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人教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习任务型阅读(真题)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 任务型阅读 (共15题;共98分)1. (4分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it is harmful to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you to live a green life.Remember these three words; reduce, reuse and recycle.Reduce means use less. Dont waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think if it is really necessary or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy thing, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.Reuse mean use again. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should take care of them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Dont use a paper cup or a paper bag. Its better to use a china cup(瓷杯) and a lunch box because you can use them again.Recycle means change things into something else. Although it takes energy to change something into something else, its better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your neighbourhood and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.Title:_to Live a Green LifeWe produce waste every day and it is _for us. We can do something to help.IdeasDoDontTo _Use less.Try to save something.Dont buy too many things from foreign_.To reuseUse _.Use things for us long as possible.Buy things that last long.Take care of things or_the old things.Dont use_cups or bags.To recycleChange things into some_things.Join in recycling programmes.Buy _made from recycled materials.Dont_things away or burn them.2. (5分)根据短文内容,回答问题。The Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival,Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New Years Eve to have a big meal. At the same time,everyone celebrates to each other. At about 12 oclock,some parents and children light crackers. The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly. How busy it is!On the first early morning of one year,many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed(倒着的) Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some houses windows are sticked on red paper cuttings.The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. 所以在那十五天的时间里,我们总是挨家挨户的去探访我们的亲戚朋友。 At that time children are the happiest because they can get many red packets from their parents,grandparents,uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.(1)将文中句翻译成中文。 (2)将文中句翻译成英文。 (3)Which is the most important festival in China, the Lantern Festival, the Spring Festival or the Mid-autumn Festival? (4)What do people do on New Years Eve? (5)Whats in childrens red packets? 3. (5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中的信息(每空最多不超过四个词)It is said that the eyes are the windows of our soul. However, you have to look after them properly. Your eyes need everyday attention.Firstly, you have to pay more attention to your diet. Have more fresh fruits, vegetable, fish, egg and milk, Its good for your eyes. Besides, a regular amount of VitaminsA and B2should also be taken.Secondly, you must have a regular and sound sleep.It relaxes the eye muscles(肌肉) and gives them the rest required,sleep can help the body to repair its tired tissues(组织).Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day. Loss of sleep can give you dark circles under the eyes.Next, its necessary for you to exercise eyes every day. blink(眨眼)your eyes at regular periods,which makes the eyeballs watery,and gives them a good wash.Lastly, you should use your eyes in right ways. Fox example, if a small thing goes into your eye you start rubbing it, which is wrong. Rubbing is harmful to your eyes, Dont read or write in you start rubbing it, which is wrong. Rubbing is harmful to your eyes. Dont read use sunglasses to stop the sunshine from shining directly into your eyes. Too much reading, writing, watching television or working on the computer can also cause eye tiredness, so a good rest is required.If you always take care of Gods most beautiful gift, your will be very colorful!dietEating food that _ your eyes, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.Taking a proper amount of Vitamins A and B2 regularly._Having a regular and sound sleep is a must.Getting enough sleep is necessary.Eye exercisingHaving your eyes exercised every day.Blinking your eyes at regular periods.Eye usingIts wrong _ when something goes into your eye.You have to use sunglasses to keep away from bright sunshine.You should _ after reading, writing, watching TV or working on the computer.4. (5分)阅读短文,完成句子Chinese are very generous when they begin to educate their children. No caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the USA or Australia. They also want their children to take extra-course activities where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes that will give them a good start in life. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is. So parents will spend a large number of money on education. Even poor parents will buy a computer for their child.However, what most parents fail to see is that the best education they can give their children is usually very cheap. Parents can see that their children are skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize is that todays children lack (缺乏) self-respect and self-confidence.The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident, happy and clever.Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework. These activities are teaching a child not only to read, but also to think. And that is more important.(1)Many Chinese parents never _money in educating their children. (2)They believe that the result will be _if more money is spent on education. And that their children can have_in life if they take extra-course activities. (3)Parents can see that their children may have skills in some areas, but they dont realize that todays children are short on _. (4)Parents should not only educate their children on how to study well, but also teach them to be _. (5)The aim of teaching a child practical skills is to make him learn not only _. 5. (5分)阅读与回答问题。 Have you ever heard the saying There is no place like home! This is just another way of saying that home is a very special place. Our bedroom, our family, our pets, and all of the things we love are at home.Is home a place where you can relax and have fun? Is home a place where you get all of your best thinking done? Being at home means different things to different people. As people grow older, home usually represents more responsibility (责任) because it needs care inside and out. Who takes care of all of these things in your home? How do you help out?There are many different kinds of homes. Some people live in apartments, condos, or singlefamily homes. Homes have different rooms that are used for different purpose. The kitchen, the bedrooms, the living room and the bathroom each have their own use. Suppose your house does not have a roof and you are a bird flying over it, what does your house look like? Think about it.Some people might say that family and food are two of the best parts of being home. At home, you can tell your parents about your day, play with your pets, and grab a snack from the cupboard of fridge. You can relax in your room and read a book or play a game. You can ask friends over to play. Home is a place to take care of and be grateful for. Even though you are young, you can help to make a nice place to be. After all, home is where the heart is!回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过5个词。(1)What does the saying There is no place like home! tell us? (2)Why does home mean more responsibility as people grow older? (3)How many types of rooms are mentioned in Paragraph? (4)What are the two best parts of being home according to some people? (5)In your opinion, how can you help to make your home a nice place to be? 6. (5分)完成表格。阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。After you get back home from a trip, one of the most pleasant things is sharing your stories with people. And thats what wed like you to do. Our magazines “True Stories” section is for your strange experiences, heart-warming tales and funny stories on your trip. So if you have good stories, please write to us!If your story is chosen as the best one, you will win the nine-day trip across North America, including a seven-night trip along the California coast. For more information, please call 800-227-2826, or e-mail us at TrueStorieshotmail.com.Besides, you need to remember a few things if you want to write a story:Keep the story brief (简短的) and lively (within 250 words).Please send your story as the body of your e-mail, not as an attachment (附件).Most of the stories we print have photos, so send pictures, but try not to go crazy. Send only the best one(s).Please send your photos as an attachment, not embedded in (把嵌入) the body of your e-mail.We dont mind if you or your friends are in the pictures, as long as you tell us who or what is in the photos.We need to be able to get in touch with you, so tell us your phone number and home address.Information about the magazine“True Stories” sectionAbout _, heart-warming tales and funny stories on the trip.Writing a great travel storyPrizeA nine-day trip across North America, including a(n) _ trip along the California coast._The story should_Send it as the body of the e-mail.Send the best _.Send your photos as an attachment.Tell us who or what is in your pictures.Tell us your phone number and home address.7. (4分)阅读下面文字,从A到F选项中为每个段落选出一个最适合的标题。Every year, thousands of students choose to study in another country for a term or a year. Studying abroad can be an exciting experience for many people. _Living in another country can make you learn a language and about another culture. You will see the world differently and learn more about yourself. The experience of studying abroad may also look good on your future resume(求职简历) Many companies today want people who can speak a second language or have experienced living or working in another country. _Once you decide to study abroad, you have to make choices. To choose the right country or school, ask yourself: Where do I want to go and why? How much do I want to pay? How long do I want to study abroad? Do I want to live with roommates, alone or somewhere else? _Get your passport and visa early. Before you go, learn some of the language and read about some common customs in the country that you are going to learn about the money. Bring some of it with you. _After the first few weeks abroad, many students will feel a little homesick. They may miss their families, friends and familiar ways of doing things. Remember that it takes time to get used to a new place, school and culture. When you feel sad or homesick, try to talk to others or write about your feelings in a notebook. _A. Getting ready.B. How to get a passport and visa.C. Once you are in another country.D. Why you study in another country?E. So many students choose to study abroad.F Making the night choice.8. (25分)请阅读下面图文,简要回答所给问题。195 countries reached an agreement(协议) on Dec. 12, 2015 after two weeks talks in Paris. They talked about climate(气候) change. It is the first time in history that most of the worlds countries, rich or poor, promised to take action to deal with climate problems.Below is a chart showing where the greenhouse gas(温室气体) comes from.Where is greenhouse gas from?The Paris Agreement(巴黎协定) sets up a goal of cutting down the earth temperature to less than 2. If the warming gets above 2, there will be serious problems on the earth like natural disasters.The agreement also asks countries to volunteer to do things. For developed countries, they will do even more. They have a plan to offer over 100 billion dollars to help poorer countries to develop clean energy like water and wind power.However, the Paris Agreement wont solve earth warming by itself. The future also depends on how well each country will carry out their promises.(1)What percent of greenhouse gas do buildings produce?_(2)Where does the most of greenhouse gas come from?_(3)Why was the meeting in Paris an important one in history?_(4)Will the Paris Agreement solve the earth warming by itself? And why?_(5)As a student, what should you do to help to make greenhouse gas less?_9. (5分)阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项It is easy to keep your spirits bright when life is going along smoothly and good news seems to turn up at every turn. It is an entirely different picture when life goes off course or bad news appears. The question then becomes: How do we keep our spirits bright throughout the different stages of life? _.Get Enough SleepIt wasnt until I became a mother that I realized how important a good nights sleep truly is. _. Sleep is such an amazing gift to recharge and start.Back to BasicsWhen I feel tired with too much to do, I love to put on my shoes and get outside for a run. _. Getting back to basics can include things like: getting outside, having real conversations with real people, enjoying a meal with a loved one or doing an activity that brings you joy.Time ManagementIf life feels like it is out of control and you cant keep up, see what happens when you try to manage your time. There are many time management systems out there that can help. Have event reminders(提醒)on your phone and computer. _. Start your day by writing a list of what you plan to achieve. And sometimes we also need to let go of things that arent important._Keeping our deepest desires and dreams alive is the very fuel that keeps our spirits bright. Give yourself the gift of having goals and dreams, and dont allow fear to have a say in how big your dreams may be.A. Dream BigB. Set an alarm to remind you to leave earlyC. Try out the following if they sound like a fit for youD. Getting enough sleeping time has a way of making us feel more humanE. Theres something about nature and fresh air that gets my stress away10. (5分)阅读下列短文,把AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。A farmers dog, Dolly, had babies, and the farmer needed to sell them. He painted a sign and put it in his yard. _, a little boy walked up to him.“Sir, he said, “I want to buy one of your dogs.”“Well,” said the farmer, “these dogs are very expensive.”_ asked the boy.Sure,said the farmer. “Here, Dolly!” he called.Dolly ran out from the doghouse and four little dogs followed her. The boy became excited.Then, the little boy noticed another dog. This one was smaller._“I want that one,” the boy said, pointing to the little dog. The farmer said: _He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs.The little boy reached down and rolled up one leg of his pants. He showed a cast (石膏) on his leg and a specially made shoe. He said: “You see, sir, _, and he will need someone who understands.”11. (5分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求回答问题。 It was Saturday again. Grace and Karen disliked Saturdays. That was another thing the twins had in common. They shared the same clothes and tied their hair in the same manner. In fact, it was hard for their classmates and teachers to tell the difference between them sometimes.Unlike their classmates, they had to get up early at seven every Saturday to prepare for their lessons. Grace had to attend the art lesson and Karen had to attend her ballet lesson. How I wish I could do something different today, said the twins with one voice. All at once, an idea came to Grace and Karen at the same time. What about exchanging our roles for a day? they asked each other. It seemed like a wonderful plan. After giving each other a description of their own friends, Grace put on Karens ballet dress while Karen put Graces brushes and paints into her bag. Then they left for their classes.When the art lesson started, Karen was lost. Unlike Grace, Karen was poor at drawing. When the art lesson finally ended, Karen didnt dare to hand in her work.Meanwhile, Grace had problems in the ballet class as well. As she had no idea about the dance steps, she had to follow her classmates blindly. As a result, she kept knocking into them. Their ballet teacher became impatient with her, Karen, you should remember the basic steps. When Karen and Grace got home, they were tired out. They decided that they would never try to be someone else they were not. It seemed that the grass was not always greener on the other side.根据短文内容回答下面的五个问题,每题答案不超过7个词。(1)When did the twins get up on Saturdays? (2)What was the twins plan when they decided to do something different? (3)What do you think of Karens art work? (4)Why did the ballet teacher become impatient? (5)How did the twins feel when they got home finally? 12. (5分)Answer the questions. Instead of studying abroad during college, more and more Chinese teenagers have chosen to do so as early as in high school, Students from China make up about 42 per-cent of the international students at high schools in the US, according to the latest study by the Institute of International Education. So, what is the main attraction for Chinese high school students to study abroad? What is overseas life like?We interviewed several students. Have a look!Pan. 15. Moreau Catholic High School in San Francisco, California, US In the future, I want to go to college in the US. Studying in high school here will help me get used to college life in the future. Also, I want to improve my EnglishStudying here is not easy. Instead of exams like in China, we have more projects in class. For example, we have to make a PPT about a historical figure and then design a creative item for that person, such as a painting. Zhao. 15. Unionville High School in Toronto, CanadaFor me, experience matters. Its good to have the experience of living in another country. Unlike other international students, my parents accompanied me, which makes my life here much easier. In Canada. I have more time to develop my interests. I can choose classes I like. However, taking the entrance examinations to high school and college at home would be great. Its a shame that I have no chance to do that. Zheng. 14. Walsh Jesuit High School in Cleveland, Ohio. US I want to try different cultures and education styles. Two years ago, I visited some famous universities in Boston, such as Harvard and MIT. The academic atmosphere(学术氛围) deeply impressed me. Every student seems to spare no effort on academics. I saw students doing morning exercise everywhere and I watched a football game. I found that school life in the US was colorful. So I decided to study in the US. (1)How many international students in American high


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