
2019-2020年高中语文《作为生物的社会》教案1 新人教必修5 作为生物的社会 教学目标 一、知识教育目标 1.引导学生了解作者的主要观点。2019-2020年高中语文《归去来兮辞(并序)》教案4 新人教必修5 师。


1、111Period 6Language FocusingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis is the sixth period of this unit.In this unit, we will mainly deal with the language points in the material that we have learnt, including some words, phrases and sentence patterns.Because we have talked about, read and to the material, and the students are already familiar with them.The aims of this class are to let the students know the usage of these words, phrases and sentence patterns; help the students to use them corr。

2、111Period 4Reading and WritingThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period the teaching and learning will center on reading and writing.As usual, the teacher can begin the teaching with reviewing the former knowledge.The following part is the lead-intalking about some scientists, because this unit talks about great scientists and this passage is about Nicolaus Copernicus and his theory.As to reading training, the teacher should still develop the students ability of scanning and sk。

3、111Period 3Reading and WritingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period lays emphasis on extensive reading and writing.At first the teacher will check the students homework, by asking some individual students to read out their summaries of the reading passage “Puzzles in Geography”.Then the teacher will ask the students some detailed questions based on the reading passage.This step has two goals.One is to help the students to consolidate what they have learnt during the last period.The。

4、111Period 2ReadingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis is the second period of this unit.This period focuses on the reading passage, which is about John Snow and King Cholera.At the beginning of the period, the teacher can design some activities to draw the students attention to read.In order to attract the students attention, the teacher had better offer the students the opportunities to have a competition about some information about some scientists mentioned in the Warming up.Then th。

5、111Period 7AssessmentSelf-assessment 1.I have finished learning this unit and now I feel I am __________ of most of the contents learned in this unit?A.slightly confidentB.confidentC.quite confidentD.very confident2.In this unit I have learned the followingverbs: _____________________________________________________________________nouns: _____________________________________________________________________adjectives: _________________________________________________。

6、111Period 6Reading and WritingThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period, teacher will help to train the students integrating skills, including reading, listening and speaking and writing skills.Almost all the activities in this period are based on the story of Guy Fawkes planning to replace the then government.In the Reading part, the students should first learn about the story and the origin of the celebration.Then they will talk about the three main characters in the story.Th。

7、111Period 3Listening and SpeakingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis is the third period of this unit. At the beginning of this period, the teacher should (can) design some exercises to review what the students learned in the last period, that is to say, go over what the students learned about that John Snow defeats“King Cholera”. The teacher can begin with asking some questions or having a competition to make some sentences with“John Snow”according to the passage. During this period,。

8、111Unit 2The United KingdomBrief Statements Based on This UnitThis unit centers on the United Kingdom, including its geography, especially the historical influence on geography, historical attractions and traditional festivals.The students should be encouraged to practice talking about countries.The whole unit can be divided into seven parts: warming up, reading, listening and speaking, language focusing, reading and writing, grammar, and assessment.In Warming up, there is a quiz。

9、111Period 7AssessmentSelf-assessment1.I have finished learning this unit and now I feel I am__________of most of the contents learned in this unit?A.slightly confidentB.confidentC.quite confidentD.very confident2.In this unit I have learned the followingverbs: ____________________________________________________________nouns: ____________________________________________________________adjectives: __________________________________________________adverbs: ______。

10、111Period 5 GrammarThe General Idea of This PeriodThis is the fifth period, which will center on the grammar: using the past participle as the attribute and the predicative.At the beginning of this period, the teacher should give the students some time to go over what they learned in the last period.Later the teacher had better present some sentences containing the past participle used as the attribute and the predicative on purpose by asking the students to do some exercises.Get the s。

11、111Period 4Language FocusingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period mainly deals with the important language points that appear in the Reading passages.But first, the teacher should check how well the students understood the passage by asking some detailed questions based on the passage.While doing this, students should keep their textbooks closed.Then the teacher will check the students homework of filling some words in a short passage.Then the teacher will deal with the importan。

12、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 reading教案 新人教必修5 Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 occupation, photograph, photographer, colleague, eager, concentrate, course, acq。

13、2019-2020年高中语文 13.中国建筑的特征课后巩固 新人教必修5 1.下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项是( ) A.帷幕(wi) 屋脊(j) 翘起(qio) 翘首以盼(qio) B.埋怨(mn) 接榫(shn) 厦门。

14、2019-2020年高中语文 16.宇宙的未来课后巩固 新人教必修5 1.下列各组词语中加点字的注音无误的一项是( ) A.混沌(hn dn) 尴尬(gn g) 臭名昭著(zho) B.诘问(ji) 坍缩(tn) 迄。

15、2019-2020年高中语文 12.谈中国诗课后巩固 新人教必修5 1.下列各组词语中加点的字注音完全正确的一组是( ) A.羡妒(xin) 嫉恨(j) 会稽(hu) 精髓(su) B.颦蹙(c) 内疚(ji) 皮夹(ji。

16、2019-2020年高中语文 8.陈情表课后巩固 新人教必修5 1.下列各组词语中加点字的注音正确的一项是( ) A.夙愿(s) 险衅(xn) 祚薄(zu) 猥以微贱() B.闵凶(mn) 陨首(yn) 日笃(d。

17、2019-2020年高中语文 14.作为生物的社会课后巩固 新人教必修5 1.下列加点字的读音全都相同的一项是( ) A.鲱鱼 斐然 柴扉 诽谤 B.梗节 鲠直 哽咽 田埂 C.模型 摸索 摩崖 磨房 D.蹩脚 隐蔽。

18、2019-2020年高中语文 7.逍遥游课后巩固 新人教必修5 1.下列各组词语中加点字的注音全都正确的一项是( ) A.晦朔(shu) 北冥(mn) 舂米(chn) 蟪蛄() B.数数(shu) 鲲鹏(kn)。

19、2019-2020年高中语文 11.说“木叶”课后巩固 新人教必修5 1.下列词语中,加点字的注音全部正确的一项是( ) A.征戍(sh) 橘颂(j) 招徕(li) 萧萧落木(s) B.涔阳(cn) 无妨(fn)。

20、2019-2020年高中语文 2.装在套子里的人课后巩固 新人教必修5 1.下列词语中加点字的注音全部正确的一组是( ) A.契诃夫(k) 辖制(xi) 祈祷(q) B.削铅笔(xio) 怂恿(sn) 降。

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