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七年级上学期英语月考测试题(满分150分) 班级: 姓名: 得分: 一、单项选择 (把正确的选择项填到题前的括号内)(每小题1分,共30分)( ) 1. Good morning. - _. A. Hello, Good B. Good morning C Good afternoon D. OK( ) 2. - How are you ? - _. A. Thank you B. Sit down, please. C. Im fine D. Good morning( ) 3. What _ this ? A. am B. are C. is D. be( ) 4. - Whats this in English ? - Its _ . A.an orange B. a orange C. orange D. the orange( ) 5. - Spell it , please! -_ . A.Thank B. PE N, pen C. Its pen D. OK( ) 6. -_? - Its a ruler. A. Whats this in English B. How are you C. Good afternoon D. OK( ) 7. What color _ it? A.is B. are C. am D. be( ) 8. -Whats this? -_ a key. A. Hes B. Thiss C. ItsD. Thats( ) 9. - What color is the ruler? - _. A. Its a ruler B. Its white C. It a white D. its white( ) 10. - Please sit down. - _. A.Hello B. Thank you C. Sit down D. Im fine( ) 11请给我的妹妹起个英文名: A. Bob B. Alice C. Dale( )12.”CCTV”的中文意思是 A.中国B.中国中央电视台C.动画频道( )13. it , please. “M-A-P”. A. look B. spell C. read( )14.英语字母共有个,其中元音字母有个。 A. 26; 5 B. 26; 3 C. 24; 5 ( ) 15.字母“B”的小写字母是: A.P B.b C.d ( ) 16. This is orange. Its red book. A. /; a B. /; an C. an; a ( ) 17. Hello, Li Ming ! , Mike! A. Good B. Fine C. Hello D .Bye( )18. “见到你很高兴”用英语怎么说? A. To meet nice you B. Nice to meet you . C. Nice meet to you D. Nice to meet your.( ) 19.你叫什么名字? A. What is your name? B . Your name is what? C. What your name is D. What name your are?( ) 20. Whats _ name? - _ name is Alice. A. you;MyB. your;My C. your;I D.you;I( ) 21. _ the girls English? A. Is B. Am C.Are D.Be( )22.I _ a girl, and Frank _a boy. We _ friends. A. is;am;are B. am;is;are C.is;are;are D.am;are;are( ) 23. Good morning, Dale! -_. A. Good afternoon, Cindy! B. Good evening, Cindy! C. How are you, Cindy? D. Good morning, Cindy!( ) 24. -_? Im OK. A. Whats your name? B. How are you? C. Whats your telephone number? D. How is your father?( ) 25. -Whats this in English? Its _ orange. A.a B. the C. / D. an ( ) 26. -Whats that? -_ is a jacket. A.It B. Its C. This D. That( ) 27. -_. J-A-C-K-E-T, jacket. A. How are you ? B. Spell it, please? C. Whats this in English? D. Spell your name, please.( ) 28. What color is your pencil? Its _. A. a red B. an red C. red D. the red( ) 29. Whats the English for “不明飞行物”? A. WTO B. CCTV C. UFO D. BBC( ) 30. Nice to meet you. -_. A. Hello! B. Hi! C. How are you? D. Nice to meet you, too二.将下列右栏答语前的字母序号填在左栏相应的问题前的括号内(10分) ( )1. Good afternoon . A. Im fine , thanks . ( )2. Spell it , please . B. Its yellow . ( )3. Whats this in English ? C. Good afternoon . ( )4. How are you ? D. Q-U-I-L-T . ( )5. What color is it ? E. Its a ruler .三用am, is, are填空。(10分)1. I _ fine, thank you. 2. What _ this in English? 3. My name _ Alice. 4. How _ you ?5. _ you OK? 6. What_ your name7. It _ an orange. 8. I_ OK. And you?9. You_ very good. 10. What color_ it?四从括号中选出适当的单词填空。(20分)1.This is (an ,a)orange.2.It (is ,are)black and white.3.How are (I, you)?4.Tom is my (fine, good)friend.5.Well, (its, it)a blue quilt.五. 补全对话(一空一词,10分) A: 1 morning, Eric. B: Hi, Cindy. A: 2 are you? B: Im fine,3 . How are you? A: 4 OK. Thank you. B: Oh , look (看) !5 this in English ? A: Its a pen. B: 6 it, please. A: P- E- N. B:7 8 is it ? A:9 black 10 yellow . 六、连词成句。(注意标点和大小写)(10分)1.English, in, this, whats 2you, how, are3fine,thanks, Im4it, spell, please. 5color, is, it, what 七补全对话。(每空2分,共10分)A. Spell it, please! B. Good afternoon, Dale.C. Thank you. D. What color is it ?E. Its a ruler.A: 1 B: Good afternoon, Frank.A: Whats this in English?B: 2 A: 3 B: R-U-L-E-R.A: 4 B: Its white.A: 5 B: Thats all right.八、根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。(每空2分,共20分)1.这是什么? 它是一件夹克衫。 _ this? Its a _.42.埃里克,你好吗? How _ _,Eric?3.请你用英语拼它。 _ it in English, _.4.你的尺子什么颜色?紫色。 _ _ is your _? Its _.九、阅读理解(20分)判断以下结论是否正确,正确地写(T)错误的写(F)。Hello, everyone. Im Cindy Smith. This is my friend. His name is Eric Brown. His phone number is two four five eight seven six four. And this is my friend, too. Her first name is Grace. Her last name is Black. Five six eight nine four three one is her phone number.( )1. Grace Black is my friend.( )2. Erics last name is Jones.( )3. Graces family name is Black.( )4. 5689431 is Erics phone number.( )5. Graces phone number is two four five eight seven six four. 根据以上两位好朋友在网上的聊天记录,选择最佳选项。Mary 09:45:10Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you!Im a girl. My name is Mary Green. My favorite (最喜爱的) color is red. My telephone number is 873-3516.Jim 09:46:05Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you, too!Im a boy. My names Jim Hand. My favorite color is blue. And my telephone number is 894-2015.( )1. Mary likes (喜欢) _.A. RedB. GreenC. BlueD. Black( )2. The girls last name is _.A. MaryB. GreenC. RedD. Yellow( )3. The boys first name is _.A. JimB. MaryC. BlackD. Green( )4. Jims telephone number is _.A. 837-2015B. 873-3516C. 894-3516D. 894-2015( )5. The two kids (小孩) are on line (在网上) _.A. in the morningB. in the afternoonC. in the eveningD. at night十书面表达(10分)假设下列表格中所提供的是有关你的信息,请你至少用五句话介绍一下自己。First Name: MarkLast Name: CooperAge(年龄): 12Class: 2Grade: 1Telephone number: 4270635

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