East, west, homes best.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解: (共3题;共19分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、23-2、23-3、24-1、四、 看图短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25-1、五、 读写综合 (共2题;共10分)26-1、27-1、

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