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学年英语八年级下初三总复习教案清华大学英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果20092010学年英语八年级下初三总复习教案Unit5 Topic1Teaching aims and demands:1. Grasp the words and phrases in it.2. Grasp the important sentences in it.3. Grasp the grammar: linking verb+adjTeaching importance:Grasp Aims1_3Teching difficulty: Grasp the grammar: linking verb+adjTeaching procedure:Step1 Words and Phrases1. Get the student to read the words and phrases together.2. Get the students to grasp the following contents:1).invite sb. to do sth= ask sb. to do邀请某人做某事 2). prepare for sth准备某事(准备时间较长思想上的准备):prepare for the exam prepare sth for sb.为某人准备:prepare food for Lily prepare to do sh准备做:I prepare to go hiking.3). a ticket to/for一张的票 the answer to the question问题的答案 the key to the door/car/bike/ a way to一种的方式4)say sth to sb.对某人说.: say thanks/hello/goodbye to 5)be proud of自豪,骄傲 e.g. The teacher is proud of his student. 人+be pleased with+物 e.g. Jim is pleased with his new bike.6)物+be popular with+人受的欢迎 e.g. The book is popular with students. be worried about; be afraid of; be angry with; be bored with; be interested in; be nervous about; be famous for+sth/as+身份be satisfied with; be surprised at; be excited about/at sthbe strict with sb. be strict about/in sth7)set the table for sb.为某人摆餐具 e.g. Im setting the table for guests.8) be able to do能够-侧指通过努力能够实现的(*will be able to)can-侧指人所具有的一种能力9). ring up sb. = call sb. = phone sb. =give sb. a call打电话 be sorry for sb. e.g. I am sorry for you. be sorry about sth e.g. I am sorry about your illness. be sorry to do sth e.g. I am sorry to hear that. be sorry that+从句 e.g. Im sorry that he lost the game.10) because of + n./短语:I cant go to the party because of the weather. because + 句子:I cant go to the party because it rains heavily. 11) teach sb. sth: Lily teaches us English. teach sb. to do sth: Lily teaches me to draw pictures.12).cheer up使振作精神 13) 上演 put on:强调动作 e.g. A new film will put on this evening.14)tell a story/joke/lie讲故事/讲笑话/说谎15).on the night of April 14th on a cold morning16).on the/ones way to在的路上 on the/ones way home17)fall into the sea掉入大海 18).live together happily幸福地生活在一起19)go mad发疯20).come into being形成21).容器+be full of+物=be filled with装满,充满 e.g. The cup is full of/filled with water.22)make peace with sb.与某人和解23)end with以结束 start/begin with以开始Step2 SentencesGrasp the key sentences:1. How are you doing?=How are you? 你好吗?2. Why all the smiling faces?=Why do all of you have smiling faces?3 I went to buy tickets, but there was none left. (leave-left-left)4 I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切顺利。5.Beijing Opera is our national opera with around 200 years of history.京剧是我们的国剧,已有着大约200年的历史了。6.we children are going to spend the evening at kangkangs house7.just set three placesthe father was was lonely and become angry because of the noisy children.8.-how does the food taste?- It tastes deliciousStep3 Grammar1.linking verb+adj系表结构系表结构 be (am/is/are/was/were) 感官v.(feel, look, sound, taste品尝,smell闻、嗅) 四变化(turn/become/go/ get) *turn侧指颜色变化 keep, make3. Do the exercises in the paper.Step4 PracticeGive the students some minutes to read the above contentsStep5 Project1. Recite the contents in Topic1.2. Finish the paper. 清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果一 据意填空1. - are you ?- Im fine, . are you ?-Im .2.- this English?- a quilt.- , please.-Q-U-I-L-T.3.- is the pen?-Its red. 4. key is yellow.5. My pen black. 6. The ruler is black white.7.My names Gina Hand. Gina is my name. Hand is my name.8.Her names Wang Li. Wang is her name. Li is her name.9 His telephone 6842001.10. Whats that English?11. His Alan. Her Mary. My Jenny.12.Nice to you. 13.-Hello! Mary.-Hi, Mary! Im Bob.14.- your phone ?- 7801456.15-Whats her name?-Brown.16. My names Miller. Her name is Green. His names Smith.17.-Whats your name?- Tony.18.His names Nick.19.This my eraser.18.That his pen. 19.Call Jane 495-3636. 20. do you spell your name?21.- this your backpack?-Yes, . Its backpack.22.It a dictionary.22.- that your book? - , .Its his book.23.I have a of keys.24.- , Jim. Is this your ruler?-Yes, you.25.- it a watch?-Yes.26.This my cousin.These my sisters. Those my parents.27.-Is Wei Fang your sister ?-Yes, .28.Thats Jim thats Paul.29.-Is Wu Dong your brother?-No, . my cousin.30.Thanks the photo your family. Here my family photo.31.- my baseball?- in the backpack. 32 The books on the bookcase.33.- my books?- under the table.34. I know.35.Please take the dictionary Bob. 36.Can you bring some books school?37.My TV the desk.38.-Are these your pens?-Yes, .-No, 38.-Are those your brothers?- Yes, .-No, 39.-Are they oranges?- Yes, .-No, 40.I need my hat,my notebook , a pen.41.- the pen?-I know. in the pencil case?- No, .42- the backpack? on the dresser?-No, it isnt. on the table.43.- my books?-I know. on the desk?-No, . under the bed.44.- you have a baseball?-Yes, .-No, 45.-Wheres the baseball?- on the floor.-Where are the baseballs?- on the floor46.- she have a sister?-Yes, -No, .47.- he have eraser?-Yes, . No, .48- they have a computer?- Yes, .-No, 49.-Is this your sister?-Yes, .50 Is that your brother?-No, .二 用所给词的适当形式填空1. names Jenny.(she) 2. names Alan.(he)3. names Mary.(I)4.Whats first name?(he)5 Whats last name?(she)6 Whats telephone number?(you) 7. phone number is 6842003.(he) 8.I dont know phone number.(she)9.This is pen.(he) 10.Thats dictionary.(she) 11.Is this pen?(you)12. This isnt pencil sharpener.(I)13.Thanks for the photo of family(you)14.-Are your friends?-No, arent.(he)15.Is your sister?(they)16. is my brother.(they) 17. need book.(me)18. a boy. names Bob.(I)19. a girl. names Mary.(she)20. a boy. names Tom21.Excuse . Whats this in English?(I) 22.Thank .(your)23.This is (I) brother. (she) name is Tom.24.Are on the desk?(it) 25.She watches on TV.(it)26.His name is Bob.(one) 27. Let play volleyball.(we)28.This is ID card.(a) 28.I have a set of .(key) 29. They are .(boy) 30 Those are (dictionary)31.Are pencil sharpeners?(this) 32. arent my friends.(that)33.Can you take things to your father?(this) 34.Those are my .(parent) 35.Arethese ?(watch) 36.Where are my ?(baseball) 37.I have three (ball)38.We have many (book). 39 I need some (notebook) 40.Here my two books.(is) 41.The are on the table.(key)42.He have a baseball.(do)43.That difficult.(sound) 44.Jim a soccer ball.(have) 45. Mary have a Basketball?(do)46. They have a computer.(do)46.Lets play computer (game)47.Lets play (sport). 49.We have many clubs.(sport)50He only sports on TV. (watch)51.Do you like (strawberry)?55.I like .(tomato)三 句型转换(一)就划线提问1.This is a map. ?2.Thats a jacket. ?3.These are baseballs. ?4.Those are quilts. ?5.Its an orange. . 6.They are basketballs. ?7.My names Kim. ?8.His names Nick. ?9.Her first names Jenny. first name? 10.His last names Miller. last name? 11.My phone number is 6842001. phone number? 12.His phone number is 6843001. phone number? 13.Its red. ?14.The pen is black and white. ?15.My jacket is green. ?16.These are green jackets. ?17.These rulers are yellow. ?18.Im fine. ?19.Hes fine. ? 20.The pen is in the pencil case. ?21.My books are on the desk. Books?22.His pen is under the bed. ?(二)(1)变否定句。(2)变一般疑问句,并做肯定回答和否定回答。1.This is my pen.(1) (2)2.This is an English book.(1) (2)3.Thats his friend. (1) (2)4.Thats an ID card. (1) (2)5.The pen is on the desk. (1) (2)6.The keys are in the drawer.(1) (2)7.This is my sister. (1) (2)8Its an eraser. (1) (2)9.Shes my friend. (1) (2)10.Hes my brother. (1) (2)11.These are watches. (1) (2)12.Those are dictionaries. (1) (2)13.They are computer games. (1) (2)14.Im Jim. (1) (2)15.I can bring these things to school.(1) (2)16.I know. (1) (2)17.I have a soccer ball. (1) (2)18.They have a computer. (1) (2)19.He has a sister. (1) (2)20.She has two dictionaries. (1) (2)21.Sonia has a sports collection.(1) (2)22.Ed has seven baseballs. (1) (2)23.They play ping-pong. (1) (2)24.He plays volleyball. (1) (2)25.She plays basketball. (1) (2)26.Helen plays sports every day.(1) (2)27.Eric watches TV . (1) (2)(三)单、复数句互变。1.Im fine. 2.This is an eraser.3. That is an orange. 4.-Is this a watch?-Yes, it is.5.Is that a dictionary? 6.Its a pen.7.-Is it your pencil?-No,it isnt. 8.Shes my cousin.9.Hes my brother. 10.Is he your friend?11.-Does he have a watch?-Yes, he does.-No, he doesnt.12.They are English boys. 13.They are girls.14.They are erasers. 15.Are these oranges?16.Those arent ID cards.一 翻译1. 在桌上 2. 在床上 3. 在梳妆台上 4. 在抽屉里 5.在文具盒里 6在桌里 7. 在椅子上 8. 在桌子下 9.在失物招领箱里 10.在书橱上 11.在她的梳妆台下 12.在沙发上 13.我的双肩背包在桌子下。 14.我的书在沙发上。 My books .15.我的棒球在双肩背包里。 My baseball .16.-他的书在哪?-它在椅子上. - ?- 17.-她的书在哪?-它们在沙发上. - ?- 18.书包在椅子上. .19-电子游戏在哪?-它在床下.- ?- 20.它们在椅子上. 它在抽屉里. .21.我的电子游戏在桌子上吗?不,它不在.- ?- , 22.它们在书橱上吗?不,它们不在. - ?- , 二 据意填空1.My dictionary on the sofa. 2. Her books on the table.3. it under the table? 4. they on the bed ?5. the key in the drawer ? 6. her pencils in the pencil case?7.Where his backpack? 8. Where the books?9.- the quilt?- Its on the bed. 10. - his jackets?- Theyre on the bed.10-Wheres my pen?- on the table. 11.-Where are the books ?- on the bed.三 句转1.My dictionary is on the sofa. dictionary?2. His pencil sharpener is in the pencil case. his pencil case ?3. Her keys are on the dresser. her keys ?4. Is this your baseball ?-Yes, it is. No, it isnt.(变复数句) - your ?-Yes , . No , .5.-Is that her ruler ? -Yes, it is. No, it isnt.(变复数句)- her ?-Yes , . No , .6. Its her dresser. (变复数句) her ?7.He is an English boy. (变复数句) English .8. She is an English girl . (变复数句) English 9 Is it in the drawer ? (变复数句) in the ?10 Her names Jenny . Jenny.11. Hes Bob. Bob.12. The ruler is yellow. the ruler?四 单选1.This is orange. Is this English book? Thats ID card. This isnt school ID card. Wheres pen? Where are keys? baseball isnt in the backpack. Are books on the bookcase ? Her eraser is in pencil case. His backpack is under table. My dictionary is on sofa. The baseball is in my backpack. A. a B. an C. the D.The E. An F. A G.不填一 翻译短语和句子1早上好!2。下午好!3。晚上好!4你身体好吗?5。我身体好,谢谢。6一张地图7。一个橙子8一双被子9用英语说这是什么?钢笔。请把它拼出来。PEN。它是什么颜色的?黑色。10.这把钥匙是什么颜色的?11这个尺子黑白相间的。二 据意填空1Im fine, .2. Whats this English?3. Its orange. 4. it, please. K-E-Y.5. jacket is red.三选择填空1。激光唱片(),硬黑(),英国广播公司(),停车区()ABBCB。CDC。PD。HB2A:Good morning. B: .A.Good afternoon B.Good evening C.Hi D.Fine3. A: Whats this in English? B: . A.Pen B. An pen C. D.Its a pen4. key is yellow. A.The B.A C.An5(美国)全国篮球协会(),千克(),不明飞行物(),中国中央电视台()A.UFO B.NBA C.CCTV D.kg6.(衣物的尺寸)小号(),(衣物的尺寸)中号(),(衣物的尺寸)大号民(),联合国()AUNB。LC。SD。M 7. This is orange. A. a B. an 四句型转换1Im OK . you?2. This is a black jacket . ?3. The quilt is blue . the quilt?4.Im fine, thanks. Im , .五补全对话A: Good morning, Bob. B:Hi,Cindy. ? A:Im fine,thanks. ? B:Im OK. A: ? B:Its a key.A: , . B:K-E-Y. A: ?B: Red.A:Thank you.Good-bye.B: 六,作文写留言条(一) Bob 给 Tom 留言,让他把这些东西给Mary送去。这些东西是:她的数学书,棒球,笔记本,激光唱片和录象带。数学书在梳妆台上。棒球在床下。笔记本上床上。激光唱片在抽屉里。录象带在桌子上。(二) Mary给Bob留言,让他把这些东西给她送到学校来。这些东西是:她需要她的帽子,她的笔记本,和一支钢笔。她的帽子在椅子上。她的笔记本在地板上。钢笔要桌子上。七,翻译1 我的双肩背包在哪里?它在桌子下。?。2 钥匙在哪里?他们在抽屉里。?。3 我不知道。4 棒球在书包里吗?是的,它是。?。5 书在书橱上吗?不,他们不在。?。6请把这些东西给 Li Lei 送去。7你能把我的帽子送到学校来吗?8我需要一支钢笔。清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果新目标英语七年级上册Units1-12词汇及词组1. 26个字母,大小写,读音,音标,缩略词,前面冠词搭配1). ABC, a.m., p.m, CD, VCD, CEO, ET, B, H, m, km, mm, g, kg, WTO, SOS, SARS, VIP, WHO, UN, NBA, W.C., TV, PRC, UK, USA, 2). a story, an interesting story a man, an old man, an honest man, an unusual man3). an hour, an apple, an orange, an egg, a university, 4). a “P”, a “U”, an “S”, an “I”, an “R”2. be动词的用法:am, is , are1). I am a middle school student. 我是一个中学生。在第一人称单数后用am.2). You are a teacher. 你是一个老师。在第二人称,不管单复数,都用are.3). Tom and Mike are brothers. 汤姆和麦克是兄弟。主语是复数时,用are.4). Both Jane and Cherry are good at English. 两个人都擅长于英语。bothand 用are.5). She is my friend. 她是我的朋友。第三人称单数,用is.6). The book is very interesting. 这本书很有趣。物品单数也用is.7). The food is very delicious. 食物很好吃。 不可数名词一律用单数。8). The city we live in is fascinating. 我们居住的城市很迷人。 主语是城市,单数,用is.9). Not only Jane but also Cherry is good at English. 不但而且,not onlybut also句型中be动词取决于第二个主语。10). There is a net bar near my home. 我家附近有一个网吧。单数。11). There are more than 200 teachers in our school. 我们学校有2百多老师。复数。3. 人称代词主格 I you he she it we you they宾格 me you him her it us you themI am an English teacher. My students call me Mr. Chen. 我是个老师,学生们叫我陈老师。She is a kind old woman. All of us like her. 她是一个和蔼的老太太。大家都喜欢她。Both of them are from UK. They both come from UK. 他们两个人都来自英国。介宾。Edisons mother found him a clever boy. Edisons mother found that he was a clever boy. 爱迪生的妈妈发现他是个很聪明的孩子。第一个句子,他是宾语,第二个句子中,它使后面的从句的主语。4. 物主代词形容词性 my your his her its our your their名词性 mine your his hers its ours yours theirs1).This is my bike. The bike is mine. 这是我的自行车。2).Whos the boy over there? Do you know his name? 那个男孩子是谁?你知道他的名字吗?3).I love my motherland as much as yours. 我爱我的祖国与你的一样深。4).May I use your pen? Yours works better. 我可以用一用你的钢笔吗? 你的比我的好用。5).All parents love their children. My parents love theirs too. 所有的父母亲都爱他们的孩子,我的父母亲也爱他们的孩子。A friend of mine visited me yesterday and we had a long chat about our school days. 我的一个朋友昨天来找我,我们在一起说了很多关于我们在学校的生活的话题。5. What: 什么,代词,形容词,连词,感叹词1). Whats her telephone number? 他的电话号码是多少?2). What are you doing? 你在做什么?3). “What has happened?” She asked. She asked what had happened.她问道,发生了什么事呢?4). What time is it? Whats the time? 几点啦?5). I believe what she told me. 我相信她所告诉我的话。(引导宾语从句)6). What a fine day! 多好的天气啊!6. 名字:英文里一般名字有三个:first name, middle name, last name. 其中 first name 就是他们的名字(given name), last name 就是他们的姓(family name), middle name 一般略去。Tomas Smith: Tomas 是名字,Smith 是姓。First name 往往还有昵称。比如:Tom is short for Tomas.称呼一般放在姓氏的前面。比如,我们称呼David Black 为Mr Black, 而不是 Mr David.7. number: 号码,数1)number: 号码,放在数字前, Number 5 或 No. 5. Whats your number? I am Number 28.2)The number of: 的数量,谓语动词用单数:The number of the students in our class is fifty-six. 我们班的学生数量是56。3)A number of: 很多,A number of students like playing computer games. 很多学生喜欢打电脑游戏。8. How

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