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仁爱版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)There are _ days in a week and Tuesday is _ day of the week. A . seven; thirdB . seven; the thirdC . seventh; three2. (1分)You speak good Chinese. _do you practice it, Andy? Usually by talking with my Chinese friends.A . WhatB . WhereC . WhenD . How3. (1分)1 cant afford the new bike. Its too _. A . lightB . heavyC . cheapD . expensive4. (1分)Scientists have found that of the other planets has the environment like that of the earth. Thats true. So we should protect our earth. A . no oneB . noneC . nothingD . nowhere5. (1分)My teacher often encourages me _ English well. A . learnsB . learnC . learningD . to learn6. (1分)The two runners finished the race . They both got the first place. A . at the same timeB . in the same timeC . on the same timeD . for the same time7. (1分)memory of the hero, they built a huge sculpture which was 10 metres high. A . In; up toB . In; up atC . On; up to8. (1分)I hope you _ fun visiting the museum with us tomorrow. A . to haveB . havingC . haveD . will have9. (1分)I wont go to the meeting _ Im invited. A . butB . ifC . unlessD . when10. (1分)What did Mr. Wang ask you just now? He asked me _yesterday afternoon.A . why I am absent from schoolB . Why I was absent from schoolC . why am I absent from schoolD . why was absent from school11. (1分)It _ me two weeks _ reading the novels by Guo Jingming. A . took; finishB . spent; to finishC . took; to finishD . spent; finish12. (1分)Id like to visit Kate tomorrow. Do you know_? Sorry, I dont know her address, either. A . why she lives thereB . who she lives withC . where she livesD . how she lives13. (1分)I want to teach in Tibet when I graduate from the college.Me too. Teachers _ very much there.A . needB . are needingC . are neededD . have needed14. (1分)How do you like your trip to Beijing, Mike ? Well, its great! I visited some _like the Summer Palace and the Great Wall.A . works of artB . places of interestC . travel guides15. (1分)Im afraid Ive got a bad cold._A . It doesnt matter.B . Keep away from others.C . Youd better see a doctor.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)完形填空“Mommy, I got something for you!” Cody ran through the door after school. His face wore the biggest smile ever. He waved something above his head. “Its a pen. But not just any pen. Its a lucky pen!” He handed me the pen 1 , waiting for my reaction(反应).I looked at the pen in my hand. There was nothing2 about it. It looked just like any other ballpoint pen. I had a drawer full of them. At that moment, I didnt realize how special it was or how much I would come to treasure(珍爱)it.I had made the decision to be a(n) 3 . I had dreamed about it for a long time but I was afraid of being refused by the publishing houses. The night before, I told my husband my 4 when I thought Cody wasnt listening. “What if5 likes my writing and I fail?” But Cody did 6 what I said. Now he stood in front of me, watching me examine the pen. “You dont have to be afraid now,” he said. “This pen will make your 7 great and everyone will love you.”Tears filled my eyes. Refusal and failure didnt seem like such a big problem any more. Even if I 8 sold the first book, I had everything I could ever need. I knew that pen would bring me luck, though. And I felt9 already, just by having Cody in my life, especially when I heard what he did to get it.In the lunchroom, Cody heard an older boy talking about having a lucky 10 . He decided to get it for me. The boy was a tough negotiator(强硬的谈判者) but Cody didnt 11 . In the end, he 12 his favorite Matchbox car, two army men his brother gave him, a crayon, and a piece of candy-his most important things, for that pen. Just to make 13 feel better.I still have that pen, though its long out of ink, in a cup on my desk. When a refusal letter arrives and I start feeling14 , I look at it and remember just how lucky I am. For while I value that pen, its Cody who I really 15 in my life.(1)A . easily B . carefully C . proudly D . naturally (2)A . strange B . special C . important D . interesting (3)A . teacher B . artist C . writer D . inventor (4)A . fear B . hope C . secret D . surprise (5)A . somebody B . everybody C . anybody D . nobody (6)A . hear B . accept C . expect D . believe (7)A . life B . dream C . stories D . choices (8)A . ever B . never C . even D . once (9)A . sure B . lucky C . brave D . proud (10)A . dog B . toy C . pen D . gift (11)A . give up B . try out C . get away D . call back (12)A . found B . kept C . sold D . changed (13)A . them B . us C . me D . him (14)A . nervous B . sorry C . angry D . lonely (15)A . respect B . praise C . serve D . treasure 三、 、阅读理解 (共3题;共11分)17. (5分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 This will offer you some information about our pet animals. They are very cute and nice.A pet dogOwner: Mrs Brown (From Canada)Character: Lovely and helpfulThe dog, Mike, is 2 years old. It can help people bring things. You can hold it in your arms, and its wonderful to see it grow up. Besides, if you keep it as your pet, you will be happier than before. This little dog can jump and play some games with you.Price: You can contact Mrs Brown at 3412205 to talk about it.A pet catOwner: Miss Liu (From China)Character: Cute and friendlyThe cat has a very nice name: Mimi. It was born in England in December 2017. It likes playing balls. When you are down, it will go to sit beside you and hold your hand. It likes to keep clean so you have to help it take a shower every day.Price: Free (The buyer should be patient and kind to the cat)Send an email to MissLiu123163.com or call 8538887 to contact the owners friend, Wendy.Pet parrotsOwner: Mr Green (From America)Character: Talkative and smartThese two parrots are three years old and they can say some English and Chinese words. One is called Bruno and the other is called Millie. They were born in China.They are friendly to everyone and they like to talk with humans. They can do some easy Maths problems.Price: $388 (The buyer should like birds)Phone: 3415678Email: 12475635Greenhotmail. com(1)What is the material about? A . Pet dogs.B . Pet cats.C . Pet parrots.D . Pet animals.(2)Whose pet animal should be taken a shower every day? A . Mr Greens.B . Miss Lius.C . Mrs Browns.D . Wendys.(3)Where does Millie come from? A . Canada.B . England.C . China.D . Japan.(4)Which animal is the youngest according to the material? A . Millie.B . Bruno.C . Mike.D . Mimi.18. (5分)阅读理解 If someone asks me, Do you like music? I am sure I will answer him or her. Of course, I do. Because I think music is an important part of our lives.Different people have different ideas about music. For me, I like rock because its so exciting. And my favourite rock band, the Foxy Ladies is one of the most famous rock bands in the world. I also like pop music. My classmate Li Lan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing. My best friend, Jane, likes jazz. She thinks jazz is really cool. I like dance music and rock very much, says my brother, because they are amazing. But my mother thinks rock is boring. I like some relaxing( 令人放松的)Music, she says. That is why she likes country music, I think.(1)The writer likes music because he thinks _. A . its an exciting part of our livesB . its an amazing part of our livesC . its an important part of our livesD . its an interesting part of our lives(2)What kind of music does the writer like? A . Jazz and country music.B . Rock and dance music.C . Rock and pop music.D . Rock and country music.(3)Who likes dancing? A . The writer.B . Li Lan.C . Jane.D . The writers mother.(4)The writers mother thinks that country music is A . amazingB . boringC . coolD . relaxing(5)How many peoples ideas about music are talked about in this passage? A . 5.B . 6.C . 7.D . 8.19. (1分)阅读下面的短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,每个空格只填1个单词。Do you and your classmates like Doraemon? Yes, it is a popular cat.But you know, he is not a real cat but a robot(机器人). The cat is a famous cartoon character(卡通人物)from Japan. Doraemon is from the 22nd century. I love Doraemon and I also love his 2,000 amazing gadgets(小玩意)!Doraemon has a bamboo-copter(竹蜻蜓). Put it on your head, and you can fly in the air. With a copter like this, I dont need to go to school by bike any more. The bamboo-copter flies at 80 km per hour. Its fast.Here is the jelly translator(果冻翻译器). Eat this jelly and then you can speak and understand any language in the world. You can also understand what animals say.Doraemon has a great door. It can take you to any place you want. First say the name of the place, and then pass through the door. You can get to that place in no time.Doraemon also has memory(记忆)bread. Take a piece of the bread. Stick(粘贴)it onto a page of a book. Eat it, and you can remember everything on the page quickly. But I dont like this kind of bread. Learning new things is fun, but eating it isnt, right?How I wish I could have some of these gadgets!DoraemonWho is DoraemonHe is a famous cartoon character from_.He comes from the 22nd century.Doraemons amazing_The bamboo-copterIt helps people_. With one on the head, the writer doesnt need to_ to school any more.The jelly translatorIf someone_ it, he can speak and understand any language, even_ language.The great_People can get to any_ they want through the door.The memory breadIt helps one remember lots of things_.The writer_ the bread because he thinks learning is fun.四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)Tom_(drop) his schoolbag on the bus. He felt worried.(2)My mother is looking forward to _(meet) you.(3)At first, our foreign English teacher spoke so_(quick) that no one could follow her.(4) Whats wrong with Maria? She fell off the bike and hurt_(her).(5) How clean your house is! Thank you. It _(clean) every day.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)配对阅读:下表左栏是五个人物介绍,右栏是家电用品介绍,请根据每个人对家电用品需求,为他们选择合适的家电用品。( B )_Bob is often late for school because he always gets up late. This makes his teacher mad. He needs to buy something to wake him up in the morning._Tim likes listening to music when he is free. And he has to send e-mails to his customers every day. He wants to buy something that can help him._Summer has come. Tony is fat and he cant sleep well on such hot days. This troubles him a lot. Hed like to buy something to make him feel cool._Alice often washes her hair late at night. It is often wet when she goes to bed. She is going to buy something that can dry her hair in a short time._Susan is a housewife. She has to do the washing for her family every day. She gets tired of it. She is in need of a product to do it for her.A. This electric product can make you cool during the hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the humidity(湿度)of your room.B. You can do many things with this product, such as sending e-mails, playing games, getting on line and so on. You can also listen to music with it when you want to relax.C. This electric product is useful to all of us. People often have one at home. It is often put up on the wall. If you want to know the time, just take a look at it.D. This can help you wash your dirty clothes and dry them. What you need to do is to turn it on and later hang the clothes on the line. With this electric product, life will be a lot easier for you.E. Each family needs this product. You can use it to store meat, vegetables, fruits, drinks and medicine. It can keep them cool and fresh so that they will not go bad easily on hot days.F. It is a very helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up with a piece of music any time you want, but you have to set the time first.G. When you wash your hair, you need this product. It can make your wet hair dry in a minute. It can also be used for drying your wet clothes or some other wet things.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)请根据下列要点写一篇60词左右的英语短文。 要点:1)林林正在超市买礼物;2)这个周末是林林姐姐的生日;3)她买了一件漂亮的连衣裙;4)她还买了像草莓、香肠之类的别的东西。要求:不要逐字逐句翻译;可进行适当拓展,使之连贯、通顺。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、三、 、阅读理解 (共3题;共11分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)20-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)21-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)22-1、

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