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Module6 Unit1 Laughter is good for youWord study 单词学案姓名_ 班级_2013.10.30、预检导入 A. 准确朗读本单元词汇表中每一个单词和词组。B. 完成下列单词拼写:1. As the s goes, “No pains, no gains.”2. The students often t each other after class.3. We are a at his amusing stories.4. Chinese c is popular among the foreigners.5. There are a v of different styles of stand-up comedy.6. This is because laughter can (增强) your heart and the lungs.7. To lead a happy life, we should form a (积极的) attitude towards life.8. He received an (邀请) to an international conference.9. The paper in your hand appears (官样的)for it has a red title on the top.10. Last week, we went to the country for an outing (和一起) our parents.、建构应用 学习、探究本单元重点单词和词组的用法。1._单口喜剧;_喜剧; tragedy _; drama 正剧; opera 歌剧; stand-up comedian _;stand by 支持,站在旁边;stand up for _; in support of 支持;You must _. 你得维护你的权利。2. _ n. 舞台;_ 在舞台上; stage by stage _; at one stage _;The technology is still in its early stage, which appears immature. 该技术还处在早期阶段,显得不够成熟。3. tease _;_; laugh at/ make fun of/ play jokes on_; The kids often tease with each other. 孩子们常常互相取笑。4. variety _;_; various kinds of 多样的;various reasons_;various adj. _; a variety of _;The test is used to diagnose _. 此项化验可用于诊断多种疾病。5. affection n. _; show affection for _; have affection for 喜爱; have an effect on _; She had_ the place. 她逐渐对这个地方钟爱有加。6. come up with _; come down with _; come across _; come up _;_; come out _;_; How come !_;When it comes to_; come about _;Can you tell me how the accident_ yesterday?After the cold rain, many people _ flu.7. amuse v. _; adj. _ _; n._.amuse sb 逗某人开心;_ 开心地做某事; be amused at/by/with sth. _; to ones amusement _;The gentle mother tries her best to keep her kid _. 妈妈尽力使他的孩子开心。8. pass away _; pass by 经过; pass sth. on to sb. _;_; pass down_; pass down from generation to generation _;The old man _ all of a sudden last year.老人突然去世。9. strengthen vt./vi. _;_; adj. _; n. _; shorten 使变短; broaden _; weaken _; worsen _; lengthen _; enlarge_;This is because laughter_ the heart and the lungs. 笑可以增强心肺功能。It is necessary_our competitive ability. 增强我们的竞争能力是有必要的。10. participate vi. _; participation n. _; participant n. _. participate in = take part in参与笑的肌肉会变得很活跃。The muscles which_ the laugh will become very active. = The muscles _ the laugh will become very active.11. guarantee vt. _; guarantee sth. _; guarantee to do sth. _; guarantee n. _; 我保证那是真的,我亲眼看见的。 _. The TV set has a years guarantee. 这台电视机有一年的_。我保证再也不迟到。 _.12. take on _;_;_;take sth. away _; take down _;_; take up _;_; take back _; take in _;_;_; take off _;_;_; take over _; take place _; take ones place _; take after _;日落时那座山呈现出金黄色。 The big mountain_ a golden color at sunset.我姐姐被一家研究所聘为实验室助理。 My sister was _ as a laboratory assistant in a nearby institute.He told us that he was happy to _ new foreign students. 他说他乐于招收外国学生。13. polish vt. _;_;_; polish up 擦亮;演讲者花了几天的时间修改他的文章。The speaker spent several days _ his article.为了提高我的英语,我每天花2个小时读英语。_ my English, I spend two hours reading English every day.14. invisible adj. _; be invisible to sb. _; visual_; vision n._; visible adj._;_ from the road because of the tall trees surrounding it. 这个房子是看不见的因为周围的树木。15. setting n. _; set v. _; _; I forgot to _ and I overslept. 我忘了定闹钟,结果睡过了头。The windows were shining in the reflected rays of_. 窗户上闪耀着落日的余晖。Setting up this business was a little risky. _这样的公司有点冒险。be set in sp._;The story is set in the eighteenth century in Britain. 这个故事以十八世纪的英国为背景。16. make room for _;make way for _;give way to_;The bus driver said, “Move down inside, please! _.” 请往里走,给其他的人让点地方!make up_;_;_; make a difference_;make sense_; make out_;make it_;It was difficult to_the managers handwriting. 经理的字迹很难辨认。17. crowded adj. _; be crowded with=be packed with _; a crowded schedule _; crowd into _; push ones way through the crowd _;a crowd of _;It got_, so I moved the bench. 刚才太拥挤了, 所以我将长凳抽走了。18. tear v. _; _; 音标 /_/; n. 眼泪 音标 /_/;tear the paper in two _; tear sth. into pieces _; tear sth. open _; tear sth. down _; tear sth. up _; tear sb. away from _; be torn out _; burst into tears = burst out crying _;fight back tears _; move sb. to tears _;I_ after many experiments. 做过很多实验后,我很累。19. burst v. _;_; burst in 突然冲入; burst open (门)_;burst into flames _; burst out doing =burst into sth. _;burst out laughing = burst into laughter _;Servant _, next to Queen, empty-handed, shrugs shoulders. 仆人冲进来,来到王后身后,两手空空,耸了耸肩。The door of the reading room _, which surprised all the readers. 阅览室的门突然打开,所有的读者大吃一惊。20. dash vi. _;dash into sp. _; dash out (of) sp. _;The servant _ and then comes back with something behind his back.21. hold out _; hold back _;_; hold on 坚持;_; hold up _; hold on to sth. _; catch hold of _; Do you think the room can hold so many people? 你认为这个房间能_这么多人吗?Now the servant _a roll of toilet paper. 仆人递上一卷卫生纸。、检测提炼一、完成下列句子:1. She was very angry and she_ the letter _ _. 她很生气,把信撕成碎片。2. Some comedians may _ _ chairs in order to make people laugh. 一些喜剧演员可能会绊倒在椅子上,为了使人们大笑。3. The audience must _ _ _ the stand-up comedians. 观众们一定很喜爱单口喜剧演员们。4. Please mover over to _ _ _ the other students. 请挪过去一点给其他学生让出空间。5. He _ _ the key, saying that I could use his car. 他递给我钥匙,说我可以使用他的车。6. She _ _ _ a new idea for increasing the sales. 她相出一个新的主意为了提高销售。7. Yesterday a stranger _ _, interrupting our meeting. 一个陌生人突然闯入,打断了我们的会议。8. Many people would love to come here to _ _ their language skills.许多人都爱来这里提高他们的语言技能。二、词组1. 支持,维护_ 16. 多种多样(词组)_2. 绊倒_ 17. 在舞台上_3. 拿开玩笑_ 18. 参加,参与_4. 喜爱_19. 患病_5. 想出_20. 无声电影_6. 去世_21. 深呼吸的_7. 驱赶_23. 增强肌肉力量_8. 接纳_24. 挤满了_9. make room for_25. 相貌像某人_10. tear sth. in two_26. burst in_11. burst in_27. as the saying goes_12. glare at_28. technical problems_13. hold out_29. hold back _14. toilet paper_30. make it_15. hold on_Word study 单词学案 答案、预检导入 A. 准确朗读本单元词汇表中每一个单词和词组。B. 完成下列单词拼写:1. As the saying goes, “No pains, no gains.”2. The students often tease each other after class.3. We are amused at his amusing stories.4. Chinese crosstalk is popular among the foreigners.5. There are a variety of different styles of stand-up comedy.6. This is because laughter can strengthen (增强) your heart and the lungs.7. To lead a happy life, we should form a positive (积极的) attitude towards life.8. He received an invitation (邀请) to an international conference.9. The paper in your hand appears official-looking (官样的)for it has a red title and a seal(封蜡) at the bottom.10. Last week, we went to the country for an outing alongside (和一起) our parents.、建构应用 学习、探究本单元重点单词和词组的用法。1._stand-up_单口喜剧;_comedy 喜剧; tragedy _悲剧_; drama 正剧; opera 歌剧; stand-up comedian _单口喜剧演员_;stand by 支持;站在旁边;stand up for _维护,支持_; in support of 支持;You must stand up for your rights_. 你得维护你的权利。2. _stage_ n. 舞台;_on a/the stage , on stages_ 在舞台上; stage by stage _逐步地_; at one stage _有一段时期_;The technology is still in its early stage, which appears immature. 该技术还处在早期阶段,显得不够成熟。3. tease 取笑_;_戏弄_; laugh at/ make fun of/ play jokes on_取笑,开玩笑_; The kids often tease with each other. 孩子们常常互相取笑。4. variety _不同种类_;_多种样式_;various kinds of 多样的;various reasons 多种原因;various adj. _多种多样的_; a variety of _多样的_;The test is used to diagnose _a variety of diseases _. 此项化验可用于诊断多种疾病。5. affection n. _喜爱,钟爱_; show affection for _喜爱_; have affection for 喜爱; have an effect on _对有影响_; She had_affection for _ the place. 她逐渐对这个地方钟爱有加。6. come up with _想出_; come down with _患病_; come across _偶然碰到_; come up _被讨论_;_长出地面_; come out _开花_;_出版,发行_; How come! _怎么会_;When it comes to_当谈到_;come about _发生;Can you tell me how the accident_came about _ yesterday?After the cold rain, many people _come down with _ flu.7. amuse v. _使开心_; adj. _amusing ;amused_; n._amusement_.amuse sb 逗某人开心;_be amused to do _ 开心地做某事; be amused at/by/with sth. _被某物逗笑_; to ones amusement _令人愉快的是_;The gentle mother tries her best to keep her kid _amused_. 妈妈尽力使他的孩子开心。8. pass away _去世_; pass by 经过; pass sth. on to sb. _传递_;_转交_; pass down_传递,流传_; pass down from generation to generation_代代相传_;The old man _passed away_ all of a sudden last year.老人突然去世。9. strengthen vt./vi. _增强;巩固_; adj. strong _; n. _strength_; shorten 使变短; broaden _加宽_; weaken _使变弱_; worsen _使恶化_; lengthen _加长_; enlarge_扩大_;This is because laughter_can strengthen_ the heart and the lungs. 笑可以增强心肺功能。It is necessary_to strengthen_our competitive ability. 增强我们的竞争能力是有必要的。10. participate vi. _参加; participation n. _参加_; participant n. 参与者_. participate in = take part in参与笑的肌肉会变得很活跃。The muscles which_participate in_ the laugh will become very active. = The muscles participating in /taking part in the laugh will become very active.11. guarantee vt. _保证_; guarantee sth. _确保某物_; guarantee to do sth. _保证做某事_; guarantee n. _保证,保证书_; 我保证那是真的,我亲眼看见的。 _ I can guarantee its trueI saw it myself._. The TV set has a years guarantee. 这台电视机有一年的_保修期_。我保证再也不迟到。 _ I guarantee never to be late again._.12. take on _承担;_雇佣_;_呈现_;take sth. away _把拿走_; take down _写下_;_拆毁_; take up 占据时间、空间;从事;take back _取回,收回_; take in 吸收;理解;欺骗 take off 脱掉;起飞;事业成功_; take over _接管; take place _发生_; take ones place 取代_; take after 长相、性格像某人_;日落时那座山呈现出金黄色。 The big mountain_takes on_ a golden color at sunset.我姐姐被一家研究所聘为实验室助理。 My sister was _taken on_ as a laboratory assistant in a nearby institute.He told us that he was happy to take on new foreign students. 他说他乐于招收外国学生。13. polish vt. _润色;_提高;_修改_; polish up 擦亮;演讲者花了几天的时间修改他的演讲稿。The speaker spent several days _polishing up_ her lecture.为了提高我的英语,我每天花2个小时读英语。_To polish up_ my English, I spend two hours reading English every day.14. invisible adj. _看不见的_; be invisible to sb. _对某人而言是看不见的_; visual _视觉的_; vision n._视力_; visible adj._可见的_;_The house is invisible _ from the road because of the tall trees surrounding it. 这个房子是看不见的因为周围的树木。15. setting n. _背景_; set v. _设置; 建立;落山_; I forgot to _set the alarm clock _ and I overslept. 我忘了定闹钟,结果睡过了头。The windows were shining in the reflected rays of_the setting sun_. 窗户上闪耀着落日的余晖。Setting up this business was a little risky. 创办_这样的公司有点冒险。be set in sp._以为背景_;The story is set in the eighteenth century in Britain. 这个故事以十八世纪的英国为背景。16. make room for _给腾出空间_;make way for 让路_; give way to_让路_;The bus driver said, “Move down inside, please! _Make room for others_.” 请往里走,给其他的人让点地方!make up_编造_;_组成_;_弥补_; make a difference_产生影响_;make sense_有道理,有意义_; make out_辨认_;make it_成功_;It was difficult to_make out_the managers handwriting. 经理的字迹很难辨认。17. crowded adj. _拥挤的_; be crowded with=be packed with _挤满了_; a crowded schedule _一张排的满满的日程表_; crowd into _挤进_; push ones way through the crowd _在人群中向前挤_;a crowd of _一群_;It got_too crowded_, so I moved the bench. 刚才太拥挤了, 所以我将长凳抽走了。18. tear v. 撕,扯_; _夺走_; 音标 /_te_/; n. 眼泪 音标 /_ ti _/;tear the paper in two _把某物撕成两半_; tear sth. into pieces _撕成碎片_; tear sth. open _撕开_; tear sth. down _拆毁_; tear sth. up _撕毁合同_; tear sb. away from. 强行拉开某人_; be torn out _筋疲力尽_; burst into tears = burst out crying _突然哭起来_;fight back tears _强忍着泪水_; move sb. to tears _使某人感动得落泪_;I_was torn out_ after many experiments. 做过很多实验后,我很累。19. burst v. _ burst _;_ burst _; burst in 突然冲入; burst open (门)_打开_;burst into flames _突然着火_; burst out doing =burst into sth. _突然地做某事_;burst out laughing=burst into laughter 突然笑起来;Servant _bursts in_, next to Queen, empty-handed, shrugs shoulders. 仆人冲上舞台,来到王后身边,两手空空,耸了耸肩。The door of the reading room _burst in_, which surprised all the readers. 阅览室的门突然打开,所有的读者大吃一惊。20. dash vi. _疾奔,猛冲_;dash into sp. _冲进_; dash out (of) sp. _冲出某地;The servant _dashes out _ and then comes back with something behind his back.21. hold out _递出;拿出;伸出; hold back 阻止;抑制; hold on 坚持;_稍等,别挂电话_; hold up _耽搁_; hold on to sth. _坚持,紧紧抓住_; catch hold of _抓住_; Do you think the room can hold so many people? 你认为这个房间能_容纳 这么多人吗?Now the servant _holds out_a roll of toilet paper. 仆人递上一卷卫生纸。、检测提炼一、完成下列句子:1. She was very angry and she_tore _ the letter _into_ _pieces. 她很生气,把信撕成碎片。2. Some comedians may _trip _ _over_ chairs in order to make people laugh. 一些喜剧演员可能会绊倒在椅子上,为了使人们大笑。3. The audience must _have affection for _ the stand-up comedians. 观众们一定很喜爱单口喜剧演员们。4. Please mover over to _make room for_ the other students. 请挪过去一点给其他学生让出空间。5. He _held out _ the key, saying that I could use his car. 他递给我钥匙,说我可以使用他的车。6. She _came up with a new idea for increasing the sales. 她相出一个新的主意为了提高销售。7. Yesterday a stranger _burst in_, interrupting our meeting. 一个陌生人突然闯入,打断了我们的会议。8. Many people would love to come here to polish up _ their language skills. 许多人都爱来这里提高他们的语言技能。二、词组16. 支持,维护_stand up for_ 16. 多种多样(词组)a variety of/various kinds of17. 绊倒_trip over_ 17. 在舞台上_on a/the stage_18. 拿开玩笑_make fun of_ 18. 参加,参与_participate in_19. 喜爱_have affection for_19. 患病_come down with_20. 想出_come up with_20. 无声电影_silent film_21. 去世_pass away_21. 深呼吸的_deep-breathing_22. 驱赶_drive away_23. 增强肌肉力量_strengthen the muscles_23. 接纳_take on_24. 挤满了_be crowded with _24. make room for_为腾出地方25. 相貌像某人_take after _25. tear sth. in two_把撕成两半_26. burst in_突然闯入_26. burst in_突然闯入_27. as the saying goes_俗话说,常言道27. glare at_对怒目而视_28. technical problems_技术问题_28. hold out_递出,拿出_29. hold back _阻止;抑制_29. toilet paper_手纸_30. make it_成功_30. hold on_稍等;坚持_


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