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Unit3-2Grammar More practice请熟读、熟记以下短语。(为已学或拓展短语)all the time一直;始终 bring up养育 look after照顾 in the end最后;终于 turn . into .使变成 put on上演;穿上 be made of用制造 cut out裁剪;剪出 in the shape of以的形状 close to靠近;接近【巩固练习】一、根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,注意其形式。all the time, cut out, bring up, put on, in the shape of1. He _ by his grandmother.2. Ben is thinking about the trip _.3. A new play _ in a week.4. The advertisement _ from the newspaper.5. The cloud was _ a rabbit. It was very lovely.二、同义句转换。1. The mother takes good care of her children.The mother _ _ her children well.2. I worked out all the Maths problems at last.I worked out all the Maths problems _ _ _.3. They made the kite with colour paper.The kite _ _ _ colour paper.4. They bought a new flat near a park.Their new flat is _ _ a park.5. We can change ice into water by heating it.We can _ ice _ water by heating it.第2版语法梳理请仔细观察以下例句中的黑体部分,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。【观察】1. They bring the fish back to the boat.2. Once a year, a new cormorant is brought up by Damin.3. The fish are then taken and thrown into a big basket by Damin.4. My bike was stolen last night.5. The pictures were painted in China.6. The meeting will be held next Friday.【结论】从上面的例句中我们可以看出,英语动词的语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。被动语态中的动词必须是及物动词。1. 当主语是动作的发出者时,动词用_(主动语态 / 被动语态),如例句 1;当主语是动作的承受者时,动词用_(主动语态 / 被动语态),如例句2、3、4、5、6。2. 被动语态的基本结构为:be +及物动词的过去分词+ by +动作发出者,如例句2、3。3. 被动语态的时态通过 _(be动词/及物动词的过去分词)来体现。具体用法如下:(1)一般现在时的被动语态的结构为:am / is / are +及物动词的过去分词,如例句2、3。(2)一般过去时的被动语态的结构为:was / were +及物动词的过去分词,如例句4、5。(3)一般将来时的被动语态的结构为:will be +及物动词的过去分词,如例句6。(4)没有明确的动作发出者时,“by +动作发出者”可以省略。如例句4、5、6。【温馨提示】不及物动词、部分动词或动词短语,如happen, take place, break out等没有被动语态。例如:The accident took place last night. 这场车祸是昨晚发生的。【巩固练习】一、选择最佳答案填空。( )1. Nowadays computers_ widely in our daily lives.A. use B. used C. are used D. will use( )2. Two pandas_ to the United Kingdom in 2011.A. sent B. were sent C. were sending D. has sent( )3. I won t come to the party unless Jimmy_.A. invite B. is invited C. will invite D. has invited( )4. Many questions_ at the meeting yesterday.A. asked B. are asked C. are asking D. were asked( )5. The work_ at the end of this month.A. will be finished B. is finishedC. are finished D. will finish( )6. This picture was painted_ my uncle.A. to B. for C. by D. from二、把下列句子改为被动语态。(每空一词)1. People in many countries speak English.= English _ _ _ _ in many countries.2. They built this house in 1968.= This house _ _ _ _ in 1968.3. We will hold the party next week.= The party _ _ _ next week.三、根据中文意思完成句子。1. 这本书是莫言先生在1995年写的。This book _ _ _ Mo Yan in 1995。2. 我们每天都打扫教室。Our classroom _ _ _ _ every day.3. 我们市明年会种更多的树。More trees _ _ _ in our city next year.知识点滴Grammar It will be made into a television programme.它将会被制作成一个电视节目。be made into意为“被制作成;被做成”,后面接表示成品的名词。例如:Grapes can be made into wine.葡萄可以做成葡萄酒。【拓展】be made of意为“由制成”,通常从成品可以看出原材料;be made from意为“由制成”,通常从成品看不出原材料;be made by“由(某人)制作”;be made in“在(某地方)制造”。【随身练】根据中文意思完成句子。1. 玻璃可以制作成杯子。Glass can _ _ _ glasses.2. 这双鞋是用皮革制成的。This pair of shoes _ _ _ leather.3. 面包是由面粉加工而成的。Bread _ _ _ flour.4. 这些东西是我爸爸昨天做的。These things _ _ _ my father yesterday.5. 这只手表是在瑞士制造的,它走时很准。This watch _ _ _ Switzerland. It works well.Writing Mr. Chen uses his hands to turn the dough into different characters. 陈先生用手把这些面团变成不同的人物造型。turn . into .意为“把变成”,强调渐变的过程。turn into也可以不分开,表示“变成”,例如:They turned the old building into a library. 他们把这栋旧楼变成了图书馆。The fighting may turn into a war. 这场战斗有可能变成一场战争。【拓展】change . into .也表示“变成”,但更强调形式上的改变,注重变化的结果;turn . into .除了表示形式上的改变,还可以表示状态上的改变,注重变化的过程。试比较: She changed the US dollars into RMB. 她把美钞换成了人民币。Her experience has turned her into a stronger person. 她的经历让她变得更坚强了。【随身练】根据中文意思完成句子。6. 让我们把这片地变成花园吧。Lets _ this area _ a garden.7. 她正在变为一位伟大的音乐家。She _ _ _ a great musician.8. 仙女把那个小孩变成了一只兔子。The fairy _ the child _ a rabbit.More practice Every Saturday, Wang Weifang puts on a play with his friends . 每周六,王伟芳和他的朋友们上演(皮影)戏剧put on在本句中意为“演出;上演”,后面常接show, play, dance等名词。put on还有“穿上;戴上”的意思,表示动作。例如:The Dramma Club is going to put on a play. 戏剧协会正在准备演出一个剧目。He put on a pair of glasses and read the newspaper. 他戴上眼镜看报。【随身练】根据中文意思完成句子。9. 我们班明天晚上将会出演一个戏剧。Our class will _ _ _ _ tomorrow evening. . shadow puppet plays are not as popular as before. 皮影戏没有以前那么流行了。as . as before意为“像从前一样”,其中as before也可以单独使用,意思是“如从前;依旧”。例如:She looks as beautiful as before.她和从前一样漂亮。It was cold, as before. 天气像从前一样冷。【拓展】as . as usual意为“像平常一样;像往常一样”。同样,as usual也可以单独使用,意思是“像往常一样”。例如:Although he failed, he worked as hard as usual. 尽管失败了,但他还是像往常一样努力工作。As usual, there werent many people at the meeting. 像往常一样,来开会的人不多。【随身练】根据中文意思完成句子。10. 汤姆不再像以前那样粗鲁了。Tom was not _ rude _ _.11. 你可以像从前一样走这条路或者走那条新修好的路。You can go this way _ _ or take the new road.12. 你像平常一样,又迟到了。Youre late, _ _.第3版Module 2 Unit 3 基础训练(二)Grammar More practiceGrammar一、从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。( )1. Our schools sports meeting _ next Friday.A. will hold B. is held C. was held D. will be held( )2. The window _ by Jack yesterday.A. broke B. is broken C. was broken D. breaks( )3. The flowers in my garden _ every day.A. water B. are wateredC. were watered D. will be watered( )4. I _ a nice present my best friend last week.A. was given; by B. was given; fromC. gave; by D. gave; from二、把下列句子改为被动语态。1. They will make some parts of the car in the factory.Some parts of the car _ _ _ in the factory.2. People use wood to make tables.Wood _ _ to make tables.3. He opened the door just now.The door _ _ _ _ just now.三、根据中文意思完成句子。1. 他们要养大三个孩子很困难。It is hard for them to _ _ three children.2. 最后,她同意了我们的计划。_ _ _, she agreed to our plan.3. 2012年,第30届奥运会是在伦敦举办的。The 30th Olympic Games _ _ in London in 2012.4. 这个项目要花一百万。One million _ _ _ on this project.5. 那个商店也出售一些手机。Some cell phones _ _ in that shop as well.Speaking一、从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话。A. she often wears jeans and Tshirts.B. She has long and black hair.C. What does your mother look like?D. Youre right.E. she looks quite young.A: Jack, you often say your mother loves you so much. (1)_B: She is quite tall and thin.A: How old is she?B: She is 40 years old but (2)_A: What kind of hair does she have?B: (3)_A: Does she like dresses?B: No, (4)_A: Then she must be an active person.B: (5)_ She seems full of energy and never gets tired.二、简短说话。根据下面的提示,用6个以上完整的英语句子介绍中国结。【内容提示】1. 中国结历史悠久,是中国的民间艺术之一;2. 每个结都是由一根绳子做成的;3. 中国结是幸福的象征;4. 中国结的制作简单易学。提示词:Chinese knots中国结,folk art民间艺术,a single rope一根绳子,a symbol of 的象征Chinese knots are loved by many people around the world. _Writing一、翻译下列短语。1. 一直_2. 擅长做_3. 一种_4. 有一天_二、用英语翻译下列句子。1. 他喜欢烹饪。_2. 烹饪美味的食物需要精湛的技艺以及一些工具。_3. 我希望有一天也像他一样成为一名厨师。_三、写作。假设你是林峰,向大家介绍你做中式厨师的叔叔林涛。词数80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。1. 他又高又壮,留着黑色短发,喜欢下厨和运动;2. 他擅长做中国菜,认为烹饪也是一种艺术;3. 烹饪美味的食物需要精湛的技艺以及一些工具;4. 你一直都很喜欢他做的食物,因为他做的食物又好看又好吃;5. 你也想像他那样成为一名厨师。Today I want to talk about my uncle Lin Tao. _More practice一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. Can you see the blackboard _ (clear)?2. My brother works _ (hard) to make money. He wants to buy a new car.3. The meat is _ (cut) into small pieces.4. Cormorant fishing is a _ (tradition) skill.二、根据句意,用适当的介词或副词填空。1. Two circles were cut _ by him.2. The students stood close _ each other.3. He bought a house _ a swimming pool behind it.4. The balloons are _ different colours.三、根据中文意思完成句子。1. 我们将表演一个话剧,你愿意参加吗?We are going to _ _ _ _. Do you want to join us?2. 那是因为她太喜欢英语了。_ _ _ she likes English very much.3. 这些艺术作品都是由木头做成的。All these works of art _ _ _ wood.4. 他送给妈妈一张心形的卡片。He sent his mother a card _ _ _ _ a heart.5. 她站在一个大箱子面前,不知道怎么办才好。She stood _ _ _ a big box, and she didnt know what to do.第4版导写桥Unit 3话题写作假如Lily是来自英国的交换生,她对中国传统文化很感兴趣。请你根据表格的内容提示向Lily介绍一些具有中国特色的传统技能。词数80100,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。传统技能特点鸬鹚捕鱼大黑鸟;擅长捕鱼;游泳技能好;能潜水并能待在水下长达两分钟。剪纸用剪刀把纸剪成动物、花卉或表示幸运的汉字(Chinese characters for good luck)等形状;在节日里贴在墙上和窗户上。面人玩具用生面团做的;可以做成各种大小不同的人物(characters),如:猴王。Step 1:激活词汇。你能想起与短文有关的已学过的词汇吗?试一下吧!1. 下潜_2. 在水下_3. 多达;至多有_4. 把切割成_5. 把放上/贴上_6. 在节日里_7. 大小不同_8. 比如_Step 2:精彩句型。让你的文章更闪亮。1. be good at doing . 意为“擅长做”。【例】Uncle Wang is good at putting on shadow puppet plays. 王叔叔擅长表演皮影戏。【译】鸬鹚擅长捕鱼。_2. use . to do . 意为“用来做”。【例】People in my home town usually use bamboo to build houses.我家乡的人们通常用竹子来建房子。【译】人们用剪刀把纸裁剪成动物、花卉或表示幸运的汉字的形状。_3. be made of . 意为“由制造”。【例】This bottle is made of glass.这个瓶子是玻璃做的。【译】面人玩具是生面团做的。_Step 3: 谋篇布局。本篇短文属于介绍类文章,时态要用_时;注意使用合适的过渡词来进行列举和说明。Step 4: 自己动手。There are many traditional skills in China. Now, let me tell you some special ones. _Do you think they are very interesting?


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