外研版(一起)五上Module 6《Unit 2 They got seventy points》ppt课件1.ppt

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Module 6 Unit 2,They got fifty points.,新标准英语一年级起点第九册,50,说出下列动词的过去式。,go,come,see,eat,-,-,-,-,went,came,saw,ate,wear,-,wore,have,-,had,take,-,took,buy,-,bought,说出下列动词过去式,went,go,Look and say,eat,ate,Look and say,see,saw,Look and say,buy,bought,take,Look and say,took,Look and say,come,came,Look and say,make,made,What did Daming do yesterday?,50,36,17,13,20,How many points did they get?,play get win are,played,_,_,_,_,got,won,were,Come on ! Boys and girls! I believe you !,得到,获得,赢,8:00,根据图片补全句子。,1.she _ _ at 8:00 yesterday. 2.I _ _ _ every day. 3.Yesterday,our team_. We _very happy.,got up,play the flute,won,were,1.Where did Sam, Amy and Lingling go yesterday ? They went to the park.,2.How many points did Sam get ? Sam got 17 points.,3.How many points did Amy get?,Amy got 13 points.,went,thirteen,13,fourteen,14,fifteen,15,sixteen,16,seventeen,17,eighteen,18,nineteen,19,以teen 结尾。,twenty,20,thirty,30,forty,40,fifty,50,sixty,60,seventy,70,eighty,80,ninety,90, 以ty 结尾。,thirty,-,six,36,50,49,fifty,forty-nine,Lets bounce the ball.,She got eighteen points.,He got thirty-three points.,She got forty-five points.,She got fifty-six points.,She got seventy points.,won,happy,Yesterday, . ,Beijing,Chinese team and English team played basketball in Beijing.,我是小小解说员,won,happy,我是小小解说员,Homework,1.背诵本节课的单词和课文. 2.写一篇小作文介绍一场体育比赛. (50词左右) 3课堂活动用书 、资源与评价的 Module 6 Unit2.,Thank you and see you!,play well,won,happy,Chinese team,German team,won,happy,got,in Beijing,played well,59 55,我是小小解说员,Lets say!,Chinese team and English team _ _in Beijing. YaoMing played well. He got _ .(25) YiJianlian played well,too. He_. (9) Chinese team _ (59). English team _(55). Chinese team _. They _ _.,played,basketball,won,were,twenty-five points,got nine points,got fifty-nine points,got fifty-five points,very happy,won,happy,in Beijing,我是小小解说员,How many points did they get?,在一张九宫格填上11到50之间的任意数字,不许重复。老师会读出一列数字。如果你们有和老师一样的数字就把它圈上,当你圈出的数字连成一条直线时,横行、竖行或者斜着三个成一行,就获胜,喊ingo,并读出数字,获得加分。,Bingo,谁来比划,谁来猜。,游戏规则:每队各派两名同学到前面,一名同学根据老师所给图片来表演,另一名同学来猜短语,看哪队在40秒内猜到的短语最多,哪队获胜。,我是小小解说员,Sams team played 50 the other team 36 Sam 17 Amy 13 Lingling 20 won happy,附加题:,What can you do well? What cant you do well ?,Sam 17 Amy 13 Lingling 20 won,Sams team 50 : 36,were on the first floor,were on the second floor,was on the second floor,Lets write!,Chinese team and German team _ _ in BeijingWukesong Sports Center._played well.Chinese team got_ points. German team got _points. Chinese team _. They were very _.,played,basketball,YaoMing(YiJianlian/ Sunyue),fifty-nine,fifty-five,won,happy,50 36 17 13 20,Can you hear?,25,30,13,32,40,37,11,49,36,41,18,22,37,26,33,52,60,81,85,64,72,86,98,56,55,67,80,70,66,79,CD / city,supermarket / hamburger,were / was,floor / farm,CD / city,supermarket / hamburger,were / was,floor / farm,Where there is a will , there is a way.,Homework: recite the text. 背诵课文,并展开想象围绕本节课内容做对话!,Come on ! Boys and girls! I believe you !,起床啦!,Are you ready?,go,went,He got thirty-three points.,Look and say,play,played,get,Look and say,got,Look and say,win,won,Look and say,are,were,play get win are,你知道他们的过去式吗?,played,_,_,_,_,got,won,were,


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