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沪教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习语音和情景交际(真题)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)选出读音不同的一项 A . noB . photoC . dogD . hello2. (2分)下列字母中含有与H相同音素的是_。 A . JB . LC . QD . R3. (2分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词 A . thankB . DaleC . jacketD . map4. (2分)Alice A . areB . amC . afternoon5. (2分)blind A . blaindB . bleind C . blaud6. (2分)/ we(r) h(r) z :lwez kuld nd snui/ A . The weather here is always cold and snowy.B . The weather here is always cold but sunny.C . The weather here is always cold and snowing.7. (2分)Could you please tell me something about the two _?_. They are exchange students of No. 1 Middle School.A . Frenchmen, Yes, pleaseB . Frenchmans, Come onC . Germen, Not at allD . Germans, All right8. (2分) Can you help us clean the living room? _, but Im busy cooking.A . Id love toB . I hope notC . I do careD . Im afraid not9. (2分)一 Hi, Diana, how was your summer holiday?一 ! I enjoyed myself in the sea very much.A . Good ideaB . Wait a minuteC . Thats too hadD . Pretty good10. (2分) Happy Birthday, Jim! _!A . The same to youB . Thank youC . Good luckD . Have a nice time11. (2分)Can you go on a picnic by the lake tomorrow, Kate? Thank you for inviting me.A . Have a good timeB . Sure, Id love toC . I dont mindD . Youre fight12. (2分) Sorry. We dont have a T-shirt like that. A . Thank you all the same.B . You are right.C . Not at all.D . Can I try it on?13. (2分) I suppose you were busy yesterday because it was your turn to clean the classroom._ I asked for leave yesterday.A . You are welcome.B . No, I dont think so.C . Not at all.14. (2分)Hi! Mr. Zhang, I am enrolled(录取) by an important senior high school. Really? _!A . Thank youB . CongratulationsC . Never mindD . I dont hope so15. (2分)Its said that Tian Liang and Cindy are not going to take part in the program “Where are we going, dad?”._ I like them very much.A . That great.B . What a pity!C . It doesnt matter.D . No problem.16. (2分) Hello! _ May I speak to Lily? Sorry, Lily isnt in now.A . Im Mike.B . This is Mike.C . That is Mike.D . Who are you?17. (2分)Because of the bad weather, we have to cancel the picnic. What a pity! We have expected it for a long time.A . worry aboutB . stick withC . give up18. (2分)I really dont want to lose the chance of getting a new job, so I will try my best to get it.A . takeB . missC . make19. (2分)Excuse me. Could you open the window for me? _.A . Yes, I could.B . Sure, I canC . No problemD . Both B and C20. (2分)Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long. A . It doesnt matter.B . Dont be sorry.C . Its very kind of you.D . Thats right.21. (2分) Im sorry I broke your glass. .A . Forget itB . Dont worryC . Thats rightD . Dont mentioned it22. (2分)Ive failed the entrance exam twice._. But dont give up, its said that third time luck.A . Im sorry to hear thatB . I hope notC . Good luck to youD . Thanks a lot23. (2分)Mary, can I use your dictionary?Yes, _.A . enjoy yourselfB . feel freeC . no way24. (2分)Jim, could you help me order a “Didi” taxi? My cellphone doesnt work._. It will arrive in a few minutes, by the way, where are you going?A . Youre welcomeB . SureC . Take it easyD . It doesnt matter25. (2分) Hello, _ is Cindy speaking. Hello, _ Tom here.A . Im; itsB . this; itsC . it; ImD . thats; its26. (2分) _ It might be a sunny day.A . Whats the temperature?B . Whats the matter?C . How is the weather like?D . Whats the weather like?27. (2分)Here you are. A . How do you?B . What?C . OK.D . Thank you.28. (2分) Shall I put the bike here? _. Tom may want it to be in its usual place.A . I dont agreeB . Youd better notC . No problemD . You cant do that29. (2分)I want to win the first prize in the coming school English competition._.A . I bet you doB . Whats it aboutC . Nice workD . Ill see to that30. (2分)Boys, would you mind not playing basketball here? ,Mr. Li.A . No, thanksB . Sorry, we wont do it againC . You are welcomeD . I cant stand it31. (2分) I will have a Math test tomorrow._.A . How do you do?B . I can help you.C . May you happy.D . Good luck to you.32. (2分) We failed in the singing competition. _. Better times are waiting for you.A . No wayB . Best wishesC . Cheer upD . Good job33. (2分) Hows it going, Betty? _.A . Thank youB . TerribleC . Very muchD . Youre right34. (2分) May I use (使用) your pen? Sure. _A . Here you are.B . Here are you.C . You are here.D . Here we are.35. (2分)Never give up. If you keep practicing speaking English every day. youll make great progress.Thanks for encouraging me. I know .A . practice makes perfectB . it never rains but it poursC . many hands make light workD . the grass is always greener on the other side36. (2分)Do not try to do many things at one time. Otherwise, you will become tired out. Remember, _.A . no pain, no gain.B . dont burn the candle at both endsC . practice makes perfectD . dont put all your eggs in one basket37. (2分) Lets play ping-pong._.A . Thank youB . Sounds goodC . Sound good.D . Thats right.38. (2分) Thank you for your delicious dinner, Tony. _A . Dont say so.B . Just so.C . Im glad you enjoy it.D . Never mind.39. (2分)Do you mind if I open the window?_ Go ahead, please.A . Of course!B . Sure!C . Certainly not!40. (2分)What about taking a walk after dinner?_.A . Good ideaB . Never mindC . What a shameD . Youre welcome41. (2分)Spell it, please. _.A . Its a penB . PENC . PEND . A pen42. (2分)Are Tony and Mary your friends? _.A . Yes, you areB . Yes, they areC . No, they notD . No, he isnt43. (2分)Hello, Gina! Nice to meet you._.A . Nice to meet you, tooB . How are youC . Im fine, thanksD . Thanks44. (2分)Excuse me , Madam. Can I take photos here?_. Look at the sign, it says “No photos”.A . Of course you cant.B . Thats rightC . Sorry, Im not sureD . Sorry, Im afraid not.45. (2分) _ Sorry, I wontIll pick it upA . Try to keep the classroom cleanB . Dont make any noise in publicC . Lets pick up the litter on the groundD . Dont throw litter everywhere46. (2分) Can you go to the movies with me? , but I havent finished my homework yet.A . Id love toB . Of courseC . Im afraid47. (2分)How about buying(买)some meat?_.A . NoB . YesC . Too goodD . Good idea48. (2分) _, Tom. Is this your book? No, it isnt. I think its _.A . Excuse me; JackB . Sorry; Jacks C . Excuse me; JacksD . Sorry; Jack49. (2分) You get up so late in the morning. Thank you. Ill follow your advice.A . oughtnt toB . ought toC . dont50. (2分)We will have a mid-term test tomorrow. _!A . Good luckB . Have a good timeC . Thank youD . You are welcome第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、


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