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人教版2020学年上学期七年级英语上学期学业水平期末检测B卷一、 单项填空。请从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)-Mary, whos _ man over there?-He is my uncle, _ English teacher.A . the; theB . an; theC . the; anD . a; an2. (2分)We call smiling, bowing and shaking heads .A . movementsB . feelingC . body languageD . A and B3. (2分)“If you want to improve your study, you must be away from the computer.” Our math teacher says. “It means _ you play computer games, _ your study will be.” A . the more; the betterB . the more; the moreC . the less; the betterD . the less, the more4. (2分)My father stopped the car because he saw someone _ his hand with his thumb raised. A . putting awayB . putting offC . putting onD . putting out5. (2分)If you miss so many lessons, you must fall behind _ classmates. A . anotherB . the othersC . otherD . the other6. (2分) What did the farmer do _the farm? He_ the chickens.A . in; feedB . on; feedsC . in; feedingD . on; fed7. (2分)As we know its difficult to live in a foreign country_if you cant understand the language thereA . ProperlyB . RecentlyC . UsuallyD . Especially8. (2分)_ do you go to Mrs Rainbows colour therapy? Once every two weeks.A . How oftenB . How soonC . How longD . How far9. (2分) Wheres Bob? He _ in the library now.A . readsB . readC . is readingD . will read10. (2分) When you go on a visit to Beijing, you shouldnt miss the Great Wall. Its beautiful. _A . It sounds very interesting!B . Why not?C . Thank you all the same.D . I wont do that again.二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共6分)11. (6分)Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. Percy and Pamela Morland are fifteen. From Monday to Friday, they1at half past six every morning. Perey has a shower. Pamela has a bath. They brush their teeth. They have breakfast with their parents. They get ready for school. Have they got their school books?Have they done their homework?When theyve got2, they wait in the sitting room. Lessons start at half past eight. Do Percy and Pamela go to school?Yes, they do-at home!There are two desks and a blackboard in their sitting room. They study at home, and their parents are their 3. Mrs Morland teaches them in the mornings, and she works in a cinema in the evenings. Mr Morland is a doctor. He sees4in the mornings, and he comes home from work in the afternoon. Hes the childrens5teacher. He plays football with them on Mondays, tennis on Tuesdays, more football on Wednesdays, basketball on Thursdays, and he takes them swimming on Fridays. I love going to school at home, says Percy. We have learned a lot6were got a very small class! Pamela loves it, too, but she thinks they work very hard. Mum always gives us lots of homework! she says, I like swimming with Dad best. Hes a great teacher,(1)A . get out B . get up C . get on D . get off (2)A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything (3)A . friends B . servants C . teachers D . cooks (4)A . teachers B . patients C . policemen D . friends (5)A . sports B . art C . maths D . history (6)A . if B . when C . because D . so that 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)12. (10分)根据下列短文,选择最佳选项。ASam likes soccer. He always watches soccer games on TV. His wife (妻子) Nina likes watching TV plays (电视剧). One evening at 7:00, Sam watches an interesting soccer game on TV. The TV also has a good TV play. It is Ninas favorite. She wants to watch it very much, but Sam sits before (在之前) the TV. He doesnt let Nina watch the TV play. Nina is not happy, so she goes to her mothers home at 7:30 in the evening. When she comes into her mothers home, her father watches that soccer game, too. “Where is my mother, Dad?”asks Nina.“She goes to your grandmas home,”says her father.“Why?”“I want to watch the soccer game, but she likes to watch a TV play.”(1)What does Same like?A . Basketball.B . Volleyball.C . Soccer.D . Baseball.(2)The underlined word “sit” means “_” in Chinese.A . 坐B . 吃C . 玩D . 笑(3)When does Nina go to her mothers home?A . At 7:00.B . At 7:30.C . At 8:00.D . At 8:30.(4)Where is Ninas mother?A . At home.B . In the store. C . In the classroom.D . In her grandmothers home.(5)Nina and her family all like _.A . to do exerciseB . to play the pianoC . to watch TVD . to make friends13. (10分)阅读理解We all know that food makes us grow every day,but sometimes it can make us happy when we feel bad. Food such as sea fish,bananas,pumpkins and chicken can help us be happy. How can they affect(影响) our feelings?People living by the sea look much happier than other people,because the fresh sea air helps them clear their minds and they eat a lot of sea fish. Bananas have much Vitamin B6.Having more bananas can help us make a quick decision,and become more confident(自信的)Eating pumpkins can also help people get into a good feeling because its rich(富有的) in Vitamin B6 and iron(铁)Are you in a bad mood(情绪)?If you are,dont sit alone. Go to eat such happy food with your friends. Maybe youll feel better.(1)Food gives us energy(能量) and sometimes _. A . it can affect our feelingsB . it can make us feel sadC . it can make us become fatD . it can make us healthier(2)Why do people living by the sea look happier? A . Because they can often go boating.B . Because they can often swim in the sea.C . Because they have fresh air and eat sea fish.D . Because they often drink sea water.(3)What food can make us more confident? A . Sea fish.B . Chicken.C . Apples.D . Bananas.(4)The underlined word “Vitamin” means “_” in Chinese. A . 维生素B . 矿物质C . 小麦D . 二氧化碳(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Chicken is bad for us.B . Vitamin B6 and iron can make us happier.C . Eating a lot of fish can make us unhealthy.D . Clean air can help us become more confident.14. (10分)阅读理解 The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions that you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the Happy Birthday song. Others are only found at certain ages and in certain countries.In China, on a childs second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up tells you what profession(专业) the child will choose later in life.For Japanese children, the third, fifth and seventh birthdays are especially important. At these ages, there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San(seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to the temple wearing new kimonos(和服) .The priest(祭司) gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organise a party for their friends in their home.In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony(仪式) , the girls dance a waltz with their fathers first.Eighteen is traditional coming of age-the age when(in many countries) you have the right to vote(选举) , join the army and(in Britain) drink alcohol or buy a house.In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person is now old enough to leave and enter the family home at any time he wants! (1)Which of the following birthday traditions can be found almost anywhere, anytime? A . Putting many things on the floor.B . Wearing a new kimono.C . Dancing a waltz.D . Sending birthday cards.(2)The usually organise a party at childrens special birthday celebration in Japan. A . priestsB . parentsC . friendsD . relatives(3)Mexican girls have a special birthday celebration at the age of . A . fiveB . sevenC . fifteenD . twenty-one(4)In many countries you can when you reach eighteen. A . join the armyB . have a keyC . have a special ceremonyD . have special sweets(5)Which is the best title for this passage? A . Birthday traditions around the worldB . Chinese birthday celebrationsC . Special Japanese celebrationD . The drinking age in many countries四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共7分)15. (7分)请先从方框中为文章第25段选择一个小标题填在第14小题的横线上,然后完成第5小题。A. Exercise at fitness centers.B. Exercise enough but not too much.C. Get your body ready.D. Stop playing when you are hurt.(1)为文章第25段选择一个小标题。Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games, but you should remember to exercise in the right ways. Before you do any exercise, make sure to warm up for at least five minutes. During warming up, you should extend all parts of your body. Its best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you. There are a lot of equipments (设备) at fitness centers. The equipments will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you fit. Some people buy equipments for their homes. But it is very expensive. If you get hurt when you are doing exercise, dont play again until you are well.(2)Which is the best title for the passage? A . How to keep HealthyB . Get enough exerciseC . Exercise in the right waysD . Dont get too tired五、 图片与词组配对。请将单词前面的字母填到图片下面的横线上。 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)We live _ (on/ in) the sixth floor.六、 词汇运用。 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)Betty likes musicRightAnd her d_is to be a musician七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)假如你是王洁, 你美国的笔友John想到中国旅行, 请你根据下面提示给他发封email.1)北京是中国的首都。名胜古迹不胜枚举, 夏季是来北京旅游的最佳时期;2)还可到海南, 那儿四季如春, 可以游泳、潜水, 你一定会玩得开心。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项填空。请从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共6分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共7分)15-1、15-2、五、 图片与词组配对。请将单词前面的字母填到图片下面的横线上。 (共1题;共1分)16-1、六、 词汇运用。 (共1题;共1分)17-1、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、


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