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沪教版2020届九年级下学期英语质量调研试卷(二模)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Which of the following words has a different sound from the others? A . playedB . livedC . visitedD . turned2. (2分)This cartoon can make you laugh and cry at _ same time. A . aB . anC . theD . /3. (2分)This is my cat and _ name is Mimi. A . itsB . myC . theirD . your4. (2分)Which team in NBA do you think will win the title (冠军) this year, the Rockets or the Bucks? _. I believe that the Lakers will win in the end.A . EitherB . NeitherC . Both5. (2分)To die _ the people is weightier than Mount Tai. A . forB . ofC . fromD . with6. (2分)We like playing table tennis _school. A . onB . beforeC . afterD . of7. (2分)Could you give me some , Mr Black? A . adviceB . advicesC . adviseD . suggestion8. (2分) What kind of music do you like? Soft and quiet music. It always makes me _.A . relaxingB . relaxedC . to relaxD . relaxes9. (2分)LeBron James is one of _ players in the NBA. He is my hero. A . betterB . the bestC . worseD . the worst10. (2分)Mr. Wang _ be in Nanjing now, he went to Beijing only this morning. A . mustntB . may notC . cantD . neednt11. (2分) Which do you prefer, tea _ coffee? Tea, please.A . andB . orC . butD . so12. (2分)- What do your parents do, Jack?- _ my father _ my mother are doctors and they work in the same hospital.A . Either; orB . Neither; norC . Not only; but alsoD . Both; and13. (2分)We _ any English classes yesterday, we _an English class now. A . dont have; are havingB . didnt have; havingC . didnt have; are havingD . doesnt have; have14. (2分)We all went to the park except you last weekend. Why didnt you come?Because I the park twice.A . have gone toB . had gone toC . had been toD . have been to15. (2分)_great fun it is! And_good time Im having! A . What a ; whatB . What ; what aC . How a ; howD . How ; how a16. (2分) _ the office phones next week? Sorry, I dont know.A . Will; cleanB . Are; cleanedC . Are; cleaningD . Will; be cleaned17. (2分)Dont forget _ him for his telephone number. A . askB . to askC . asking18. (2分)Watching English movies _ a good way of learning English. A . areB . isC . hasD . have19. (2分)_? Its Thursday.A . Whats the timeB . What day is it todayC . Is it ThursdayD . Whats the date20. (2分)- I am out of breath. I cant go any further.- _ ! Im sure you can make it .A . No problem.B . What a pityC . Not badD . Come on二、 Complete the following passage (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)选词填空 difference, challenge, life, ask for, connectwith(1)Wish you a better _. (2)There are many culture _between the East and the West. (3)If you dont know how to get to the Moon Hotel, you can go to a policeman and _help. (4)The bridge_our city _their city. (5)A_is a hard thing for you to try. 三、 Complete the sentences with th (共8题;共8分)22. (1分)He writes a review for the _ (discuss). 23. (1分)The wounded fish is swimming in the river. It is still _ (live). 24. (1分)I have lots of family rules_(follow)at home. 25. (1分)She guided the old man through the crowd to his_(sit). 26. (1分)The people in that town are _(friend). 27. (1分)My brother is good _Maths. He thinks it is easy and interesting. (填介词) 28. (1分)Look! Tom is having lunch. Yes, he usually _ (have) lunch at half past twelve. 29. (1分)The boy is_(tall) in our class. 四、 Complete the following sentenc (共7题;共11分)30. (1分)The boy is drawing pictures now. (用every day改写句子) The boy _ _ every day.31. (1分)That is Annas hat. (改为复数形式) 32. (1分)There are some computers in Darnings classroom. (对画线部分提问) _ _ in Darnin9S classroom?33. (1分)Jane sends me an email. (改为同义句) Jane sends an email_. 34. (1分)My sister has received many birthday gifts. (对划线部分提问)_has your sister_?35. (1分)How can I improve my English? The boy asked the teacher. (改为宾语从句)36. (5分)Are my pen and books on the desk?(作否定回答) No. _ _.五、 Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共4题;共44分)37. (12分)阅读理解Should friends be different or the same? We asked some people what they think and this is what they said.James Green I like to have friends who are like me. Im quieter than most of the kids in my class, and my best friend Yuan Li is quiet, too. There are some differences, though. Im smarter than Yuan Li. Shes stronger than me.Huang Lei Its not necessary to be the same. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Leo is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but Leo is more athletic than me. He always beats me in tennis. And Im quieter than he is.Mary Smith I dont really care. My best friend is Carol. Carol is very funny, and more outgoing than I am. But we both like doing the same things. I think differences are not important in a friendship.根据短文内容,选择正确答案:(1)Both James Green and Yuan Li are_. A . outgoingB . quietC . funnyD . strong(2)Who is Mary Smiths best friend? A . Huang Lei.B . LeoC . JamesD . Carol(3)The underlined (划线的 ) word athletic means “_” in Chinese. A . 聪明的B . 友好的C . 健壮的D . 可爱的(4)How many opinions(观点) about friends are mentioned(被提到) in the passage? A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(5)Which of the following is true according to the passage? A . There are some differences between James Green and his best friend.B . Huang Lei likes friends who have the same looks as himself.C . Mary Smith thinks differences are important in a friendship.D . Mary thinks its important to be different.38. (1分)完形填空 Can you imagine that we could build a beautiful city with rubbish? Maybe you will think it is1. However, it can be true! Nothing is a waste if we have a creative mind. Let me show you something about 2rubbish.Sometimes we can see tons of rubbish in the streets, on the roads, near the buildings. here and there. Many large cities became so ugly 3it. Nobody likes rubbish, but in fact, some rubbish can be used again. All of us want to solve the problem, we must do something to 4rubbish. We should take action from now on. 5, some good things will not be wasted.Do you often throw away things you dont need any more? Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use? For Example, when a car gets too old, it may not run any more. But we can use the metal of the car to make something else. When a bottle is empty, it 6as waste. You dont know bottle glass can be made into sand and used to build streets. Rubbish7food can be changed into fertilizer to make plants grow better. It is cheap and safe. And other rubbish can also be used to make building blocks. Now, 8machines are designed for that.9, people will watch films in a beautiful cinema which is built out of rubbish. Besides buildings and roads, cities may be made from rubbish. But so far, building beautiful cities made from rubbish is only 10.(1)A . important B . understanding C . unbelievable D . possible (2)A . returning B . reusing C . reflecting D . repeating (3)A . because B . because of C . instead of D . as for (4)A . make a living as B . make promises to C . make up our mind to D . make use of (5)A . On the way B . By the way C . In this way D . Out of the way (6)A . will be thrown away B . will throw away C . threw away D . was thrown away (7)A . from B . in C . on D . to (8)A . fewer and fewer B . less and less C . more and more D . more and less (9)A . Some day B . The other day C . Nowadays D . In the day (10)A . a symbol B . a letter C . a lesson D . a dream 39. (1分)I _ (想要) to buy a white skirt. Mine is old. 40. (30分)五位中国学生要去美国留学,他们想要找住家。请仔细阅读题中的学生的个人情况说明,并从A至F六个选项中,帮助他们选择最适合的住家._Zhang Chao likes Chinese food. He hopes his host family speak a little Chinese._Li Wei likes doing sports. He wants to live near a park._Liu Yong hopes to live near his school-Reading School. He prefers a bed room with a bathroom_Chen Yao wants to live in a big bedroom cheaper than 350 a month. She cant stand pets._Hu Mei loves pets. She would like a bedroom cheaper than 220 a month.AHost Family: The BrownsNationality: EnglishAddress: 16 Church Road(near Reading School)Room: Small with a bedroomPrice: 290/monthBHost Family: The JohnssonsNationality: EnglishAddress: 10 Shine Road(near Wallen School)Room: SmallPrice: 260/month CHost Family: Wang LinNationality: ChineseAddress: 40 Queens RoadRoom: Small Price: 230/monthOther information: Good atcooking Chinese food DHost Family: The KingsNationality: EnglishAddress: 75 Eric-high RoadRoom: BigPrice: 300/monthEHost Family: JudyNationality: EnglishAddress: 6 Kings RoadRoom: SmallPrice: 210/monthOther information: a pet dogFHost Family: The RaysNationality: EnglishAddress: 22 Woldingham Road(near Palmer Park)Room: BigPrice: 370/month六、 Writing (共1题;共5分)41. (5分)根据要求完成提示性作文。 你们学校正在以How to be an excellent middle school student为题,举行征文活动。请你根据下面思维导图的提示写一篇英语征文。要求:1)条理清晰,行文连贯,段落分明,书写规范;2)文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;3)词数:不少于80个单词;4)标题已给出,不计入总词数。第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 Complete the following passage (共1题;共1分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、三、 Complete the sentences with th (共8题;共8分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、四、 Complete the following sentenc (共7题;共11分)30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、五、 Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共4题;共44分)37-1、37-2、37-3、37-4、37-5、38-1、39-1、40-1、六、 Writing (共1题;共5分)41-1、

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