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2015年六年级英语竞赛试卷一、 写出与例词画线部分读音相同的单词(共9分,每题1.5分)( )1、bike like find ( )2、hand have can( )3、smoke nose go ( )4、pupil music student( )5、we she me ( )6、morning short fork二、选出与众不同类的单词(共5分,每题1分)( )1、A. bus B. train C. traffic D. plane( )2、A. break B. supper C. lunch D. dinner( )3、A. subway B. library C. school D. hospital( )4、A. barber B. cook C. drive D. nurse( )5、A. America B. English C. Australia D. China 三、按要求写出下列单词适当形式(共15分,每小题1.5分)1、there(对应词) 2、woman(复数) 3、 wear(同音词) 4、teeth (单数 ) 5、 go( 过去式) 6、 good(比较级) 7、 wait(现在分词) 8、turn on( 反义词) 9、 sun(形容词) 10、 saw (原形 ) 四、单项选择(共30分,每小题2分)。( )1、Youd better a message first. A. taking B. take C. took( )2、Dont look the window、 we are having class. A. at B. off C. out( )3、How can I there? A. get B. get to C. getting( )4、I want to a player in the future. A. am B. be C. will( )5、 jacket is it ? Its mine. A. Who s B. Who C. Whose( )6、Dont read bed . its bad your eyes. A. in; of B. on; for C. in , for ( )7、I want to buy air ticket. A. the B. an C. a( )8、 He can play basketball . A. 不填 B. the C. a( )9、How much the apples ? Ten dollars. A. be B. is C. are( )10、List en, Helen at home. A. Singing B. is singing C. sings( )11、当你想要一杯茶时,说: A.Id like a cup of tea. B. Would you like a glass of tea? C. May I have a bottle of tea?( )12、当别人提醒你“小心时”,应对你说:A. Hurry up. B.Look at. C. Look out. ( )13、当别人对你说:“你真棒!”,你应说:A. Thank you. B. Great . C. No.( )14、打电话问对方“你是谁?”该怎么说:A Who are you? B. Who is that? C. Who is this?( )15、人家感谢你,你不能说的一项是:A. Youre welcome. B. Thats all right C. Good idea.五、按要求完成句子。(共10分,每小题2分) 1,Which month has 28 days?( 按实际情况用英语回答 ) 2,East or west , home is the best .(谚语翻译) 3,are/ books /desk /on /there /some /the /. (连词成句) 4, How do you come to school?(回答) 5,西安的确是一座漂亮的城市.(汉译英) 六 、句子问答搭配。 (共6分,每小题1分)( )1,What does Jack do? A. She is going to see a film.( ) 2.What is it like ? B. She is a reporter.( )3.What does he like ? C. Its twelve o clock.( )4.What does she do ? D. He likes hamburgers. ( ) 5.What is Alice going to do ? E. Its tall and fat.( ) 6.What time is it ? F. He is a scientist .七阅读理解。(共15分)1.(1).与短文内容相符的打“”,不相符的“”。(共5分,每小题1分)Im going to Shanghai by plane .Ill stay there for three days. Then Im going to Wuhan by ship ,Im going to visit Huanghe Tower there. Then ,Im going to Changsha by bus. Im going to visit my uncle there. After that, Ill come back by train.1,Im going to Shanghai by air. ( ) 2.Huanghe Tower is in Changsha. ( )3.Im going to visit my uncle. ( )4.I will come back by ship. ( )5.Huanghe Tower在文中意思是 :黄鹤楼。 ( )(2).按短文内容选择正确答案。(共10分,每小题2分)To :Aliceyahoo. comFrom :Zhangming163. comDear Alice, Today is July 4th ,and tomorrow is your birthday. Im sorry I cant go to your birthday party. Im going to computer class tomorrow evening .My sister is going to your party with my present for you. They are beautiful flowers at my home. Happy birthday tomorrow. Your friend , Mingming.( ) 1. is going to have a birthday party.A. Zhangming B. Zhangmings sister C. Alice( ) 2.The birthday party is on .A. July 4 th B. July 5 th C. July 6th( ) 3.Zhangming go to the party.A. cant B. can C./( ) 4.The gift from Mingming are .A. presents B. toys C. flowers( ) 5.Zhangming will tomorrow evening. A. have computer class B. play computer games C. go on Internet八习作展示台。(共10分)提示:My favorite season 为题目,可以从天气,景色,人们的活动及服装等谈谈你喜欢的原因。不能少与60个单词。

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