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1. (Lesson1)He comes to school early 他很早就来上学了2. He listens to his teacher carefully.他认真听老师讲课3. He never makes noise in class他上课从不喧闹4. His group is making a list of rules for the class.他们小组正在制定班规列表5. (Lesson3) Sometimes he is not a good boy at home.有时他在家不是好孩子6. He often makes a mess in his room 他经常在他的房子乱扔乱放7. He doesnt like to help to set the dinner table. 他不喜欢帮忙摆餐桌8. He watches TV the whole evening. 他整个晚上都看电视9. He reads in bed and goes to bed very late. 他躺在床上看书而且睡得很晚10. You should keep your room clean. 你应该保持你房间的干净11. You should go to bed early. 你应该早睡觉12. You shouldnt go home too late. 你不应该回家太晚13. (Lesson5)Look out, You mustnt cross the road now.小心,你现在不许过马路14. You must wait for the green light. 你必须等绿灯15. You mustnt spit on the ground. 你不许随地吐痰16. You must keep off the grass.你必须远离草地17. We must take good care of young children. 我们必须好好照顾小孩18. (Lesson6)You should respect old people and help them. 你要尊敬老人并帮他们19. You mustnt play on the street. 你不应该在街上玩耍20. (Revision)The rabbit puts her sign in front of the hospital21. The panda holds up his sign to tell people, “Keep off the grass”.22. Whats wrong with Micky. 米奇怎么了23. (Lesson7)Let me tell you something about my daily life.让我告诉你*日常生活24. I get up at seven every morning. 我每天七点起床25. I go to school at twenty past eight. 我在八点二十去上学26. School begins at nine. 学校九点开始上课27. I have classes from 9:00 to 11:30. 我上课从九点到十一点半28. I get home at about half past three. 我大约在三点半到家29. I have dinner at about seven. 我大约在七点吃晚饭30. (Lesson9)I was glad to read your e-mail. 我很高兴看到你的邮件31. My grandpa is very kind to me. 我爷爷对我很好32. I love him very much. 我很爱他33. He takes a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00. 他从六点十五到七点散散长步34. He usually waters the flowers in his garden or plays with his pet dog.浇花、遛狗35. He doesnt go out in the evening. 他晚上不外出36. He goes to bed at about 9:30.他大约在九点半去睡觉37. (Lesson10)I get up at 7:00 in the morning. 我在早上七点起床38. He gets up at 6:00 in the morning. 他在早上六点起床39. I dont go to the cinema in the evening. 我晚上不去看电影40. I dont play the piano in the evening. 我晚上不弹钢琴41. She doesnt go shopping in the evening. 她晚上不去购物42. She doesnt stay up late very late. 她不熬夜很晚43. (Lesson11)They want to know to a famous scientist. 他们想了解一著名科学家44. He usually works in the office in the morning. 上午他通常在办公室工作45. He usually goes on with his work. 他通常继续他的工作46. Sometimes he meets other scientists. 有时候他会见其他科学家47. He seldom goes shopping. 他很少去购物48. He never eats out. 他从来不在外面吃饭49. He always has his meals in the office, or even in the lab. 总在办公室或实验室吃50. How hard he works! 他工作好勤奋啊51. We should learn from him. 我们应该向他学习52. (Lesson13)Do you like collecting stamps? 你喜欢收集邮票吗53. Are you interested in listening to music. 你喜欢听音乐吗54. Do you enjoy playing basketball. 你喜欢打篮球吗55. Peters hobby is collecting toy cars. 皮特的爱好是收集玩具车56. There is a toy shop near Peters home. 在皮特家福建有一个玩具店57. Im interested in collecting stamps. 我喜欢收集邮票58. I have an interesting hobby. 我有一个有趣的爱好59. (Lesson15)My grandpa lives on a farm. 我爷爷住在农场60. He has some interesting hobbies. 他有一些有趣的爱好61. He enjoys farming. 他喜欢干农活儿62. He enjoys planting flowers and growing vegetables. 他喜种花和种菜63. He also likes keeping animals. 他还喜欢养动物64. My grandpa also enjoys fishing.我爷爷还喜欢钓鱼65. Is he good at fishing. 他擅长钓鱼吗66. He goes fishing for the whole day but catches nothing.整天钓鱼却一无所获67. (Lesson16)My grandpa enjoys making tools. 我爷爷喜欢造工具68. My grandpas hobby is raising animals. 我爷爷的爱好是养动物69. Gao Weis mother likes cooking. 高威的妈妈喜欢烹饪70. My uncles hobby is collecting CDs. 我叔叔的爱好是收集碟片71. Lisas brother enjoys playing with toy cars. 丽莎的弟弟喜欢玩玩具车72. Our teachers hobby is reading books. 我们老师的爱好是看书73. (Lesson17)Bobs hobby is painting. 鲍勃的爱好是画画74. He often makes interesting things by painting. 他经常通过画画来做一些趣味事75. Now he wants to show us how to make leaf paintings.他现在想示范怎样做叶画76. Put a leaf on the paper. 放一片叶子在纸上77. And then trace the shape of the leaf. 然后描绘初叶子的轮廓78. Do the same with other leaves. 用另一些叶子用同样的事情79. When you finish the drawing. 当你完成了画画80. Now you can make your own leaf paintings. 现在你可以做自己的叶子画了81. (Lesson18)Get some paints and paper. 取一些颜料和白纸82. Draw a house on the white paper. 在白纸上画一间房子83. Paint the house. 给房子涂色84. Paint the house in different colors and cut it out. 给房子涂不同颜色并剪下来85. Glue it onto the yellow paper. 把它粘到纸上86. Look! We have a nice pictures. 看,我们有一幅漂亮的图画了87. Dip your finger in the paint. 用手指蘸一下涂料88. Press your finger on the paper to make a print.把手指按在纸上做一个手指印89. Draw animals and childrens faces on them. 画出动物的和小孩子的脸在上面90. Look! We have finger paintings. 看!我们做出了手指画


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