










9、2019 宜宾 中考英语语法 介词和介词短语讲与练 专题七 介词和介词短语 真 题 试 做 C 1 xx安徽中考 Our class are much sure to win the basketball game Class Three A of B in C against D from A 2 xx北京中考 Ha。

10、专题二 代词和数词 真 题 试 做 B 1 xx扬州中考 Who is the lady in red Miss Gao She teaches English A we B us C our D ours A 2 xx乐山中考改编 The sunglasses on your desk are nice Are they Yes I got them。

11、专题十 复合句 真 题 试 做 A 1 xx宜宾中考改编 Thats the boy won the first prize in the petition yesterday A who B which C whom D where B 2 xx宜宾中考改编 Do you know A how old is he B how old he is C h。

12、专题八 连词 真 题 试 做 A 1 xx潍坊中考 You will miss the flight you catch a Didi car A even if B as if C until D before A 2 xx安徽中考 Will you go to the picnic this Saturday Id like to Ill have to he。

13、专题五 动词的时态和语态 真 题 试 做 C 1 xx宜宾中考改编 I cant find Jimmy Where is he He in the garden at the moment A works B will work C is working D was working C 2 xx安徽中考 The weatherman says a。

14、2019 宜宾 中考英语语法 冠词和名词 专题一 冠词和名词 真 题 试 做 C 1 xx乌鲁木齐中考 Steve lives in European country and he teaches in university there A an a B an the C a a D a an B 2 xx黔东南中考 Jane。

15、2019 宜宾 中考英语语法 情景交际讲与练 专题十二 情景交际 题 型 特 点 情景交际是中考的高频考点之一 近年来 全国大部分省 市越来越注重对情景交际的考查 侧重对情景对话能力的测试 考查学生在特定的对话情景中运。

16、2019 宜宾 中考英语语法 主谓一致讲与练 专题十一 主谓一致 真 题 试 做 B 1 xx宜宾中考改编 Two months a long time We can visit our grandparents during the vacation A am B is C are D were B 2 江西中考 The。

17、2019 宜宾 中考英语语法 形容词和副词讲与练 专题三 形容词和副词 真 题 试 做 A 1 xx伊春中考改编 We are about the news that Beijing will hold the Winter Olympics in 2022 A excited exciting B exciting exci。

18、2019 宜宾 中考英语语法 非谓语动词和情态动词讲与练 专题六 非谓语动词和情态动词 真 题 试 做 C 1 xx宜宾中考改编 Mr Green be at home now He went abroad on vacation last Friday A neednt B mustnt C cant D s。

标签 > 语法专题突破篇[编号:231676]

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