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上海高考英语词汇手册词组双向默写上海高考英语词汇手册词组双向默写 第 1 页 共 21 页A1. abandon sb. to sth. 沉迷于;放纵 2. have the/an ability to do sth. 有能力做 3. be able/unable to do sth. 有/没有能力做 4. what/how about怎么样 5. in ones absence/ in the absence of缺少 6. be absent from缺席 7. absent-minded心不在焉的 8. be absorbed in全神贯注于 9. have access to接近 10. be accessible to sb. 可以接近的 11. by accident/ chance 意外地 12. according to根据 13. takeinto account把.考虑进去 14. on account of因为 15. on no account绝不 16. account for说明.的原因 17. accuse sb. of因.指责 18. be/get accustomed to习惯于 19. make great achievements in在.取得巨大 20. act as担任;充当 21. act on/upon按照 22. take action采取行动 23. be active in积极参加 24. take an active part in积极参加 25. adapt to使.适应 26. addto把.添加到 27. add up合计 28. add up to合计达 29. in addition此外 30. in addition to除.之外 31. adjust.to.调整 32. admire sb. for因.赞赏 33. admitto/into承认 34. admit doing/having done承认做过 35. in advance提前 36. take (full) advantage of 充分利用37. advertise for为.等做广告 38. take/follow ones advice采取.的建议 39. advise doing建议做 40. advise sb. to do建议做 41. can/cant afford sth./ to do能/不能负担 42. be afraid of害怕 43. be afraid to do害怕而不敢做 44. be after追赶 45. again and again再三地 46. be against反对 47. for ages好久以来 48. under the age of在.岁以下 49. travel agency旅行社 50. agree to同意(意见、观点等) 51. agree with同意(某人或某人的话) 52. agree on就.取得一致意见 53. agree to do同意做 54. reach an agreement达成协议 55. ahead of在.前面;胜过 56. go ahead继续 57. come/go/run to ones aid去救援 58. first aids急救 59. aim at/to do瞄准 60. on the air在广播 61. by air乘飞机 62. all over到处 63. in all总共 64. at all根本 65. above all最重要的 66. after all毕竟 67. first of all首先 68. all in all总之 69. for all尽管 70. allow doing允许 71. allow sb. to do允许 72. leave.alone把.独自留下 73. along with与.一起 74. be amazed at/to do/that对.感到惊讶 75. a large/small amount of 大/少量的76. and so on等等 77. be angry at/to do/that对.生气78. be annoyed at sth./with sb. 对.感到恼火 79. answer (n.) to the question 问题的答案 80. answer for负责 81. be anxious about对.焦虑 82. be anxious for/to do/that对.渴望83. anything but绝不是 84. nothing but只不过 85. apart from除了 86. apologize to sb. for为.向.道歉 87. make an apology to sb. for 道歉88. appeal to向.呼吁 89. It appears that似乎 90. appear to do似乎 91. have no appetite for sth. 没有胃口 92. apply to . for. 向.申请 93. apply. to. 把.应用于 94. make an appointment with sb.与.约会 95. appreciate doing感激做 96. I would appreciate it if you could/would如果你能.我将很感激 97. approach (n.) to sth. .的方法 98. approve of同意 99. argue with sb. about/over与.争论 100. arise from由.产生 101. arm in arm手拉手 102. in arms武装着 103. arrange for . to do安排 104. make arrangements for作安排 105. under arrest被拘捕 106. on ones arrival at/in sp. 到达.107. arrive at到达 108. arrive in到达 109. as. as.同.一样 110. not as/so. as.不如.那样 111. just as正当;正像 112. as for至于 113. as to至于 114. as if/though好像 115. be ashamed of/to do/that感到羞愧 116. ask about查问 117. ask for请求 118. ask after问候 119. fall asleep睡着 120. fast/sound asleep熟睡 121. in all aspects在各个方面 122. assign sb. to do任命.做 123. assist sb. in sth. 帮助 124. associate . with . 与.结合 125. assure sb. that/of sth. 向.保证 126. be astonished at/to do/that对.感到惊讶 127. attach.to.附着于 128. attempt to do企图做 129. make an attempt尝试 130. attend to护理;照料 131. pay attention to注意 132. draw ones attention to 引起注意 133. attitude to/towards对.的态度 134. attract sb. to吸引 135. tourist attractioa large/small audience 很多/很少观众 136. be available to sb.可取得的 137. on average平均的 138. avoid doing避免做 139. wide awake清醒 140. award sb. for因.授予 141. be (fully/well) aware of sth/that意识到 142. away from离开;远远不 B1. baby-sitter保姆 2. back up支持 3. at the back of在.的后部 4. behind ones back背着某人 5. be bad for对.有害 6. keep the balance of保持平衡 7. lose/upset/disturb/destroy the balance of 扰乱平衡 8. ban.from doing禁止.做 9. snack bar快餐店 10. the barbers理发店 11. barely.when.一.就. 12. barrier to.的障碍 13. base.on.把基础建在 14. on the basis of在.的基础上 15. have/take a bath洗澡 16. bathing suit游泳衣 17. be about to do正要做 18. be going to do打算做 19. be to do按计划做 20. cant bear/stand doing/to do不能忍受做 21. bear/keep sth. in mind 记住22. be born in出生于 23. because of因为 24. go to bed睡觉 25. be in bed卧床 26. before long不及以后 27. long before很久以前 28. It wont be long before.不久 29. begin with以.开始 30. at the beginning of在.开始 31. behave oneself举止端正 32. leave behind留下;落后 33. fall behind in落后 34. human being人类 35. come into being形成;产生 36. beyond ones means入不敷出 37. big game大猎物 38. be bound to do一定会 39. at birth出生时 40. give birth to生产 41. a bit少许 42. not a bit一点也不 43. bit by bit逐渐地 44. do ones bit尽自己的一份力量 45. blame sb. for sth.因.指责 46. blame sth. on sb.把.归罪于 47. be to blame for应为.负责 48. be blind to对.视而不见 49. notice board布告栏 50. on board在船上 51. booking office售票处 52. be bored with对.感到厌倦 53. be born with天生有. 54. borrow.from.向.借 55. at the bottom of在.底部 56. break away from摆脱 57. break down出故障 58. break into闯入 59. break in打断 60. break out爆发 61. break up解散 62. out of breath上气不接下气 63. in brief简要的 64. fire brigade消防队 65. bring about导致 66. bring out揭示 67. browse through随手翻阅 68. build up不断强大 69. bump into撞 70. burst out doing突然. 71. burst into sth.突然. 72. on business出差 73. business hour营业时间 74. be busy doing忙于做. 75. be busy with sth.忙于 C1. pocket calculator袖珍计算器 2. call on sb. 拜访;号召 3. call at sp.拜访 4. call for要求;需求 5. call in下令收回 6. calm down镇静 7. camping trip野营 8. on campus在校园内 9. be capable of有能力 10. care for喜欢;照顾 11. care about关心,在意 12. take care小心,注意 13. take care of照顾 14. be careful of/with小心,注意 15. carry out实施,执行 16. carry on继续 17. in case (conj.) 万一 18. in case of (prep.) 万一19. in any case无论如何 20. in no case绝不 21. in many/some/most cases在很多、一些、大多数情况下 22. in this/that case在这种、那种情况下 23. be the case是真实的 24. catch up with赶上 25. cause.to do导致.做 26. make certain确定,弄清楚 27. make certain of/about对.确定,弄清楚 28. by chance偶然的 29. chances are that(+从句) 有可能 30. change.into把.转变成 31. in charge of负责 32. in the charge of由.负责 33. take charge of负责 34. free of charge免费 35. charge sb. for因.向某人收费 36. on charge在充电 37. charge sb. with sth.以.控告 38. live on charity靠救济生活 39. check in登记入住 40. check out结帐离开 41. cheer up加油 42. in chief尤其是;主要地 43. choose sb. as选择.为. 44. choose to do选择做 45. at Christmas在圣诞节 46. go to church去教堂做礼拜 47. go to the church去教堂 48. in/under no circumstances绝不 49. in/under the circumstances在这种情况下 50. claim to do自称/宣称做. 51. in class在上课时 52. in the class在班级里 53. clear up天气放晴;清除 54. be clever at擅长于 55. close to接近于 56. zip code邮编 57. combine.with.把.与.相结合 58. come on快;走吧 59. come to oneself恢复知觉;苏醒 60. when it comes to当说到. 61. have a good command of能自由应用 62. comment on/about对.评论 63. commit a crime犯罪 64. in common共同的 65. communicate.with.与.交流 66. communicate.to. 把.传达 67. the Communist Party of China中国共产党 68. compare.with.把.和.比较 69. compare.to.把.比作. 70. in/by comparison with与.相比之下 71. compete for sth.为.竞争 72. compete against/with sb. 和.竞争 73. complain about sth.对.抱怨 74. complain to sb.向.抱怨 75. make a complaint投诉;抱怨 76. be composed of由.组成 77. conceal.from sb.向.隐藏 78. concentrate on集中于 79. be concerned about为.担心 80. be concerned with与.有关 81. draw/come to/reach/get to a conclusion得出结论82. on condition that只要 83. in good/poor condition情况良好/差 84. confess to doing承认做. 85. have confidence in对.有信心 86. be confident of对.有信心 87. congratulate sb. on sth.因.祝贺某人 88. connect.with. 把.连接 89. a clear conscience无愧于心 90. be conscious of意识到 91. consider doing考虑做. 92. consider.(as). 把.看作为. 93. consider.to do. 认为.做. 94. consist of由.组成 95. consist in在于 96. make/lose contact with与.取得/失去联 97. be content with对.满意 98. the Continent欧洲大陆 99. contrary to与.相反 100. on the contrary正相反 101. in contrast to/with与.相对比 102. by contrast对比之下 103. contribute to贡献于 104. make contributions to对.作出贡献 105. be in control of支配 106. out of control失去控制 107. have/bring/get.under control控制 108. convey.to.把.传达给. 109. convince sb. of sth. 使.相信 110. cope with处理 111. in the corner在角落里 112. at/on the corner在拐角处 113. at the cost of以.作为代价 114. count on依靠 115. count down倒数 116. a couple of一双;几个 117. in the course of在.的过程中 118. of course当然 119. be covered with被.所覆盖 120. be crazy about对.狂热 121. credit card信用卡 122. crime rate犯罪率 123. cross talk相声 124. the Red Cross红十字会 125. be crowded with挤满 126. cure sb. of sth. 治愈 127. be curious about对.好奇 128. cut down砍伐;削减 129. cut in插嘴;超车 130. cut out减除;停止131. D1. in/out of danger处于/脱离危险 2. out of date过时的 3. date back to追溯到 4. at dawn在黎明 5. to this day至今 6. how to deal with如何处理 7. a good/great deal of大量 8. decide to do决定做 9. make a decision作出决定 10. define.as. 把.定义为 11. to some degree在某种程度上 12. delay doing延误做 13. demand to do要求做 14. demand that要求 15. the dentists牙医诊所 16. deny doing否认做 17. depart from从.离开 18. depend on/upon依靠;取决于 19. it all depends视情况而定 20. be dependent on/upon依靠 21. describe.as.视为;当作 22. beyond description无法描述 23. in detail详细的 24. be determined to do决定做 25. devote.to.把.奉献于 26. die of因.而死 27. die from因.而死 28. be on a diet节食 29. differ from不同于 30. make no/little difference没有什么不同 31. much much difference有很大不同 32. be different from不同于 33. have difficulty (in) doing做.有困难 34. have difficulty with sth. 做.有困难 35. with/without difficulty有/没有困难 36. in all directions四面八方 37. to ones disadvantage对.不利 38. disapprove of不同意 39. discourage sb. from doing阻止某人做 40. on display在展示中 41. in the distance在远处 42. at a distance在一定距离之处 43. be distinct from不同于 44. divide.into.把.分成 45. what to do with如何处理 46. be down with因.病倒 47. dozens of成打的 48. a drain on对.的消耗 49. dream of/about梦到 50. be dressed up打扮好 51. be dressed in穿着 52. dress sb.给某人穿衣服 53. drive sb. mad把某人逼疯 54. drop in on sb.拜访某人 55. drop in at sp.拜访某地 56. drop off减少;让.下车;留下 57. drop out退出;脱离 58. due to因为 59. at dusk在黄昏 60. on/off duty当班/下班 61. duty-free免税 E1. each other互相 2. be eager for对.的渴望 3. go in one ear and out the other一只耳朵进一只耳朵出 4. on earth究竟;到底 5. at ease舒适地 6. with ease容易地 7. take it easy轻松点 8. economy class经济舱 9. on the edge of在.的边缘 10. have an effect on对.有影响 11. take effect生效 12. make effort努力 13. spare no effort不遗余力 14. either.or. 或.或. 15. elder brother哥哥 16. electric light电灯 17. elementary school小学 18. put/lay/place an emphasis on把重点放在. 19. be employed in忙于 20. employ sb. in sth.使某人忙于 21. be empty of没有或缺乏 22. enable sb. to do使某人能够做 23. encourage sb. to do鼓励某人做 24. end up in以.而告终 25. put an end to结束 26. come to an end结束 27. make an end of结束 28. make both ends meet收支平衡 29. at the end of在.最后 30. in the end最后;终于 31. be engaged to sb.与.订婚 32. be engaged in sth.忙于. 33. engage sb. in sth.使.忙于. 34. English Evening英语晚会 35. enjoy oneself过得开心 36. enough for sb. to do足够做. 37. sure enough不出所料 38. stangely/curiously/oddly enough奇怪得很 39. enter for报名参加 40. entitle sb. to sth.赋予.权利 41. entrance to通向.的入口 42. be equal to与.相等 43. equipwith用.装备 44. be equivalent to与.相等 45. by trial and error反复尝试 46. escape doing避免做. 47. establishas稳固作为.的地位 48. on the eve在.夜晚 49. even though/if即使 50. for example例如 51. except for除了 52. exchangefor用.交换 53. exchange rate汇率 54. excuse sb. from免除.职责 55. come into existence形成;产生 56. exit to通向.的出口 57. expect sb. to do期望.做. 58. expect too much of sb.对.期望过高 59. at the expense of牺牲. 60. at ones expense由.花费 61. be expert in/at擅长于 62. explain sth. to sb.向.解释 63. expose sb. to sth.使.接触 64. to some extent在某种程度上 65. catch ones eye引起.注意 66. eye exercise眼保健操 67. raise ones eyebrow抬起眉毛 F1. face to face面对面 2. in the face of面对 3. look in the face正视 4. on the face of就表面看 5. save face留面子 6. lose face丢脸 7. be faced with面对 8. in fact事实上 9. fail to do未能够做. 10. failure to do为能够做. 11. have faith in对.有信念 12. fall off跌落 13. fall asleep睡着 14. fall behind落后;拖欠 15. fall on落在.上 16. fall short of短缺 17. be familiar to sb.对.熟悉 18. be familiar with sth. 对.熟悉 19. be famous for因.而出名 20. as/so far as根据;就. 21. far from远离 22. so far到目前为止 23. in fashion流行 24. out of fashion过时 25. fast asleep熟睡 26. as sure as fate命中注定 27. Father Christmas圣诞老人 28. find fault with sb.吹毛求疵 29. do sb. a favour帮.一个忙 30. in favour of同意 31. for fear of惟恐 32. for fear that +从句 惟恐 33. in fear of害怕 34. feed on靠吃.为生 35. feed.to. 把.喂给 36. feed.with.用.喂 37. be fed up with对.感到厌倦 38. feel like doing想要做. 39. a few一些 40. quite a few相当多;不少 41. science fiction科幻小说 42. in the field of在.领域 43. fight for为.而战 44. fight with与.并肩作战 45. fight against与.抗争 46. fill.with.用.填满 47. fill in/out填入 48. make a film拍电影 49. find out查明;弄清 50. finish off/up吃完;喝完 51. catch fire着火 52. make a fire生火 53. on fire着火 54. set fire to纵火 55. set sth. on fire纵火 56. be fit for对.适合 57. keep fit保持健康 58. fit in with适合;配合 59. fit up with布置 60. be fitted with装有;配有 61. fix on集中于 62. in flames燃烧着 63. focus on集中于 64. be fond of爱好;喜欢 65. make a fool of sb.愚弄 66. on foot步行 67. on ones foot站着 68. forbid sb. to do禁止.做. 69. force sb. to do强迫.做. 70. weather forecast天气预报 71. in the form of以.的形式 72. back and forth来来回回 73. make a fortune发笔财 74. seek ones fortune碰运气 75. fortune-teller算命的人 76. look forward to盼望着 77. to be frank 老 实 说 78. set free释放 79. free from/of免除;摆脱;离开 80. for free免费的 81. make friends with与.交朋友 82. from then on从那时起 83. in front of在.前面 84. in the front of在.的前面 85. fruit bowl果盆 86. be full of充满的 87. make fun of嘲笑 88. for fun开玩笑地 89. in future从今往后 90. in the future在将来 G1. No pains, no gains. 不劳无获 2. video game电子游戏 3. generation gap代沟 4. gaze at注视着 5. in general大体上;一般而言 6. generally speaking一般来说 7. from generation to generation一代又一代 8. get across横过;穿过 9. get along with sb.与.生活;相处 10. get off下车 11. get to到达 12. get together聚会 13. get up起床 14. get over克服;恢复 15. get through让人了解,完成,及格,用完 16. get down to sth.静下心做 17. have got有 18. give out分发 19. give up放弃 20. give away泄露;赠送 21. give in投降;屈服 22. give off散发 23. glance at看一眼 24. go down下沉 25. go on继续 26. go on doing继续做某事 27. go on to do继续去做另一件事 28. go on with sth. 继续 29. go over复习;走到另一边去;检查 30. go round参观,访问;顺便走访 31. go up to走上前去 32. go wrong发生故障;出错 33. go in for参加 34. go off变坏;退步;消失;进行 35. go around足够分配 36. go through经历;通过 37. go out公布;熄灭 38. score a goal进球 39. achieve/reach/obtain ones goal实现目标 40. golden rule金科玉律 41. do good to sb.(=do sb. good)对.有好处42. for good永远 43. be good at擅长于 44. be good to sb.对.友好 45. be good for对.有益 46. Goodness gracious! 天哪 47. Thank goodness!天哪 48. graduate from从.毕业 49. the Grand Theatre大剧院 50. the Grand Canyon大峡谷 51. take.for granted认为.理所当然 52. be grateful to sb. for sth. 因.而感激某人 53. group singing小组唱 54. grow up长大成人 55. in the growth of在.成长过程中 56. on guard警戒 57. be guilty of对.内疚 H1. form the habit of养成.的习惯 2. hand in上交 3. give/lend a hand to帮一个忙 4. at hand即将到来 5. by hand手工制作地 6. in hand随时可用 7. hang on握住;别挂断;坚持 8. hang up挂断;搁置 9. happen to sb.发生在. 10. happen to do碰巧做. 11. be hard on sb. 对.要求严厉 12. hardly/scarcely/rarely.when.一.就.13. do harm to sb.对.有害 14. do sb. harm对.有害 15. have.on穿着 16. have much to do with与.有很大关系 17. have little to do with与.关系不大 18. have nothing to do with与.完全无关 19. head for向.走去 20. in good/poor health身体好/不好 21. hear about/of听说 22. hear from sb.收到.的消息 23. heart and soul全心全意 24. lose heart失去信心 25. take heart鼓起勇气 26. at heart 实际上; 为.着想 27. by heart靠记忆 28. help out帮助.摆脱困难 29. help oneself to sth. 随便吃. 30. help (to) do帮助做. 31. cant help doing情不自禁做. 32. cant help but do不得不,只好 33. hesitate to do犹豫做. 34. without hesitation毫不犹豫地 35. hide sth. from sb.向.隐藏 36. spea


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