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学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: 装-装-订-线-六年级英语调研试题时间:90分钟 满分:100分听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你听到的内容。(10分)( )1. A. shopping B. spell C. sign ( ) 2. A. many B. monkey C. much ( ) 3. A. someone B. sunny C. something ( ) 4. A. wet B. walk C. what ( ) 5. A. make B. moon C. mean二、听录音,判断下面句子的正( T )误( F ) (10分)( ) 1. What makes our city dirty ?( ) 2. Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.( ) 3. We can take the bus to school .( ) 4. We can put the rubbish in the bin.( ) 5. We can clean the desks and chairs to keep the classroom clean.三、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(10分)1.What makes the air _?- _from the cars and_.2.-What can we do to _the city clean?3.-We can take the bus and the _to school.4.-We can_ _trees.5.-We can _some factories _from the city. We can put _in the bin ,too.笔试部分(70分)四、按要求写出单词。(10分)1.do( 第三人称单数 ) 2.say(过去式) 3.clean(反义词) 4.many(比较级) 5.shop(动名词) 五、英汉短语互译。(15分)1.一个乱七八糟的房间 2.保持城市的干净 3.步行上学 4.make the street dirty 5.go to hospital 六、单项选择。(15分)1.I can see smoke cars.A of B for C from2.There a lot of rubbish in the river.A is B are C was3.- , Lily.Thank you.A Well doing B Well done C Good done4.I like in the big house. A living B live C to living5.The book is on the ground. please .A picking them up B pick up it C pick it up七、按词的适当形式填空。(15分)1.Jack (want) (eat) a hamburger now.2.The sign (mean)you (can) park your car here.3.Marry is (read) newspapers in the study, but her parents .4.Lily (feel)hungry now.5.Please dont (watch) TV.八、阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F)。(15分) Last Saturday morning, Jean went to a flower shop. She wanted to buy some flowers for her mothers birthday. There were many people in the flower shop. Suddenly, Jean saw a beautiful pen on the floor. “Whose pen is it?” she asked, but nobody answered. “Excuse me, is this pen yours, sir?” she asked the man in front of her. “No, it isnt,” the man said. “Is this pen yours?” she asked the girl behind her. “Yes, it is! Thank you very much!” the girl said. “Youre welcome,” Jean said. ( )1. Jean wanted to buy a pen for her mothers birthday. ( )2. Jean saw a pen on the floor, but she didnt know whose it is. ( )3. The pen was the mans. ( )4. There were a lot of people in the flower shop. ( )5. At last(最后) Jean gave the pen to a policeman. 参考答案一、听录音,选择你所听到内容。(10分) 1.B. spell 2.B. monkey 3.B.sunny 4.A.wet 5.B.moon二、听录音,判断下面句子的正( T )误( F )(10分)( T ) 1. What makes our city dirty ?( F ) 2. Smoke from factories makes the air dirty.( F ) 3. We can take the bike to school . ( T ) 4. We can put the rubbish in the bin. ( T ) 5. We can clean the desks and chairs to keep the classroom clean.三、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(10分)1.What makes the air dirty?- Smoke from the cars and factory.2.-What can we do to keep the city clean?3.-We can take the bus and the bike to school.4.-We can plant more trees.5.-We can move some factories away from the city. We can put rubbish in the bin, too.笔试部分(70分)四、按要求写出单词。(10分)1. does 2. said 3. dirty 4. more 5. shopping五、英汉短语互译。(15分)1. a messy room 2. keep the city clean 3. walk to school 4使街道变得很脏 5.去医院六、单项选择。(15分) CABAC七、按词的适当形式填空。(15分)1.wants ,to eat 2.means ,cant 3. reading , arent 4.feels 5. watch 六、阅读短文,判断正误。(15分) F T F T F

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