
Unit 1 There are enough.。There are enough. 够.。There are four children。Module 4 Possessions Unit 1 Its mine. 外研版五年级上册英语 Can you read them。


1、Module 5,Unit 1 There are enough.,外研版五年级上册英语,Are there enough? 够吗?,There are 37 children in our classroom.,There arent enough. 不够.,There are enough. 够.,There are four pencils.,There are four children。

2、New Standard English,(三年级起第五册),Module 3 At the weekend,Unit 1 We visited lots of places.,找朋友,go come have buy meet run,had met went ran came bought,Big Ben,Tower Bridge,listen and answer,1.Ho。

3、Its mine! Module 4 Unit 1 my+名词 =mine your+名词 =yours Its her+名词 =hers his+名词 =his mine yours hers his It isnt . hat his It isnt . coat hers Its . plane his Its . dog hers Lets sing. Dont argue, Wh。

4、Module 4 Possessions Unit 1 Its mine. 外研版五年级上册英语 Can you read them ? 你能读出这些词吗? mine 我的 yours 你的, 你们的 argue 争吵 matter 麻烦事,困难 wear 穿 hers 她的 his 他的 line 绳子 clean 干净的 whose 谁的 Do you know t。

5、Module 4 Possessions Unit 2 This bag is hers. Do you know them sweater Tshirt bag cap dress shirt Can you read them 你能读出。

标签 > 外研版英语五上Module[编号:1928840]

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