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高考英语考纲词汇词形联系复习11(含答案)(1)好心,偏爱,最喜欢的 1. Discussions and debates are my _ way of learning. 2. They were in _ of free trade. (2)激动,兴奋 1. The news _ everybody. 2. She was _ at hearing the account. 3. They made plans _ all day. 4. The _ was soon over. 5. It is the most _ news. 6. Skiing is more _ than skating. 7. The _ children were opening their presents. (3)确切,精确, 准确;正是,就是 1. I said . well, Ive forgotten the _ words. 2. Your des cription is not very _. 3. He knew _ how things would go. 4. Thats _ what I feel. (4)进入, 走入,入口,入学 1. When I was preparing for the _ examination last autumn, I got to know a good many of the students. 2. The idea never _ my head once. (5)表示,表达 1. The scenery was beautiful beyond _. 2. She always has such a happy _ on her face. 3. I dont know if I _ myself clearly. (6)讨论,谈论 1. We had a long _ about the question. 2. Well _ it at the meeting next Friday. (7)发现 1. It was never _ how he died. 2. Columbus _ of America took place by accident. 3. A collector of rare insects will show us some of his latest _. (8)容易 1. Its _ to get yourself a bad name. 2. They could be _, _ seen at a distance of ten miles. (9)勇气,勇敢,鼓励,鼓舞,(叫人泄气) 1. I had not the _ to tell you. 2. They _ the children to paint pictures. 3. A little _ is all some people need to keep doing a good job. 4. Dont let one failure _ you; try again. 5. He was _ from giving up his job. (10)危险 1. Hes been _ ill. 2. He was in _ of losing his life. 3. A little knowledge is a _ thing. 答案: (1) 1. favorite 2. favor (2) 1. excited, , , 2. excited 3. excitedly 4. excitement 5. exciting 6. exciting 7. excited (3) 1.exact 2. exact 3. exactly 4. exactly (4) 1.entrance 2. entered (5) 1. expression 2. expression 3. express (6) 1.discussion 2. discuss (7) 1. discovered 2. discovery 3. discoveries (8) 1. easy 2. easily (9) 1. courage 2. encourage 3. encouragement 4. discourage 5. discouraged (10) 1.dangerously 2. danger 3. dangerous


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