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牛津译林版2019-2020学年小学英语三年级上册期末专题复习:单选题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共11题;共22分)1. (2分)I am _ Mary. This _ my mother. A . am , isB . / , isC . / , are2. (2分)Have_eggs.A . someB . anC . a3. (2分)Before, my cat was small. Now, it is very _. A . bigB . shortC . tall4. (2分)What _ you have? A . areB . doC . does5. (2分)_ is he? He is a police officer.A . WhoB . WhereC . What6. (2分)There is egg on the table, and _egg is for you. A . the ,anB . an, anC . the , theD . an, the7. (2分)I have _ orange dress. A . aB . anC . /8. (2分)一 was your weekend?一It was goodThank youA . WhatB . WhereC . How9. (2分) _ red skirt is this?Its Jennys skirt.A . WhoseB . WhereC . What 10. (2分)为下列图片选择适当的句子:A . Touch your eyes. B . Touch your face.11. (2分)你想告诉别人你会用筷子,你可以说: A . I can use chopsticks.B . I can use fork.C . Can I use chopsticks?二、 情景交际,选择合适的应答语。 (共10题;共20分)12. (2分)Good morning, Alice._, Kitty.A . GoodbyeB . Good afternoonC . Hello13. (2分)What would you like for dinner?_A . Some pencils.B . Many books.C . Some fish and rice.14. (2分)How _ it taste? A . doesB . doC . is15. (2分)你到了学校见到好朋友,你会说: A . Hello!B . See you later.C . Good-bye.16. (2分)当你想告诉别人,“我喜欢橙汁。”你要怎么说?_ A . I like orange juice. B . I like strawberry juice.17. (2分)你想知道那个女孩是谁,你该怎么说? A . Who is that girl ?B . Whats her name ?C . What does he do?18. (2分). Where is the supermarket? A . SorryB . HelloC . Excuse me19. (2分)A . Draw. B . Write.20. (2分)A: . B: Not very often. A . What do you do on Spring Festival?B . Do you like noodles?C . Do you often go to see the film?21. (2分)A . Goodbye.B . Thank you.C . Hi.三、 根据所给语境选择合适的句子表达 (共12题;共24分)22. (2分) Whats this? _A . I see a duck. B . Its a duck.23. (2分)当别人赞美你时,你可以客气地说: A . Great!B . Thank youC . Youre welcome!24. (2分)Here you are. A . Thanks.B . Yes, please.C . Thank.25. (2分)Do you have new socks? A . Yes, I do. B . Yes, I am.26. (2分)当你迷路了,你向别人求助时,应该说: A . Excuse me. B . Sorry.27. (2分)Dont run on the ferry._A . OK.B . Let me try.C . Youre welcome.28. (2分)当你想要介绍你的朋友给你的同学时,你会说: A . This is Anna speaking.B . My name is Anna.C . This is my friend Anna.29. (2分) We use water to cook food.A . Is water useful?B . How do we use water?C . How is it?30. (2分)_ Its time for English class. A . Just a minute.B . Hurry up.C . Go on.31. (2分)一How was your weekend? .A . Its fine, thanksB . It was fine, thanksC . Its very well, thank you32. (2分)I like white._A . OK.B . Im fine, thank you.C . Me, too.33. (2分)你想问“花起什么作用”,应说: A . What do you do? B . What do flowers do?第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共11题;共22分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、二、 情景交际,选择合适的应答语。 (共10题;共20分)12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、三、 根据所给语境选择合适的句子表达 (共12题;共24分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、

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