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新人教版备战2020年小升初专题复习(题型专练)排序C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 填空题 (共10题;共54分)1. (6分) 重新排列句子使对话完整。A.My name is Jim Green. How are you, Miss White?B.Im fine, too. Excuse me. Whats this in English?C.Can you spell it, please?D.Good morning. Whats your name, please?E.Good morning, Miss White.F.Thank you. Goodbye!G.Its a map.H.Goodbye.I.Yes. M-A-P, map.J.Im fine, thanks. And you?正确顺序:_2. (6分) (2018四上麒麟期末) 给下面对话写出正确的序号(_) What does your mother do?(_) Oh, great!(_) Shes a nurse.(_) Look! This is my mother.(_) Oh! Shes beautiful. 3. (8分) 看图片,排列句子。_ _ _ _ _ _A.Taste the soup.B.Can I help you?C.Here you are.D.Thanks.E.Soup, please.F.En, yummy, yummy. 4. (5分) 句子排序。(_) Good morning, Lisa. How do you go to school?(_) I go to school by bus, too.(_) Lets go together(一起).(_) I go to school by bus. And you?(_) Great.5. (6分) 根据运动会的赛程表给下列图片排序football swimming riding my bike basketball skipping_ _ _ _ _ 6. (6分) 给句子排序。(_)Nice to meet you.(_)Good morning, Sarah. This is my friend, Amy.(_)Im from the USA.(_)Nice to meet you, too.(_)Where are you from? 7. (6分) 给下列句子排序。A.This is Lily._B.At 3: 00 in the afternoon._C.Hello. This is Mary. May I speak to Lily?_D.I am going to watch a film. Can you come?_E.Thats wonderful! When will we go to the cinema?_F.Okay! See you at 3: 00._ 8. (4分) 给句子排序。A._Put it on the big snowball.B._First, we make a big snowball.C._We make a face on the snowman.D._Then we make a small snowball.E._I think he is wonderful.F._We have two sticks for his arms.9. (1分) 句子排序,组成正确的对话。(_)Yes,Im very hungry.(_)I like some bread and milk for breakfast.(_)Yes,please. Thanks,mum.(_)Good morning, mum.(_)Morning,Jenny. Are you hungry?(_)Would you like an egg?(_)Whats for breakfast?10. (6分) 句子排序。(_)A. Me, too. Lets go and eat something.(_)B. Salad. Its fresh and healthy. What would you like to eat?(_)C. I dont like ice cream. Its too sweet. I am hungry now.(_)D. Id like some ice cream. Its delicious.(_)E. Hi, John. Whats your favourite food?第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、 填空题 (共10题;共54分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略

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