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三立教育www.sljy.com2018年5月5日SAT真题回顾今天三立在线教育SAT网为大家带来的是2018年5月5日SAT真题回顾的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧!阅读部分Passage 1 小说类选自小说“The Mysterious Portrait”,作者Nicolai Gogol ,1835年原文重现:Young Tchartkoff was an artist of talent, which promised great things: his work gave evidence of observation, thought, and a strong inclination to approach nearer to nature.Look here, my friend, his professor said to him more than once, you have talent; it will be a shame if you waste it: but you are impatient; you have but to be attracted by anything, to fall in love with it, you become engrossed with it, and all else goes for nothing, and you wont even look at it. See to it that you do not become a fashionable artist. At present your colouring begins to assert itself too loudly; and your drawing is at times quite weak; you are already striving after the fashionable style, because it strikes the eye at once. Have a care! Society already begins to have its attraction for you: I have seen you with a shiny hat, a foppish neckerchief. . . . It is seductive to paint fashionable little pictures and portraits for money; but talent is ruined, not developed, by that means. Be patient; think out every piece of work, discard your foppishness; let others amass money, your own will not fail you.The professor was partly right. Our artist sometimes wanted to enjoy himself, to play the fop, in short, to give vent to his youthful impulses in some way or other; but he could control himself withal. At times he would forget everything, when he had once taken his brush in his hand, and could not tear himself from it except as from a delightful dream. His taste perceptibly developed. He did not as yet understand all the depths of Raphael, but he was attracted by Guidos broad and rapid handling, he paused before Titians portraits, he delighted in the Flemish masters. The dark veil enshrouding the ancient pictures had not yet wholly passed away from before them; but he already saw something in them, though in private he did not agree with the professor that the secrets of the old masters are irremediably lost to us. It seemed to him that the nineteenth century had improved upon them considerably, that the delineation of nature was more clear, more vivid, more close. It sometimes vexed him when he saw how a strange artist, French or German, sometimes not even a painter by profession, but only a skilful dauber, produced, by the celerity of his brush and the vividness of his colouring, a universal commotion, and amassed in a twinkling a funded capital. This did not occur to him when fully occupied with his own work, for then he forgot food and drink and all the world. But when dire want arrived, when he had no money wherewith to buy brushes and colours, when his implacable landlord came ten times a day to demand the rent for his rooms, then did the luck of the wealthy artists recur to his hungry imagination; then did the thought which so often traverses Russian minds, to give up altogether, and go down hill, utterly to the bad, traverse his. And now he was almost in this frame of mind.Yes, it is all very well, to be patient, be patient! he exclaimed, with vexation; but there is an end to patience at last. Be patient! but what money have I to buy a dinner with tomorrow? No one will lend me any. If I did bring myself to sell all my pictures and sketches, they would not give me twenty kopeks for the whole of them. They are useful; I feel that not one of them has been undertaken in vain; I have learned something from each one. Yes, but of what use is it? Studies, sketches, all will be studies, trial-sketches to the end. And who will buy, not even knowing me by name? Who wants drawings from the antique, or the life class, or my unfinished love of a Psyche, or the interior of my room, or the portrait of Nikita, though it is better, to tell the truth, than the portraits by any of the fashionable artists? Why do I worry, and toil like a learner over the alphabet, when I might shine as brightly as the rest, and have money, too, like them?文章共四段,讲述了年轻艺术家Tchartkoff的两难困境。第一段:年轻的艺术家Tchartkoff颇有绘画天赋,作品有深度。第二段:教授发现Tchartkoff开始取悦大众、追求流行,告诫他不要浪费自己的才华,不要流于俗套。第三段:Tchartkoff常常全心投入创作,废寝忘食。但当自己身无分文,连房租都付不起时,又会恼火于那些业余画家凭借取悦大众就能够名利双收。第四段:Tchartkoff非常痛苦,他自认自己的作品很有价值,但却无人问津,换不来钱。那自己何不像其他人那样迎合大众,名利双收呢?Passage 2:社会科学文章出处:http:/science.time.com/2013/11/19/remember-that-no-you-dont-study-shows-false-memories-afflict-us-all/原文重现:Remember That? No You Dont. Study Shows False Memories Afflict Us AllThe phenomenon of false memories is common to everybody the party youre certain you attended in high school, say, when you were actually home with the flu, but so many people have told you about it over the years that its made its way into your own memory cache. False memories can sometimes be a mere curiosity, but other times they have real implications. Innocent people have gone to jail when well-intentioned eye witnesses testify to events that actually unfolded an entirely different way.Whats long been a puzzle to memory scientists is whether some people may be more susceptible to false memories than others and, by extension, whether some people with exceptionally good memories may be immune to them. A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences answers both questions with a decisive no. False memories afflict everyone even people with the best memories of all.To conduct the study, a team led by psychologist Lawrence Patihis of the University of California, Irvine, recruited a sample group of people all of approximately the same age and divided them into two subgroups: those with ordinary memory and those with what is known as highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM). Youve met people like that before, and they can be downright eerie. Theyre the ones who can tell you the exact date on which particular events happened whether in their own lives or in the news as well as all manner of minute additional details surrounding the event that most people would forget the second they happened.To screen for HSAM, the researchers had all the subjects take a quiz that asked such questions as “On what datedid an Iraqi journalist hurl two shoes at President Bush?” or “What public event occurred on Oct. 11, 2002?” Those who excelled on that part of the screening would move to a second stage, in which they were given random, computer-generated dates and asked to say the day of the week on which it fell, and to recall both a personal experience that occurred that day and a public event that could be verified with a search engine.“It was a Monday,” said one person asked about Oct. 19, 1987. “That was the day of the big stock-market crash and the cellist Jacqueline du Pr died that day.” Thats some pretty specific recall. Ultimately, 20 subjects qualified for the HSAM group and another 38 went into the ordinary-memory category. Both groups were then tested for their ability to resist developing false memories during a series of exercises designed to implant them.In one, for example, the investigators spoke with the subjects about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and mentioned in passing the footage that had been captured of United Flight 93 crashing in Pennsylvania footage, of course, that does not exist. In both groups HSAM subjects and those with normal memories about 1 in 5 people “remembered” seeing this footage when asked about it later.“It just seemed like something was falling out of the sky,” said one of the HSAM participants. “I was just, you know, kind of stunned by watching it, you know, go down.”Word recall was also hazy. The scientists showed participants word lists, then removed the lists and tested the subjects on words that had and hadnt been included. The lists all contained so-called lures words that would make subjects think of other, related ones. The words pillow, duvet and nap, for example, might lead to a false memory of seeing the word sleep. All of the participants in both groups fell for the lures, with at least eight such errors per personthough some tallied as many as 20.Both groups also performed unreliably when shown photographs and fed lures intended to make them think theyd seen details in the pictures they hadnt. Here too, the HSAM subjects cooked up as many fake images as the ordinary folks.“What I love about the study is how it communicates something that memory-distortion researchers have suspected for some time, that perhaps no one is immune to memory distortion,” said Patihis.What the study doesnt do, Patihis admits, is explain why HSAM people exist at all. Their prodigious recall is a matter of scientific fact, and one of the goals of the new work was to see if an innate resistance to manufactured memories might be one of the reasons. But on that score, the researchers came up empty.“It rules something out,” Patihis said. “HSAM individuals probably reconstruct memories in the same way that ordinary people do. So now we have to think about how else we could explain it.”He and others will continue to look for that secret sauce that elevates superior recall over the ordinary kind. But for now, memory still appears to be fragile, malleable and prone to errors for all of us.文章大意:false memory(错误记忆)非常普遍。科学家们想弄清楚两个问题:1、错误记忆是否容易发生在部分人身上。2、记忆力好的人是否不会出现错误记忆。为了弄清楚这两个问题,科学家们做了实验。实验结果发现,所有人都会发生错误记忆。最后科学家又提出问题,为何有些人记忆力会那么好,但这个问题暂时还无法被回答。Passage 3:自然科学文章出处:https:/www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21580443-vegetables-employ-fungi-carry-messages-between-them-beans-talkBeansTalk 2013 by Economist Newspaper LimitedThe idea that plants have developed a subterranean internet, which they use to raise the alarm when danger threatens, sounds more like the science-fiction of James Camerons film “Avatar” than any sort of science fact. But fact it seems to be, if work by David Johnson of the University of Aberdeen is anything to go by. For Dr Johnson believes he has shown that just such an internet, with fungal hyphae standing in for local Wi-Fi, alerts beanstalks to danger if one of their neighbors is attacked by aphids.The experiment which suggests this was following up the discovery, made in 2010 by a Chinese team, that when a tomato plant gets infected with leaf blight, nearby plants start activating genes that help ward the infection off even if all airflow between the plants in question has been eliminated. The researchers who conducted this study knew that soil fungi whose hyphae are symbiotic with tomatoes (providing them with minerals in exchange for food) also form a network connecting one plant to another. They speculated, though they could not prove, that molecules signaling danger were passing through this fungal network.Dr Johnson knew from his own past work that when broad-bean plants are attacked by aphids they respond with volatile chemicals that both irritate the parasites and attract aphid-hunting wasps. He did not know, though, whether the message could spread, tomato-like, from plant to plant. So he set out to find outand to do so in a way which would show if fungi were the messengers.As they report in Ecology letters, he and his colleagues set up eight “mesocosms”, each containing five beanstalks. The plants were allowed to grow for four months, and during this time every plant could interact with symbiotic fungi in the soil.Not all of the beanstalks, though, had the same relationship with the fungi. In each mesocosm, one plant was surrounded by a mesh penetrated by holes half a micron across. Gaps that size are too small for either roots or hyphae to penetrate, but they do permit the passage of water and dissolved chemicals. Two plants were surrounded with a 40-micron mesh. This can be penetrated by hyphae but not by roots. The two remaining plants, one of which was at the center of the array, were left to grow unimpeded.Five weeks after the experiment began, all the plants were covered by bags that allowed carbon dioxide, oxygen and water vapor in and out, but stopped the passage of larger molecules, of the sort a beanstalk might use for signaling. Then, four days from the end, one of the 40-micron meshes in each mesocosm was rotated to sever any hyphae that had penetrated it, and the central plant was then infested with aphids.At the end of the experiment Dr Johnson and his team collected the air inside the bags, extracted any volatile chemicals in it by absorbing them into a special porous polymer, and tested those chemicals on both aphids (using the winged, rather than the wingless morphs) and wasps. Each insect was placed for five minutes in an apparatus that had two chambers, one of which contained a sample of the volatiles and the other an odorless control.The researchers found, as they expected from their previous work, that when the volatiles came from an infested plant, wasps spent an average of 3 minutes in the chamber containing them and 1 in the other chamber. Aphids, conversely, spent 1 minutes in the volatiles chamber and 3 in the control. In other words, the volatiles from an infested plant attract wasps and repel aphids.Crucially, the team got the same result in the case of uninfected plants that had been in uninterrupted hyphae contact with the infested one, but had had root contact blocked. If both hyphae and roots had been blocked throughout the experiment, though, the volatiles from uninfected plants actually attracted aphids (they spent 3 minutes in the volatiles chamber), while the wasps were indifferent. The same pertained for the odor of uninfected plants whose hyphae connections had been allowed to develop, and then severed by the rotation of the mesh.Broad beans, then, really do seem to be using their fungal symbionts as a communications network, warning their neighbors to take evasive action. Such a general response no doubt helps the plant first attacked by attracting yet more wasps to the area, and it helps the fungal messengers by preserving their leguminous hosts.Plant-fungus symbiosis is a surprisingly underexplored area of biology. The limited data available suggest most plants go in for it in one form or another, but its role is only slowly being illuminated. Work like Dr Johnsons suggests this is a serious omission, not least for the understanding of how crops like beans actually grow. The underground world, though invisible to the human eye, should not for that reason be ignored or underestimated.文章大意:植物受到攻击时有可能会通过和其共生的fungi向其他同类发出报警信号。为了验证这一观点,Dr Johnson进行了分组实验,并验证了这一观点的正确性。Passage 4: Social Science (2), against Banks Labor Policy第一篇选自1865年4月Frederich Douglass的演讲“What the Black Man Wants”.第二篇选自1865年6月Richard H. Dana Jr.的演讲 “To Consider the Subject of Re-organization of the Rebel States.”What the Black Man WantsFrederick DouglassMr. President:I came here, as I come always to the meetings in New England, as a listener, and not as a speaker; and one of the reasons why I have not been more frequently to the meetings of this society, has been because of the disposition on the part of some of my friends to call me out upon the platform, even when they knew that there was some difference of opinion and of feeling between those who rightfully belong to this platform and myself; and for fear of being misconstrued, as desiring to interrupt or disturb the proceedings of these meetings, I have usually kept away, and have thus been deprived of that educating influence, which I am always free to confess is of the highest order, descending from this platform. I have felt, since I have lived out West, that in going there I parted from a great deal that was valuable; and I feel, every time I come to these meetings, that I have lost a great deal by making my home west of Boston, west of Massachusetts; for, if anywhere in the country there is to be found the highest sense of justice, or the truest demands for my race, I look for it in the East, I look for it here. The ablest discussions of the whole question of our rights occur here, and to be deprived of the privilege of listening to those discussions is a great deprivation.I do not know, from what has been said, that there is any difference of opinion as to the duty of abolitionists, at the present moment. How can we get up any difference at this point, or any point, where we are so united, so agreed? I went especially, however, with that word of Mr. Phillips, which is the criticism of Gen. Banks and Gen. Banks policy. I hold that that policy is our chief danger at the present moment; that it practically enslaves the Negro, and makes the Proclamation of 1863 a mockery and delusion. What is freedom? It is the right to choose ones own employment. Certainly it means that, if it means anything; and when any individual or combination of individuals undertakes to decide for any man when he shall work, where he shall work, at what he shall work, and for what he shall work, he or they practically reduce him to slavery. Applause. He is a slave. That I understand Gen. Banks to doto determine for the so-called freedman, when, and where, and at what, and for how much he shall work, when he shall be punished, and by whom punished. It is absolute slavery. It defeats the beneficent intention of the Government, if it has beneficent intentions, in regards to the freedom of our people.I have had but one idea for the last three years to present to the American people, and the phraseology in which I clothe it is the old abolition phraseology. I am for the “immediate, unconditional, and universal” enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. Loud applause. Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself.It may be objected, however, that this pressing of the Negros right to suffrage is premature. Let us have slavery abolished, it may be said, let us have labor organized, and then, in the natural course of events, the right of suffrage will be extended to the Negro. I do not agree with this. The constitution of the human mind is such, that if it once disregards the conviction forced upon it by a revelation of truth, it requires the exercise of a higher power to produce the same conviction afterwards. The American people are now in tears. The Shenandoah has run bloodthe best blood of the North. All around Richmond, the blood of New England and of the North has been shedof your sons, your brothers and your fathers. We all feel, in the existence of this Rebellion, that judgments terrible, wide-spread, far-reaching, overwhelming, are abroad in the land; and we feel, in view of these judgments, just now, a disposition to learn righteousness. This is the hour. Our streets are in mourning, tears are falling at every fireside, and under the chastisement of this Rebellion we have almost come up to the point of conceding this great, this all-important right of suffrage. I fear that if we fail to do it now, if abolitionists fail to press it now, we may not see, for centuries to come, the same disposition that exists at this moment.To Consider the Subject of Re-organization of the Rebel StatesMr. President, It was hoped by those who have summoned us together this morning, that a voice might go out from Faneuil Hall, to which the people of the United States would listen, as in times past.We deprecate, especially, anything like political agitation of the questions before us; but a calm consideration of them by the people, is a duty and a necessity. For, Mr. President and fellow- citizens, the questions pressing upon

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