
He is special. He is blind.。a TV show。There is a。Book 9 Module 8 Unit 1 They sit around tables.。Its about ___________. A. school life B. a birthday party。


1、Revision,cat dog lunch phone football peach,New words end panda pear fun fly river,exercise,钟 田地 child lunch 足球 ph ne(手机) p ach(桃子) beau _ ful 漂亮的,o,e,clock,field,小孩,。

2、,This dog can help him.,Module 7 Unit 1,blind,盲的,deaf,聋的,blaind,def,dumb,哑的,dm,deaf,def,聋的,What can he do?,He is special. He is blind.,special,特别的,spel,Magic Eyes,a TV show,show,表演,u,There is a 。

3、Book 9 Module 8 Unit 1 They sit around tables.,Task : listen and choose,Whats the letter about? Its about _. A. school life B. a birthday party,Task : read and find these phrases(短语),s。

4、Book 9 Module 7,Unit 2 It could hear the people.,police dog,fire dog,hospital dog,Watch a video!,There was a _.,A.,B.,C.,Choose the answer!,police dog,fire dog,hospital dog,fireman,firemen,firewom。

5、Module 6 Unit 1,You can play basketball well.,听动词词组做动作:,scare the people;,swim;,have lunch,drink water;,go home;,play with toys,看动词词组做动作:,run fast; jump high; jump far; take photos; play the flute; r。

6、Module 6 Unit 2,They got fifty points.,新标准英语一年级起点第九册,50,说出下列动词的过去式。,go,come,see,eat,-,-,-,-,went,came,saw,ate,wear,-,wore,have,-,had,take,-,took,buy,-,bought,说出下列动词过去式,went,go,Look and say,ea。

7、说一说,填一填。 1 2 4 3 This bag is_. This is_book. This coat is_. This hat is_. mine her his yours 物主代词 形容词性 :(必须加名词 ) 名词性 :(不可以加名词 ) 1.我的 my mine 2.你的 your 。

8、新标准 小学英语五年级 Unit6 You can play basketball well. 授课教师 王步进 What can you see? Bird, bird, what can you do? I can fly. I can fly. Fish, fish, what can you do? I can swim. I can swim. Dog, dog, wh。

9、This dog can help him. Module 7 Unit 1 如果方框圈中的是词,就 快速说词并做动作 , 如果圈中 “ 手 ” ,就鼓掌。若圈中 “ 脚 ” ,就跺脚。 ride a bike run fly swim jump sing a song read a book play basketball can是一个情态动词,表示一个人 具备的能力,意为 “ 能、会、可以。

10、MODULE7 Unit1 This dog can help him warm-up Listen to a music Greeting Good morning, everyone! review 35 thirty-five 19 nineteen 60 sixty 200 two hundred 24 twenty-four New words Module7 blind 盲的 sp。

11、 This panda can ride a bike. This bird cant sing well. This monkey cant play basketball. This elephant can play football. This snake can dance well. This dog cant read. 听录音,在课本中圈出 could和 couldn。

12、They sit around tables Module 8 Unit 1 In China, we start school at eight oclock. In England, they start school at nine oclock. at four oclock. In China,we finish school In England, they finish school。

13、Module9 Unit1 Are you sad? happy hpi 开心的 He is happy. He is angry. 愤怒的 angry ri 生气的 sad sd 伤心的 He is sad. He is bored. bored b:d 无聊的 surprise 惊讶的 spraiz She is surprised. Amy is going to make a su。

14、Module 9 Unit 1 Are you sad ? 1 Its 1.Yesterday I won the game. Im_. 2.I lost my favourite toy. Im _. 3.Can we play a game ? Im _. 4.You didnt finish your homework. I m _. 5.I played。

15、Sing a song 如果方框圈中的是词,就 快速说词并做动作 , 如果圈中 “ 手 ” ,就鼓掌。若圈中 “ 脚 ” ,就跺脚。 ride a bike run fly swim jump sing a song read a book play basketball Guessing game panda elephant bird monkey snake cat dog Unit1 M。

16、If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 名言积累 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? Module 5 Unit 2 Amys blue dress is wet . Amys blue dress is wet . Linglings favourite skirt is dirty . Sams shoes are wet and dirty . How i。

17、 如果方框圈中的是词,就 快速说词并做动作 , 如果圈中 “ 手 ” ,就鼓掌。若圈中 “ 脚 ” ,就跺脚。 ride a bike run fly swim jump sing a song read a book play basketball listen Look and guess There is a TV show about ? dogs. Is this man 。

18、 can是一个情态动词,表示一个人 具备的能力,意为 “ 能、会、可 以 ” 。 后面要用动词原形 do,没有人称和 数的变化。 否定形式 cant 过去形式 could 一般疑问句,把 can提前即可。 Can he run fast? Yes, he can. No, he cant. Can he jump high? Yes, he can. Can she catch 。

19、新标准英语一年级起点第九册 Module 6 Unit 2 They got fifty points. thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 19 twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eight。

20、Module 9 Unit 1 Are you sad? Can you play very well, very well,very well? Can you play very well,or not at all? I can jump high in the air, in the air,in the air. I can jump high in the air.Im very ta。

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