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Unit 7 Topic 1I 重点词汇和短语 birthday, celebrate, party, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, date, alone, plan, thousand, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, were, born, was, present, hill, shape, square, circle, ago, football, special, candle, surprise. be born, do some cleaning, just now, a moment agoII 语言点Section A1.When was he born,?他什么时候出生的, ? 当表达某人出生于某时或某地时,用一般过去时was/ were born。如: Where were you born? 你在哪儿出生的?2. He was born in June, 1986.他出生于1986年6月。在具体的某日前,用介词on; 在月份或年份前用介词in。如:on April 1st, 2005 在2005年4月1日in June, 1970 在1970年6月 in 2004 在2004年3. Wow! Youre a big fan of Michael Phelps.哇!你真是迈克尔. 菲尔普斯的超级粉丝啊。4.年份的读法:. 一般情况分两位来读, 如1880, 可以读作:eighteen eighty, 1979可以读作 nineteen seventy-nine. 也可以按数字读, 如2000, 可以读作 two thousand, 2007 可以读作 two thousand and seven. 注意以下几个: 1078 ten seventy-eight 1900 nineteen hundred 1905 nineteen o five 2050 twenty fiftySection B1.When is your birthday, Kangkang?本句中的when是特殊疑问句, 表示“什么时候”,有时相当于what time.但是when的适用范围较广,可以对年月日,几时几分等进行提问;而what time常对具体的几点几分进行提问。When do you want to go to Beijing?你想什么时候去北京?What time do you usually go to bed?你通常什么时候(指几点钟)睡觉?2. Whats the date today?今天是几号? Its May 8th. 5月8日。 Whats the date today?询问日期的句型一般而言,序数词前应加定冠词the。但在美式英语中,表达日期时不用the;而在英式英语中则用the。月日,年 May 21st, 2001 读作:May (the) twenty-first, two thousand and one日月,年 25th May, 2001 读作:the twenty-fifth of May, two thousand and one3. Thats next Wednesday! 是下个星期三!next Wednesday 下个星期三,last 和next 与年、月、星期连用时,分别意为“上个”, “下个”。 如: last two months 上两个月 next week 下个星期4. How do you plan to celebrate it?你打算怎样庆祝? plan to do sth.打算做某事5.My friends want to have birthday party for me. have a birthday party举办生日聚会4.基数词变序数词的规律1, 2, 3 要牢记, 结尾各是t,d,d; 8去t,9去e; ve要用f 替;然后再加th;整十变化需注意, ty变成tie, 后面再加th;假如遇到“几十几”,只变个位就可以Section C1. whats the shape of your present? 你的礼物是什么形状?对物体的形状进行提问常用句型 “Whats the shape of?” Whats the shape of your clock?= What shape is your clock? 你的闹钟是什么形状的?2.What color is it?它是什么颜色? Its black and white.是黑白相间的3. Oh! I get it. I get it. 我猜到了。此处的get 表示明白, 理解的意思, 相当于know 或understand. Do you understand my words? Yes, I get it.4. Can I have a look? Sorry, Im afraid you cant. Im afraid恐怕(委婉拒绝)5.What is it like?它像什么? be like像( )(外观,事物特征,人物性格) look like看起来像()(看起来像)6. What shape was it a moment ago?它刚才是什么形状? a moment ago 意为 “刚才”,相当于just now。ago意为 “以前”,应放在表示一段时间的短语之后。如: half a year ago 半年前4. Its 6.4 centimeters wide. (该物有6.4厘米宽)。 Its+数词+计量单位+形容词(长、宽、高) 1) 句子6.4读作 six point four. 2) 英语中表达长宽高,常先说数字,再说单位,而表示长宽高的形容词放在最后。如: The man is 2 meters tall.5. What do we use it for? We use it to keep pencils, rulers, erasers and so on.use for (doing)sth. / to do sth. 意为 “用做” for后常接名词和动名词,而to后接动词原形。We use this room for having meetings. Mr. Li uses a computer to get information.6. it must be a pencil-box,它一定是一个文具盒must be 表推测判断 He must be at home. 他一定在家。 类似的有 may be 也表示推测判断, 但没must be有把握, 表示可能, 也许。 She may be at school. 她可能在学校。 否定的判断用: cant be He cant be Kangkang. I know him.Section D1. Mr. Brown and his daughter, Mary, are planning to celebrate it. plan. n. 计划, 打算 v. 计划, 打算 plan to do sth. 打算做某事 I am planning to visit the Grate Wall.2. want v. 想, 想要 want sth. 想要某物 would like sth. I want an English-Chinese dictionary. want to do sth. 想要做某事 would like to do sth. Jane wants to have a birthday party. want sb to do sth. 想要某人做某事 would like sb. to do sth. The boy wants his mother to tell him a story. 3. buy sth. 买 buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. sth. My father buys a new bike for me. = My father buys me a new bike.4. cook v. 做饭 Im cooking now. n. 厨师 Whats his job? He is a cook.5. That would be a surprise for Mrs. Brown. 对于布朗夫人来说, 那将是一个惊喜。 a surprise意为 “一个惊喜”; to ones surprise意为 “使某人奇怪的是”, 如: To my surprise, he can speak English so well.6. in 和on 的用法:1). in 后面加表示一段的时间。如: 年, 月, 季, 午, 时等。如: in 1992, in May, in spring, in the morning, in an hour2). on后面加表示具体某一日的时间。如: on +星期, on Sunday, 在星期日, on +具体的某月某日, on October 2nd / on a rainy morning.III 语法1、学习序数词及日期的表达方法基数词变序数词的规律1, 2, 3 要牢记, 结尾各是t,d,d; 8去t,9去e; ve要用f 替;然后再加th;整十变化需注意, ty变成tie, 后面再加th;假如遇到“几十几”,只变个位就可以日期的表达方法月日,年 May 21st, 2001 读作:May (the) twenty-first, two thousand and one日月,年 25th May, 2001 读作:the twenty-fifth of May, two thousand and one2、be 动词一般过去时的基本用法 Past simple通常表示过去发生的而现在已经结束的事件、 动作或情况。动词用其过去式。我们主要讲述系动词be的过去时。1. 肯定句:主语 + was/were +其它。 如: I was born in China. You were ten in 2004.2. 否定句: 主语+was/were +not +其它。 I wasnt here yesterday. We werent at school last week.3. 一般疑问句及其回答: Was /were + 主语+其它? 简略回答: Yes, 主语+was/were. No, 主语+ wasnt/werent. Were you twelve last year. Yes, I was. / No , I wasnt .4. 特殊疑问句 疑问词 + 一般疑问句? 如:Where were you last year?IV 重点句型及交际用语 1. -Where was he born? -In Maryland, the U.S.A. 2. -When were you born? -I was born in January, 1995. 3. -Whats the date today? -Its May 8th. 4. -Mm, then whats the shape of your present? -Its round. 5. Was it like a flower just now? 6. -How long is it? - It is 24 centimeters long. 7. -What do we use it for? -We use it to keep pencils, rules, erasers and so on.V 课本作文范文 P60 Tomorrow is my fathers birthday. I would like to cook a big dinner with my mother. And I want to make a birthday card and sing the song, Happy Birthday, to him. My mother and I want to give him a surprise.

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