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Module 12 Summer in LAUnit 1 Tour host family is meeting you at the airport.单词1. accommodation(n.)住处2. shorts(n.)(pl.)短裤3. sunglasses(n.)(pl.)太阳镜4. trousers(n.)(pl.)裤子5. guest(n.)客人6. course(n.)课程7. host(n.)主人短语1. at the airport在机场2. look smart看上去很精神3. be a bit tight有点紧4. the whole class全班同学5. Ladies and gentlemen先生们女士们6. our school prize-giving我校的颁奖活动7. our special guest我们特殊的客人8. the singer with Crazy FeetCrazy Feet组合的歌手9. give a warm welcome to 热烈欢迎、10. be pleased to do sth.很高兴做某事11. as a pupil作为一名学生12. get the special prize获得特殊奖13. fly to .飞往、14. be free免费的15. your accommodation is with American families你们将住在美国人的家里16. do an English course上英语课17. on 1st August在八月一日18. your host family你们的接待家庭19. the good news is .好消息是、20. record its latest CD录制最新CD21. in the studio在录音棚22. Dont be silly!别傻了!23. Its a wonderful prize!多棒的奖项啊!24. Its been wonderful to be here.(能来这里颁奖)我感到十分高兴。Module 12 Summer in LAUnit 2 Learn English in Los Angeles.单词1. passage(n.)(书、诗等)一段,一节2. well-trained(adj.)训练有素的3. experienced(adj.)经验丰富的4. progress(n.)进步5. arrange(v.)安排6. various(adj.)不同的7. organize(v.)组织8. application(n.)申请9. form(n.)表格10. address(n.)地址11. length(n.)长度12. book(v.)预定13. jacket(n.)夹克衫14. station(n.)(澳大利亚或新西兰的)大牧场15. wooden(adj.)木制的16. extra(adj.)额外的17. contact(v.)与、联系,接触短语1. make progress取得进步2. places of interest旅游胜地3. fill in填写4. check in(在旅馆)登记入住,(在机场)办理登记手续5. Summer in LA洛杉矶的夏天6. summer English course暑期英语课程7. enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事8. learn about了解、9. American culture美国文化10. at the same time与此同时11. improve your English提高你的英语水平12. at the beginning of July在七月初13. be well-trained and experienced训练有素、经验丰富14. four hours a day每天四个小时15.small groups of two or three二三个人的小班16. larger groups of up to 15不过15人的大班17. up to多达、;正在做、18. weekly tests周测试19. your languages skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening你的听、说、读、写的语言技能20. as well as learning English除了学英语之外21. experience life in USA体验美国的生活22. have meals with .与、一起吃饭23. do some activities做活动24. for many of our students对我们大多数学生来说25. the most interesting part of the course课程中最有趣的部分26. create friendships with the students which last a long time和学生建立起长久的友谊27. if you prefer,如果你愿意28. arrange hotel accommodation安排宾馆住宿29. many things to do许多要做的事情30. have activities which take place after class课后安排的一些活动31.take trips to到、(参观)旅游32.go to various shopping centres去各种购物中心33.weekend visits organized to .组织到、的周末活动34.give sb. the best possible experience of .给某人最好的体验、的经历35.fill in our application form填写申请表格36.list of prices价格表37.one month before it begins(开课)前一个月

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