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沪教版2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I some of my free time playing tennis for my school team. A . spendB . costC . takeD . pay2. (2分)Something is wrong with my PDA.I will get it _ .A . repairB . repairingC . to repairD . repaired3. (2分)Is that girl Susan?It_ be her. She left for Beijing yesterday.A . needntB . cantC . mustntD . may not4. (2分) You should _ yourself for being so rude to Sally. Sorry. I wont do that again. I will _ to her.A . be accused of; challengeB . feel ashamed of; apologizeC . be bored with; listen5. (2分)Mr. Li works very hard. He doesnt have a rest _ morning _ evening. A . between; andB . from; toC . in; andD . in; or6. (2分)-I dont like coffee .What about you?-Oh, _. Lets have tea together!A . so do IB . neither I doC . neither do I7. (2分)I was late for class yesterday _ there was something wrong with my bike A . whenB . thatC . becauseD . until8. (2分)Do you know the man saved three pupils in the accident?A . whoB . itC . whomD . whose9. (2分)The cheese cake tasted so _ that the kids asked for more. A . deliciousB . wellC . badD . badly10. (2分)Where are your _?A . photoesB . picturesC . penD . picture11. (2分)Would you like a hot dog?_. Im full.A . Yes, pleaseB . Yes, Id love toC . No, I dont likeD . No, thanks12. (2分)Could you come back home at three oclock? .The meeting in our school wont be over at that time.A . Im afraid notB . I think soC . Yes, I hope soD . Im afraid so13. (2分)Is the new bicycle _? No, It belongs to _.A . her, meB . her, mineC . hers, meD . hers, mine.14. (2分)At times, parents find it difficult _ with their teenage children A . talkB . talkedC . talkingD . to talk15. (2分)They _ Beijing and will stay there for two weeks.A . went toB . go toC . have been toD . have gone to二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) When I was 19 years old, I had a part-time job in a hospital. At that time I was shy and didnt believe in myself. I1talked with others. I wasnt confident in any future. Later I met a doctor, Mike, and we became good friends. He2me to believe in myself and try to communicate with others. He helped me learn to enjoy myself. He also asked me to take some important courses. I did3he told me and did very well.One day, he asked me what I4my life to be like. I hadnt thought about it before. That night, I thought it over and finally knew the life I had been5. From then on, I started to work for it.Later I got a chance to go to college, but I had another friend. At that time I was too6to pay for my education. I was very frustrated and didnt know what to do. When I wanted to7my dream, Mike helped me again. He8to pay for my college education. He helped me9asking for anything in return 作为回报.After graduating 毕业, I got my dream job and I like it very much. Mike made me enter a different10. I am so lucky to have met such a good friend in my life.(1)A . usually B . often C . hardly D . always (2)A . encouraged B . invited C . taught D . allowed (3)A . why B . how C . what D . that (4)A . expected B . lived C . enjoyed D . spent (5)A . taking pride in B . staying away from C . running out of D . looking forward to (6)A . rich B . weak C . poor D . strong (7)A . achieve B . give up C . think up D . hold on to (8)A . agreed B . continued C . offered D . stopped (9)A . by B . with C . except D . without (10)A . world B . contest C . university D . country 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共76分)17. (8分)阅读理解Life is full of miracles. They surround us every day. One of these miracles happened to me recently. I was filling my cars tank at a local gas station. It was only 10 A.M. but I already felt tired. It was a cloudy, gloomy and rainy day and I hadnt slept well the night before. After I paid for the gas I turned my car towards the main road. I looked right and left then my brain sent the signal for my foot to push on the gas pedal but nothing happened. Shocked, I shook my head to clear it and gazed down at my foot.Just as I did, though, a truckrushedpast my car doing 60 mph. My weary eyes hadnt seen it when I had looked just 2 seconds earlier. If I had been pulling out when I should have been, my little green car would have been smashed and I would have most likely been killed. I sat there for a long time quietly thanking God for sparing my life before pulling out on the road and heading home. This time both my brain and foot worked perfectly.As I looked back on that moment later I still couldnt understand it. Did God prevent my brains signalfrom reaching my foot? Did an angel hold my toes to keep them from pressing on the gas? One question kept coming back into my mind as well: why? Why did I get this miracle? Why did God spare my life this day? Finally, I felt the answer forming deep within my heart and mind. I heard the words coming from my soul saying: “You still have more to do. Your work is not done yet!”Richard Bach wrote: “Here is the test to find if your mission on Earth is finished: if you are alive it isnt.” Wake up each day then knowing that your mission isnt done yet. You have more love to share, more people to help, more kindness to give. You have one more day to be the miracle God meant for you to be.(1)The underlined word “gloomy” probably means_. A . windy.B . sunny.C . overcast.D . cool.(2)After the writer paid for the gas, he planned to_.A . sat in the car for a rest.B . look right and left.C . shake his head to clear it.D . push on the gas pedal to turn his car towards the main road.(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . The writers green car was smashed by a truck.B . There is something wrong with writers gas pedal.C . An angel holds the writers toes to keep them from pressing on the gas.D . The writers foot didnt push on the gas pedal.(4)Whats the writers attitude towards life?A . The writer is positive towards life.B . The writer is passive towards life.C . The writer doesnt show his attitude.D . The writer takes a neutral (中立的) attitude towards life.18. (8分)阅读短文,从每小题的选项中选出最佳选项BCarol studies at Roosevelt High School. She is having a hard time passing exams. She has no interest in her homework, so she seldom finishes it on time.But there is one lesson she is doing well in. It is history. Carol always hands in her history homework on time. She respects the history teacher Mr Aragon. Carol feels that Mr Aragon treats her more than just a student. She feels other teachers look down on her.Carols mother Maria told Mr Aragon that Carol wasnt doing well in her other lessons. Mr Aragon was surprised to learn that. She is such a smart girl, he told Maria. Mr Aragon told Maria that he would talk to her daughter.Carol felt embarrassed when Mr Aragon talked to her about the problems she was having in other lessons. But later Carol understood that Mr Aragon just wanted to help her. Mr Aragon and Carol had a discussion about what she could do to improve her marks in other lessons. They made a list of ways to help her to complete her homework on time, including setting a timetable for homework, cutting down some boring after-school activities, and having a friend help her with the homework. Carol decided to try these ways out to see which one would work best for her.(1)What is hard about school for Carol? A . Making friends.B . Doing homework.C . Getting good marks.D . Communicating with others.(2)Carol does well in history because A . she is interested in itB . its easy for herC . she respects Mr AragonD . Mr Aragon is very strict(3)Maria hoped that Mr Aragon could _. A . give Carol As in every lesson when there are examsB . find out why Carol doesnt do well in other lessonsC . help Carol make some friends at schoolD . make Carol the best student in her class(4)What would Carol most probably do after talking to Mr Aragon? A . She would buy a present for Mr Aragon.B . She would look down on all her teachers.C . She would help her friend in history after school.D . She would try to finish all the homework on time.19. (10分) Most people will tell you that they cant work without a cup of coffee in the morning. Research has shown that a cup of coffee does give a person slight excitement.Legend said that Kaldi, an Ethiopian, found his goats happier while enjoying coffee plants. Curiously, he tasted the leaves and began to dance around. Whether the Legend was true or not, the discovery of coffee dates back to 800A. D. Soon Arabians were roasting coffee beans. Muslims were drinking coffee to stay awake by 1000 A.D. A merchant from Venice introduced coffee to Europe in 1615. By 1696, the Dutch started growing the coffee bush in Java. By 1723, coffee plants were introduced to the Americans. Today, coffee is the most popular drink in the world.Caffeine is the major chemical in coffee. It blocks(阻止) adenosine, a chemical that makes you sleepy. People can get a pick-me-up or stimulation(刺激) from the drink. The stimulation does not last long. Caffeine poisoning can occur if more than 400 milligrams of caffeine is drunk in a short period, which is about four to five cups of coffee. Caffeine will also cause sleep difficulty, so it should not be drunk before bed.Caffeine has many advantages. Studies have shown that it helps improve some skills in elderly women. Women who drank three cups of coffee daily scored higher on memory tests than women who drank one cup of coffee. According to newser.com, one cup of coffee a day protects the brain. Coffee also can help people keep away from many diseases according to webmd.com.Large amounts of coffee can cause nervousness, worries and a fast heartbeat. However, if you mix coffee with milk, its fine. Caffeine can be addictive like any drug. The more you drink, the more you depend on it. For some people, just one cup of coffee a day is OK.(1)Who found the most popular drink in the world according to the Legend?A . An Ethiopian.B . ArabiansC . Muslims.D . The Dutch.(2)When was the coffee introduced to Europe?A . In the 1710sB . In the 1610sC . In the 1690sD . In the 1720s.(3)From the third paragraph we can learn _.A . caffeine can make people sleepyB . adenosine can make people awakeC . about four to five cups of coffee will cause sleep difficultyD . coffee is considered harmful if it is taken in a large amount(4)The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _.A . the importance of coffeeB . the good effects of coffeeC . the bad effects of coffeeD . the development of coffee(5)If you like drinking coffee, you had better_.A . drink it before bedB . give up this bad habitC . drink one cup of coffee a dayD . drink more coffee than milk20. (25分)根据短文内容,回答问题。Some things can carry messages, for example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. Signs on the door tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?People can communicate on many other ways. An artist can use his drawing to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.Books, magazines, TVs, radios and films all help us to communicate with others. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.(1)What can help you if you want to know which bus to take? (2)What do the signs on the door do? (3)People can communicate in many other ways, cant they? (4)What can help us to communicate with others? (5)What do they help us to do? 21. (25分)根据短文内容,回答问题What do you eat every day? Some people think about it. And some people will not make plans for their meals.Many people like to have fast food near their offices. This kind of food can make them fat and it is bad for their health. Even it will make them ill when they are old.What should a healthy person eat every day? Well, I will tell you the healthy eating habit(习惯). It comes from doctors.When people do a lot of work, the energy is burning(燃烧). So you need noodles, rice, milk, bread and eggs. If you dont eat them, you will feel tired. You should eat fruits and vegetables, too. There are a lot of vitamins(维生素) in them. They can make you strong. And they can give you water.(1)Where do many people like to have fast food? (2)Do all people make plans for their meals? (3)Who does healthy eating habit come from? (4)In fruits and vegetables, what can make you strong? (5)What do you think about fast food? 四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)Her sister hasnt come back,so her parents look _(real) worried. 五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)根据中文及英文提示,写出语意连贯、符合逻辑的短文。所给英文提示词必须都用上,中文提示内容不要逐字翻译。词数80个左右。中文提示:一个雨天,李莉乘出租车回家,在车里发现司机在学英语,他对李莉说了什么?此事对你学习英语有何启发?你打算怎么做?英语提示:1)one rainy day, go home, by taxi2)in the car, find, learn English3)said to Li Li, weak, English, when, at school, now, work hard第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共76分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)22-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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