
Unit 12 What did you do last weekend。湖泊 3. beach n. 海滩。沙滩 4. sheep n. 羊。Unit 9。How was your weekend。the Past Tense。


1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,Part I Words Part II Phrases Part III Sentences,Part I Words,1. camp v. 扎营;搭帐篷 2. lake n. 湖;湖泊 3. beach n. 海滩;沙滩 4. sheep n. 羊;绵羊 5. as prep. 作为;当作 6. natural adj. 自然的,7. visitor n. 游客;访问者 8. tired adj. 疲倦的;疲劳的 9. stay v. 停留;待 10. away adv. 离开;远离 11. mouse n. 老鼠;耗子 12. baby adj. 幼小的 n. 婴儿,13. shout v. 呼叫;喊叫 14. language n. 语言 15. fly v. 飞 16. kite n. 风筝 17. high adj. & adv. 高的(地) 18. a。

2、Unit 9,How was your weekend?,Learning Aims:,1.Recite the key phrases. 2.The differences between“the Present Tense“ and “the Past Tense“.,Match the activities with the pictures,1,2,3,4,5,6,goes/-z /,practices /-iz /,visits /-ts /,studies /-z /,stays /-z /,does,went,practiced/-t /,visited/-id /,studied/-d /,stayed /-d /,did,看图片回答问题,What does she/he usually do on weekends?,He usually goes to the beach on weekends.,She usually does some reading on weekends.,She usually visits gra。

3、Module3Makingplans 根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1 Manychildrenthinkhousework 家务劳动 isveryboring 2 It sreallysilly 愚蠢的 tolistentomusicinclass 3 Ialwayshavenothing 没有东西 forbreakfasttogotoschool。

4、 haveapianolesson 上钢琴课 Leadin checkemails 查看电子邮件 doherhomework 做作业 reviseforhertest 复习功课 getup起床 haveapicnic 野餐 stayinbed 待在床上 buysomeclothes 买衣服 haveaparty 举行聚会 Lookatthepictures saythephrasesquickly。

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