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Unit 7 Topic 1 Were preparing for a food festival. Section A班级 姓名 小组 日期 一、教学目标1.正确拼读并运用以下词汇:task success touch imagine soup cheese cookie pancake 2. 掌握以下短语:Get in touch with sb. try ones best to do set the table make a poster make a posterturn to sb.=ask sb. for help have/hold/ organize a food festival make it a success3. 句型(1)Do you know about?(2) Shall we?(3) What willbe like?- I imagine(that)(4) Do you think - Yes, I think so. / No, I dont think so.二、教学重点在交流中能自如地运用以下短语和句型:1、Get in touch with sb. try ones best to do set the table turn to sb.=ask sb. for help2、Do you know about?3、Shall we?4、What willbe like?5、掌握宾语从句的用法。三、教学难点1. that 引导的宾语从句的陈述句。 2. 谈论筹集资金的计划。四:教学过程Step1、复习:If someone is in trouble, what will you do?- I think I will.Step2、小试身手:1、 正确读出下列单词及词组并查出它们的用法。task success touch imagine soup cheese cookie turn to get in touch with make a poster make strawberry pancakes 2、从文中找出下列语句A了解关于 B解放儿童 C举行一次美食节 D与某人取得联系 E制作海报 F向求助 Step3、课文解读:1.请自读1a,找出生词,推测词义,且翻译下面的重点句子。(1)他是第一位加拿大奥运摔跤冠军。 (2) 我讲认真考虑我们怎样组织这次美食节活动。2、阅读1a,回答以下几个问题:* What will Maria do?* What will Kangkang do?* What will Michael do?* What will Jane do? 3、根据1a的内容,把1b和1c完成。Come on!Step4、研究学习:1、从1a中找出句子:*Jane thinks (that) she will turn to their teachers.*Kangkang knows (that)young people like them raised most of the money.思考它是 从句。2、 并从1a中找出类似的从句。Step5、小组讨论运用1d和2的句型与你的小伙伴进行讨论Step6听力Step7、课堂练习(单项选择)( )1.Lets _make it a success. A.try our best B.try best to C.try our best to ( )2. When you have problems, you can _ Mr.Xiong. A.turn on B.turn to C.turn off( )3. I often get in touch _ my friends_the Internet. A with; on B to; in C with; from( )4. I know _ he is a very kind man. A if B that C what多元评价自我评价学科长评价小组长评价学术助理评价教师评价Section B一、教学目标1. 能区分元音音素/ au/和/, 并能正确拼读单词。2. 能在朗读句子时正确处理在宾语从句that的弱读以及一些句子成分的重读。3. 继续学习宾语从句,征求意见,提供帮助的基本表达。4. 能正确掌握有关各国美食的词。(curry, fried rice, and sushi)二、教学重点1. 短语:have a sweet tooth2. 句型:(1)What would you like? (2) I believe that (3) Where dou you think that?- I think (that) (4)May I invite you to?三、教学难点1. 运用有代表性的美食词汇,写出关于小组成员对各国美食喜好的短文2.由that引导的宾语从句表达。四、教学过程Step1、复习:1、Do you remember what Michael will do for the food festival?2、Do you remember what Kangkang will do for the food festival?Step2、小试身手:1、热身讨论:说说各国有哪些美食。如:American chocolate cookies2、词汇探究:A.正确读出各国美食的单词。sick, affect , confident, mood, proud, be proud of, anyway, ready, passport, boss, grandson, B.请在Section B中找出宾语从句并说说它的意思。C请找出以下的句子并翻译 May I invite you to our food festival? Id love to, but Im sorry I cant, because I have no time these days. Its a great pity, but never mind.Step3、课文解读:一、阅读1a,找出以下重点:1.have a sweet tooth = 意为 2.Whats more 意为 3.Im sure that. 意为 4.Thats good enough. 意为 5.I believe well raise a lot of money for Free the Children. 意为 此句是什么从句,省略了哪个引导词?二、听录音完成1b和1c。Step4、听录音完成2,并找出重点知识点。Step5研究学习:1、找找以下单词的划线字母的发音规则:downdone townton foundfund groundgrunt他们发了什么音?/ / 和/ /3、 还记得升降调和连读规则吗?把课文3b的句子读读看。Step6 练习根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1).We are _ _ (准备 ) a food festival.2). Nison is an I_ . He is from India.3).He often i_ me to his home.4).I like w_ food,such as Italian pizza and Greek cheese pies.5). His parents will buy him a computer _ _ (随后 ). 6).Could you tell me the banks a_?I dont know where it is.7). I often invite my friends _ (have) dinner.用正确形式填空)8).I have some exciting news to tell you._ _,I will give you a big surprise.(根据句意填空) 多元评价自我评价学科长评价小组长评价学术助理评价教师评价Section C 一、教学目标1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中单词及短语。(make a change in order to as a result)2. 能进一步掌握宾语从句的用法以及关于询问别人意见等的表达。(I regret that + 从句 )3. 能正确掌握邀请函的写作。二、教学重点1. 引导学生写邀请函,注意些邀请函必须包括的要点:时间、地点、人物、主办方等。2. 能向别人简单介绍Craig Kielburger的事迹。三、教学难点写邀请函,注意些邀请函必须包括的要点:时间、地点、人物、主办方等。四、教学过程Step1、复习根据Section A和SectionB 信息以及以下的词语来说说举办美食节的目的。Craig Kielburger Free the Children 700 school rooms build a school in Kenyaraise money food festival on the playground on Sunday prepare delicious foodsuch as Step2、小试身手:1、热身讨论:你了解美食节吗?筹办的目的是什么?2、词汇探究:A.正确读出下列单词并查出它们的用法。regret_ member_ gather_ group_B. 请写出下列短语。1. Thank you for_ 2. instead of_ 3. fight against_ 4. as a result_ 5.in order to_ 6.poorly-built schools_Step3、课文解读:1、阅读1a,回答以下问题。*.Where did Craig spend his childhood? *.Whats Craigs favorite food?*.Did Craig gather his friends and start a group?*.How many members does Free the Children have now?*.Whats the motto of Free the Children?2、根据1a的内容,把1b完成。Come on!Step4、讨论1、 根据1b的提示,以及1c的要求,编写一个对话。2、 和你的小伙伴讨论将为“解放儿童”做点什么?Step5研究学习:1、完成3并尝试说说如何写邀请函,提示如下:Dear friend, Id like to invite you. . Hope to see you then! Sincerely, (name) Step6练习根据汉语完成下列句子。A他在乡下度过他的童年。 He spent his_ in the countryside. B他不专心听老师讲课,结果他考试不及格。 He didnt listen to the teacher carefully in class,_ _ _, he failed the exam.C在你们小组里面有多少个成员? How many _ are there in your _? D我们应该走路而不是坐公车上学。 We should walk _ _ taking a bus to school.E为了按时到达学校,他每天都不得不早点起床。 He gets up early every day_ _ _ get to school on time. 多元评价自我评价学科长评价小组长评价学术助理评价教师评价Section D 一、教学目标1. 正确朗读出单词表所有单词及短语,能正确拼读、书写并运用黑体单词;2. 总结that引导的宾语从句的用法。3. 复习有关邀请的句型。4. 复习邀请函的写法。5. 能从所给海报中找出有关信息。二、教学重点1. 总结that引导的宾语从句的用法。2. 复习有关邀请的句型。(Would you like ? /What/How about? /May I invite you to?)3. 复习邀请函的写法。4、Grammar和Fuctins的语法和功能。5、了解组织活动必须包括:when where what why who等几大要素。三、教学难点从所给海报中找出有关信息,并用含有宾语从句的句子进行讨论。四、 教学过程Step1复习:1. Craig Kielburger is from _ and he started Free the Children.Free the Children has built over 700 school rooms in many countries.Now they are trying to _a school in Kenya. Kangkang and his classmates want to_ a food festival and _money to give to Free the Children. What will they cook for the food festival?Michael will cook _food such as American chocolate cookies.Jane_ to cook Indian curries.Maria will serve beef curry and Kangkang is_ that fried rice and dumplings will be_.Kangkang got in _ with Craig on the internet. He _ Craig to the food festival.But Craig have no time these days. Craig sent an email to Kangkang.We know something _ Craig and Free the Children from the email. His _food is fried chicken. When he was twelve,an article about a twelve-year-old Parkistani boy_ his life.He gathered his friends and started a _,the Twelve Twelve-Year-Olds. Children Helping Children is their _. Now Free the Children has 100000_in 35 countries who are helping children.2、复习Grammar的句子以及他们结构,完成Functions的填空。Step2、小试身手:猜猜以下句子的含义:A. You cant have your cake and eat it, too.B. Dont put all your eggs in one basket.C. Birds ready cooked do not fly into your mouth.Step3、课文解读:1、阅读1a,回答以下问题。*When and where will Kangkang and his classmates have the food festival?*Why will they have the food festival?2、阅读1a并找出以下的句子猜猜划线单词的意思:*.He works for the rights of children.*.Lets make Craigs dream come true.Step4、研究学习:如何根据课文2的信息写一封邀请函。提示如下:Dear , We are very pleased to you to take part in the parents meeting in Feilaixia School. Well have the meeting Feilaixia School at ,on Sunday, May 23rd. The meeting will 10:a.m. Well discuss how to the students health. Best wishes to you! Sincerely, Step5、 练习:一、根据首字母或所给提示完成句子。1. I believe well r_ a lot of money for him.2. I wish your food festival a big s_.3. Can you _(想象)what you will be when you grow up?4. Im afraid I _(没空).5. Lets make his dream _(实现).6. Would you like _ (drink) coffee with me?7. The children should go to school_(而不是) working in factories all day.二、单项选择。( ) 1. I dont know how to do it.I will_ our teacher. A. turn on B. turn to C.turn off D. turn up( ) 2. Li Xiang works so hard _ go to Tsinghua University. A. so that B. in order that C. in order to D. and( ) 3. Thank you for looking after my pet dog. _. A. Never mind. B. Thank you all the time. C. Its a pleasure. D. What a pity!( ) 4. Mary will_ her parents as soon as she gets to Beijing. A.get on touch with B.get up touch with C.get in touch of D.get in touch with 多元评价自我评价学科长评价小组长评价学术助理评价教师评价


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